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Focus on the Family Broadcast

Focus on the Family Broadcast

Become a champion for your family in the time it takes to enjoy a cup of coffee! Every episode of the Focus on the Family Christian podcast helps you confidently guide your loved ones through the unique challenges faced by today?s Christian families. With over 40 years of trusted, compassionate stories of redemption, hosts Jim Daly and John Fuller connect you to biblically sound marriage and parenting help that is relatable, practical, and interesting. Listen/Learn/Apply/ThriveInChrist!


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Helping Your Child Develop Resilience (Part 2 of 2)

Dr. Kathy Koch explores the importance of resilience in our lives and how we can nurture that trait in our children. As a parent, you are the key to your child?s resilience! Through intentional modeling, ongoing conversation and observation, and encouragement, you can help them learn to bounce back from struggles, get unstuck, and move forward with courage and confidence. (Part 2 of 2)


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Helping Your Child Develop Resilience (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. Kathy Koch explores the importance of resilience in our lives and how we can nurture that trait in our children. As a parent, you are the key to your child?s resilience! Through intentional modeling, ongoing conversation and observation, and encouragement, you can help them learn to bounce back from struggles, get unstuck, and move forward with courage and confidence. (Part 1 of 2)


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Engaging Hearts and Minds in a Broken Culture

Bible teacher Ray Vander Laan inspires listeners to share the Gospel with boldness and conviction as he examines how the Apostle Paul did so in the culture of his day. This discussion offers a preview of the newest edition to the That the World May Know series, ?Cultures in Conflict,? now available in our online store.


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Loving Your Spouse Through the Seasons of Marriage (Part 2 of 2)

Loving Your Spouse Through the Seasons of Marriage (Part 1 of 2)

The Surprising Blessings of an Unplanned Pregnancy

If your family is dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, it can be a very difficult time, with lots of emotions and potential outcomes. In this Focus on the Family chapel message, a winsome mother-daughter team share how an unplanned pregnancy rocked their world, the confusion that resulted, and how the daughter found strength through biblical counseling at a local pregnancy resource center. Ultimately, the baby was adopted by an extended family member and is growing up delighted to have an ?extra? mom.


Your gift to support our Option Ultrasound program will equip pregnancy medical clinics across the country with ultrasound machines, resources, and sonography training for nurses, so that a mother considering abortion can see her baby, hear that tiny heartbeat . . . and be moved to choose life. Give now, and we?ll say thanks with a copy of the book Joy Will Come: Exchange Shame for Redemption plus free audio download of ?The Surprising Blessings of an Unplanned Pregnancy?


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Organizing the Chaos in Your Home

Kristi Clover, mother of 5, shares quick and simple tips to bring joy into your home by getting more organized. From clearing the clutter to choosing your top priorities, you?ll learn some techniques to make housework easy and fun for the whole family!


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Encouraging Your Kids to Discuss Their Feelings

Feelings can be confusing for children to experience and express. In this upbeat message, Dr. Joshua Straub will equip you to create a safe environment in your home, so that your children can express what they are feeling and learn how to manage their emotions.


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Walking With God Through Trials (Part 2 of 2)

Michele Cushatt shares her story of walking through difficult times and how faithful God was throughout. She explores ten practices?concepts such as lament, humility, contentment, and perspective?that will help you build and strengthen your faith so you can weather those stressful seasons with God. (Part 2 of 2)



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Walking With God Through Trials (Part 1 of 2)

Michele Cushatt shares her story of walking through difficult times and how faithful God was throughout. She explores ten practices?concepts such as lament, humility, contentment, and perspective?that will help you build and strengthen your faith so you can weather those stressful seasons with God. (Part 1 of 2)



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Simple Habits to Embrace in Your Marriage

Dr. Randy Schroeder has counseled thousands of married couples and has discovered simple tools that help couples avoid divorce and build a thriving marriage. In this broadcast, he describes practical habits to help couples navigate expectations in marriage, build emotional closeness, and resolve disagreements.


