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Stuff You Should Know

Stuff You Should Know

If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.


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Selects: The Collar Bomb Heist

The collar bomb heist is the crime caper that keeps on giving. Every time the story seemed like it was figured out, another layer appeared. Tune in to this classic episode to hear Josh and Chuck detail this very odd and twisty story. 

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D'oh! Operation Flagship

Operation Flagship was undertaken at a time when the U.S. Marshals performed their jobs with a lot of flair. What other agency would throw a football party in order to arrest a handful of (mostly) non-violent criminals?

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Short Stuff: Yakhch?ls - Ancient Fridges

If you lived in ancient Persia, you could do a lot worse in trying to cool things down than by building a yakhch?l. Today we break down how the early fridges worked.

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The History of Refrigeration

Keeping things cold with electricity changed the world as we know it. In more ways than you might expect. 

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Selects: Robber Barons!

The robber barons were not a group of evil super villains. OR WERE THEY? Learn all about these titans of industry from the Gilded Age in this classic episode.

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The Tragedy of the Commons

Since it was introduced in the 60s, the Tragedy of the Commons, the idea that humans will inevitably ruin any resource we all share, has had sweeping effects on government and public attitudes on who owns the environment. Problem is, it was fictitious.

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Short Stuff: The Death of Charles Morgan

One of the lesser-known cases of American true crime is also a very sad one. Meet Charles Morgan, a man who got in over his head with organized crime.

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The Catacombs of Paris

Beneath Paris lies the bones of more than 6 million people. And you can walk among them for 31 euros. These are the Paris catacombs. 

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Selects: How Itching Works

It was only in the last few decades that science became aware that itches aren't just low-level pain. And in that time, the mystery of how we itch and why we scratch has gotten even more baffling. Explore the mystery with Josh and Chuck in this classic episode.

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10ish Instances of People Doing Things Out Of Spite

You want payback don’t you? Sure, we all do. We all want it so bad. So bad. Sometimes people do things to get payback against someone who’s wronged them and sometimes those things they do are memorable and monumental. We commemorate some here.

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Short Stuff: The Guinness Widget

Guiness beer is famous for its smooth and creamy texture, thanks in part to nitrogen, and also a simplistically brilliant little device called the Guinness widget.

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The Gullibility Episode

Being gullible is a weird thing. But are you born with it? Is it learned? Can you be trusting and not gullible? Listen in to find out. 

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Selects: When Mount St. Helens Blew Its Top

Mount St. Helen's is a lovely sight to behold, but was a pretty scary thing to be around in the Spring of 1980. Listen in to the harrowing story in this classic episode!

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How Automats Worked

Once upon a time no visit to New York was complete without eating at an automat. Putting a nickel in a slot and pulling your own ham sandwich from a lit glass case thrilled people to no end. Eventually the novelty wore off and automats faded into history.

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Short Stuff: The Best Episode Since Sliced Bread

Bread is about 30,000 years old. Sliced bread is less than 100. What gives? Listen in to find out.

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The Ballad of High Times Magazine

Whether you’re 20.5 or 50, if you love pot then High Times was the magazine for you. With ton of photos of marijuana, tips for how to grow it yourself, and other illegal stuff, High Times hung in there long enough to go from outlaw to mainstream.

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Selects: How Foreign Accent Syndrome Works

Foreign accent syndrome isn't when your mom talks funny when she goes abroad. It's an actual condition where people wake up one day with an entirely different accent, usually from some kind of head trauma. Learn all about this decidedly rare affliction in this classic episode.

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The Barkley Marathons

Every Spring in northeastern Tennessee, roughly 40 people compete in a marathon they are very unlikely to finish. This is the Barkley Marathons. 

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Short Stuff: Bourgeoisie

Bourgeoisie is more than a word. It means something different depending on when and where it's being used.

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WWII Sabotage Spotlight: Operation Gunnerside

During WWII a perfectly-executed sabotage operation by British Special Operations and the Norwegian Resistance put a dent in the Nazi’s quest for an atomic bomb. Today, it’s unclear how effective it really was, but it’s still a heckuva story!

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Selects: How Mindfulness Works

What has become a buzz word for corporate retreats and a way to get a discount on your health insurance is, at its core, a powerful, centuries-old Buddhist method of moving through life and dealing with the suffering that inevitably comes along with it. Learn all about it in this classic episode.

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The Mysterious Story of Larry Bader

Larry Bader disappeared in 1957 and reappeared a few days later with a new identity. Was it a brain injury or a scam? To this day, nobody knows. 

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Short Stuff: The Mad Trapper of Rat River

Join us today to learn the story of The Mad Trapper of Rat River, Canada's largest and most intense manhunt.

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GONG: The Chuck Barris Story

Chuck Barris was a TV visionary, developing shows in the 70s that were decades ahead of their time. But was he also a covert assassin for the CIA? 

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Selects: The Quinoa Revolution!

Quinoa is a trendy food, right alongside kale and anything else farm to table. But it's really an ancient grain. Although it's not exactly a grain at all. Technically it's a pseudo-cereal. But it is tasty and nutritious, a true superfood. Learn all about the food with the funny name in this classic episode.