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Game-Changing Marriage and Money Insights

Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn describe how couples can avoid tension and conflict over money by communicating about it regularly, openly, and honestly. Our guests highlight several helpful practices for building financial unity, like establishing common values, overcoming money fears, and avoiding 'knee-jerk' reactions.


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Showing God?s Love to Women With Unplanned Pregnancies

Imagine being single, and pregnant. Where would you go? To whom would you turn? In this heartfelt presentation, Amy Ford shares her testimony of having an unplanned pregnancy and feeling shunned by her church. She explains how that experience motivated her to become an advocate for women with unplanned pregnancies, and shares stories of women she?s helped through her ministry, Embrace Grace.


Your gift to support our Option Ultrasound program will equip pregnancy medical clinics across the country with ultrasound machines, resources, and sonography training for nurses, so that a mother considering abortion can see her baby, hear that tiny heartbeat . . . and be moved to choose life. Give now, and we?ll say thanks with a copy of the book Help Her Be Brave plus a free audio download of ?Showing God?s Love to Women with Unplanned Pregnancies.?


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Evidence for the Existence of God (Part 2 of 2)

Lee Strobel demonstrates how many scholars and academics now say science actually points to the existence of a divine Creator. He explores the question of why suffering occurs, even though we have a caring, personal heavenly Father. He will provide you with solid evidence of God?s existence and help you better understand why you can trust and believe in the Creator of the universe. (Part 2 of 2)


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Evidence for the Existence of God (Part 1 of 2)

Lee Strobel demonstrates how many scholars and academics now say science actually points to the existence of a divine Creator. He explores the question of why suffering occurs, even though we have a caring, personal heavenly Father. He will provide you with solid evidence of God?s existence and help you better understand why you can trust and believe in the Creator of the universe. (Part 1 of 2)


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Loving Your Teen Daughter Well

Mom and author Kari Kampakis offers insight on the world of the teen girl and ways you can step in, offer guidance, and cultivate her identity in Christ. You?ll learn how to become her coach and consultant as she moves into adulthood.


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Jesus and His Power

In this engaging message, Dr. Tony Evans explains that in the cosmic chess game between good and evil, Jesus is the winner. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ provides power for victorious living for those who identify with Him, who testify about Him to others, and who love Him more than life itself.


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Building Strong Father-Son Relationships

This father and son team describe the problem of disengaged dads ? men who may be present physically but not emotionally with their families. The Beckers encourage dads and sons to be ?tender lions? who will confront societal ills and yet remain tender and compassionate in their relationships.


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Creating a Shared Vision for Your Marriage (Part 2 of 2)

Pastor Sean and Lanette Reed describe their marital journey and God?s faithfulness. Although many wondered if their relationship would survive, the Reeds were proactive about creating a long-term plan and a godly legacy for future generations of their family. (Part 2 of 2)


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Creating a Shared Vision for Your Marriage (Part 1 of 2)

Pastor Sean and Lanette Reed describe their marital journey and God?s faithfulness. Although many wondered if their relationship would survive, the Reeds were proactive about creating a long-term plan and a godly legacy for future generations of their family. (Part 1 of 2)


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Establishing Clear Boundaries in Your Life

Pastor Kevin Thompson helps you learn how to navigate the roads of life?circumstances, situations relationships?by staying in your lane. By examining what belongs to us, what belongs to others, and what belongs to God, you?ll get a strong grasp on boundaries and how to apply them in your life.


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Bringing Laughter to Your Marriage

On this lighthearted broadcast, Pastor Ted Cunningham shares humorous stories from life with his spouse to illustrate how laughter is a key component for a thriving and lasting marriage. He explores the emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits of laughter, and encourages listeners to discover their "humor muscle" and flex it on a daily basis.


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Seeing God?s Goodness During Medical Crises

As a former trauma surgeon, Dr. Kathryn Butler saw suffering and death firsthand more times than she could count. Sometimes her patients would have a happy outcome, while others endured unspeakable tragedies. Before becoming a Christian, these tragedies led Kathryn to question God and to struggle with intense depression. She shares about the glimmers of grace that helped her embrace God?s sovereignty in times of suffering and loss.


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Praying for Your Teen?s Heart and Future (Part 2 of 2)

Parents often face the teen years with fear because we often don?t fully understand what struggles teens are dealing with. Jodie wants to equip parents of teens to pray with confidence about dating, peer pressure, social media, prodigals and more ? using the power of God?s Word. (Part 2 of 2)


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Praying for Your Teen?s Heart and Future (Part 1 of 2)

Parents often face the teen years with fear because we often don?t fully understand what struggles teens are dealing with. Jodie wants to equip parents of teens to pray with confidence about dating, peer pressure, social media, prodigals and more ? using the power of God?s Word. (Part 1 of 2)


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Overcoming Obstacles to Pursue God?s Direction in Life

What can you do when God gives you a task that seems impossible? Join Robyn Dykstra for a fascinating look at a time when Jesus did the impossible ? raising Lazarus from the dead. Learn how the principles found in that story helped Robyn as she sought to right a wrong that impacted her earthly father, with the help of her Heavenly Father.


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Becoming Screen Savvy As a Family

Adam Holz and Paul Asay from Focus on the Family?s Plugged In team equips you to guide your family to make healthy media choices. They explain what the Bible says about entertainment and how to engage with and teach your kids discernment when it comes to what they are watching and playing. It?s a great conversation you won?t want to miss!


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Identifying Triggers in Your Marriage (Part 2 of 2)

Amber and Guy Lia discuss common, everyday things ? from house cleaning and backseat driving to workaholism and lack of intimacy ? which can provoke anger and tension in marriage. Our guests explain how couples can identify those 'triggers' and deal with them in a healthy way. Jim Daly's wife, Jean, joins the conversation. (Part 2 of 2)


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Identifying Triggers in Your Marriage (Part 1 of 2)

Amber and Guy Lia discuss common, everyday things ? from house cleaning and backseat driving to workaholism and lack of intimacy ? which can provoke anger and tension in marriage. Our guests explain how couples can identify those 'triggers' and deal with them in a healthy way. Jim Daly's wife, Jean, joins the conversation. (Part 1 of 2)


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From Rebellion to Redemption

Duck Dynasty?s Phil and Al Robertson lived portions of their lives in direct rebellion against God, until they were redeemed by the work of the Holy Spirit. They share their moving testimonies and the simple truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which has led to an incredible family legacy. In this discussion with Jim Daly, you?ll be inspired by their story and emboldened to share your Christian faith.


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Putting Children First in Education

Cynthia Tobias shares practical advice on how to best maximize your student?s environment, attitude, time-management, learning style, organizational skills, and mental capacity. She will help parents understand the various schooling options so they can decide what method of education will be best for their child.


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Choosing Joy in Healthy Relationships

Chris Coursey helps you better understand the role of joy in your marriage, your parenting, and your friendships. He?ll explore the joy center in your brain, so you can know how it works and how to keep it from turning off. As joy overflows into your relationships, you?ll be able to connect with others in healthy, thriving ways.


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Never Perfect: Finding More Joy, and Less Guilt, As a Mom

God?s Amazing Grace in a Transgendered Person?s Life (Part 2 of 2)

Laura Perry Smalts shares about her 7-year journey of transitioning and identifying as a male before realizing she was living a lie and then fully embracing her female gender. She tells about her painful experiences living with a self-created identity outside of God?s design and incredible plan for her, revealed through her loving parents and other believers. Laura and Dr. Meg Meeker, a pediatrician, speak compassionately about the issues surrounding gender confusion in today?s culture, offering practical insights, hope and help. (Part 2 of 2)


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God?s Amazing Grace in a Transgendered Person?s Life (Part 1 of 2)

Laura Perry Smalts shares about her 7-year journey of transitioning and identifying as a male before realizing she was living a lie and then fully embracing her female gender. She tells about her painful experiences living with a self-created identity outside of God?s design and incredible plan for her, revealed through her loving parents and other believers. Laura and Dr. Meg Meeker, a pediatrician, speak compassionately about the issues surrounding gender confusion in today?s culture, offering practical insights, hope and help. (Part 1 of 2)


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Teaching Kids to Love God and Serve Others Well

Monica Swanson shares a story about taking her son Jonah through ?character training? when he was 13 to learn more about the importance of godly character in his life. She also shares why allowing kids to suffer and learn through adversity will help them become stronger and healthier adults.