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How Saturn Works

Saturn is the fanciest planet thanks to its prominent rings, cocked jauntily to the side. But this showy gem of the solar system has a lot of substance in addition to a great sense of style. Learn what makes Saturn so interesting in this episode.

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Short Stuff: Watch Night

Watch Night has been observed on New Year?s Eve by African-American Methodists in the US since 1862, to mark the passage of the Emancipation Act. But this religious holiday goes back even farther in history, with even more layers of meaning.

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The Filthy Magic of Studio 54

Studio 54 was a nightclub, but really much more than that. It became a symbol of the times as much as anything else in the 1970s. Strap on your platform heels and get down.

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Selects: The Three Christs of Ypsilanti Experiment

In the early 1960s, one of the most unethical experiments in psychology?s history was quietly conducted in a state hospital in Michigan. It sought to upend the delusions of the three patients involved, but ultimately disabused the experimenter of his own. Tune in to this classic episode to hear Josh and Chuck explore this disturbing project.

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Forensic Dentistry

We've all heard it - local news reports identifying a body from dental records. But how does this work? Well, that's our job!

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Short Stuff: Captain Santa

Herman Scheunemann wasn?t the only captain carrying Christmas trees across Lake Michigan to Chicago at the turn of the last century, but he was the most beloved. Which makes this episode even sadder.

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The 2024 SYSK Christmas Extravaganza!

Welcome to the end of 2024 and our annual Christmas Extravaganza episode, brought to you ad-free for you listening pleasure. Please pour a hot toddy and enjoy around the fir tree of your choosing.

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Selects: Frances Perkins: Influential and Unknown

Frances Perkins was an incredibly influential American yet is virtually unknown. What did she do? A lot! For instance, Social Security was her brainchild. And that's just the tip of the old iceberg. Explore her legacy with Josh and Chuck in this classic episode.

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The Trivial Pursuit Trivia Edition

For our annual pre-Holiday-Special-holiday-episode-about-a-holiday-toy we are jumping into one of the greatest games of all time, Trivial Pursuit (and we?re not just saying that because there?s an SYSK edition). 

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Short Stuff: Feed A Cold, Starve a Fever

You know that old adage that you should feed a cold but starve a fever? It?s an ancient idea and what?s surprising is that it?s kind of correct. 

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Taylorism: Work Faster!

If you?ve ever lost your job thanks to a management consultant coming through your company or been timed for how fast you work, you can thank Frederick Winslow Taylor, the father of scientific management. If that field sounds made up that?s because it is.

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Selects: The Texas City Disaster of 1947

In 1947 the port town of Texas City, Texas became the site of the largest industrial disaster in American history. An enormous explosion blew ships out of the water, created a tidal wave that flooded the town, and killed hundreds of people instantly. Find out all about it in this classic episode.

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Tugboats: Pushing Their Way Around Since 1803

Tugboats are amazing because they do the dirty work without much recognition. Well that's changing today - ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY TUG!

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Short Stuff: Joro Spiders

These invasive spiders are everywhere these days. But how did they get to the USA and are they harmful?

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Ba-Gawk! How Peacocks Work

If you?ve ever wanted to know why peacocks have such amazing feathers, why they?re not all called peacocks, and plenty of other neat stuff about peacocks, then perhaps this episode on peacocks is for you. 

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Selects: How The Pill Changed the World

When the birth control pill hit the market in 1960 it landed like a social bomb. Almost overnight, women gained the ability to separate sex from pregnancy and everything from feminism to patients? rights centered on it. Find out all about its history in this classic episode.

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The Ruby Ridge Standoff

The Ruby Ridge standoff still lingers after more than 30 years. But who was at fault for the lives lost? Listen in today to learn all about this dark spot in American history. 

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Short Stuff: Franca Viola

One of the world?s unsung heroes ? at least outside of Italy ? is a brave woman who stood up to an insidious and longstanding custom and made her country a better place for it.

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Solipsism: This Is All In My Mind?

As the philosophical holds, there?s a chance you don?t exist, that not only you, but this episode, the podcast, and the entire universe are only projections of Josh or Chuck?s mind. If so, then recording this episode was a waste of time. 

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Selects: Star Wars Holiday Spectacular

Long ago, in a galaxy not so far away, George Lucas allowed the Star Wars Holiday Special to be made. What happened on the night of November 17, 1978 can never be fully explained, but we make our best effort in our annual special edition of SYSK. May the force be with us all.

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LIVE: Minneapolis - The Madd Gasser of Mattoon

Please enjoy our 2024 live show about the wild tale of the Madd Gasser of Mattoon. 

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Short Stuff: Erfurt Latrine Disaster

A terrible thing happened in Germany in the summer of 1184.

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The Wild History of Tetris

Tetris is an iconic game with a fascinating history. Dive in today to learn all about this classic puzzle game.

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Selects: How the Stanford Prison Experiment Worked

The infamous Stanford Prison Experiment wasn't really much of an experiment as it turns out. It was more like a poorly thought out exercise conducted by a professor who didn't dot the i's and cross the t's. Listen in to this classic episode as Josh and Chuck give this experiment some harsh treatment of their own.

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The Story of Tavern on the Green

Tavern on the Green is a legendary NY eatery that has never rated particularly well with food critics. Despite that, it's been a NYC mainstay for decades. 

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