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Who God Says You Are

Speaking to an enthusiastic crowd of two-thousand women, J.John uses his trademark humor and compelling stories to convey four traits that God sees in each of us: We are lovable, we are valuable, we are forgiven, and we are capable.


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When Lives Collide: Navigating Remarriage and Stepfamily (Part 2 of 2)

In this broadcast, Sabrina Beasley McDonald will help couples and single adults prepare for remarriage and the formation of a stepfamily. She also talks about the unique challenges that couples face in remarriages and stepfamilies face. (Part 2 of 2)


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When Lives Collide: Navigating Remarriage and Stepfamily (Part 1 of 2)

In this broadcast, Sabrina Beasley McDonald will help couples and single adults prepare for remarriage and the formation of a stepfamily. She also talks about the unique challenges that couples face in remarriages and stepfamilies face. (Part 1 of 2)


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Learning to Live Out God?s Call on Your Life

Did you know that God uses ordinary people like you to do extraordinary things? Pastor Jeff Simmons shares insights into living a fulfilling and joyful life by embracing God?s call. He?ll encourage you to invest your time and money wisely, with your focus on God and others instead of yourself.


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Restoring Your Marriage After an Affair (Part 2 of 2)

Infidelity can rip a marriage apart ? and it?s hard to imagine a betrayal more painful than finding out your spouse is involved with someone else. Josh and Katie Walters share the story of Katie?s affair with the husband of their good friend couple, and how Katie vacillated for quite a while, torn between doing the right thing (ending the affair) and still feeling love for the other man. Meanwhile, Josh was convinced by God that divorce was wrong and he needed to love Katie as Christ loves the Church, which meant pushing through the pain and hoping against hope to rescue his marriage. (Part 2 of 2)


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Restoring Your Marriage After an Affair (Part 1 of 2)

Infidelity can rip a marriage apart ? and it?s hard to imagine a betrayal more painful than finding out your spouse is involved with someone else. Josh and Katie Walters share the story of Katie?s affair with the husband of their good friend couple, and how Katie vacillated for quite a while, torn between doing the right thing (ending the affair) and still feeling love for the other man. Meanwhile, Josh was convinced by God that divorce was wrong and he needed to love Katie as Christ loves the Church, which meant pushing through the pain and hoping against hope to rescue his marriage. (Part 1 of 2)


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Changing Minds to Save the Pre-Born

Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life of America, shares inspiring stories about the pro-life movement and will help you to speak up for the preborn and vulnerable women. She talks about what motivated her as a teenager to get involved in the pro-life movement, her work with Students for Life of America, and how to graciously deal with criticism, attacks, and misinformation from abortion advocates.


Your gift will equip pregnancy medical clinics across the country with ultrasound machines, resources, and nurses' sonography training so abortion-vulnerable mothers can see their babies ... and be moved to choose life. Every $60 you donate will help save the life of one preborn baby through our Option Ultrasound program.


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The Impact of a Life Well Lived

Dr. Gary Chapman reflects on the lessons God has taught him throughout his life?through his parents, his wife, and his children. He recalls how he identified the Five Love Languages and offers some solid insight on marriage and parenting. As he reflects on his personal journey, you?ll be encouraged to do the same!


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Believing God?s Promises Despite Hard Circumstances

Are you waiting for a miracle from God? In this winsome presentation, author and bible teacher Lisa Harper shares how the Lord redeemed gut-wrenching disappointments in her life. She encourages believers to see ?waiting on God? as the bold stance of a prayerful warrior, not an attitude of defeated pessimism.


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