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Don't Look in the Trees

Don't Look in the Trees

It's all fun and games until someone gets body-jacked. Join Abbey as she dives deep into the lore of American folktales and the cryptids that inspired them. Was that sound you heard just an animal? Or was it something more sinister? Listen and find out, just Don't Look in the Trees. Instagram: @dontlookinthetrees email: [email protected] Merch: Support this podcast:


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Episode 8: Seven Sisters Road

Everyone's hometown has a good ghost story. This one is no different. Listen in for the tale of Seven Sisters Road just outside of Nebraska City, Nebraska, whose history of murder and tragedy has left it imprinted with the souls of those who lost their life there over 100 years ago. This one's bound to help you understand why we don't look in the trees.

Original Reddit user's post:

Are you from Nebraska? Do you have a story about the infamous L Street? Send me an email! You can also send in a suggestion for a future episode using the same address. I'd love to hear from you!

Gmail: [email protected]



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Episode 7: Bigfoot

You've seen all the documentaries. You've heard all the hoaxes. Nonetheless, almost every culture around the world has some sort of legend of Bigfoot. Sometimes menacing and malicious, other times helpful and mischievous. Let's take a deeper look at Bigfoot lore and hear a listener tale of kidnapping by one. This is going to be a doozie, so be sure to listen in. 

Have you seen Bigfoot? Do you have a story you'd like to share? Send us an email!

email: [email protected]



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Episode 6: Banshee

A wailing, piercing scream fills the air. Her dark red eyes, perpetually mourning, stare you down through the line of trees. She is upon you: the Banshee. Listen this week for the history of the Banshee and two stories of Banshee encounters from some Irish listeners. Yet another great reason to not look in the trees.

Have you met the Banshee? What did you experience? Was there something missing from this episode? Send us an email!

Gmail: [email protected]



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Episode 5: The Hat Man

You've probably had several instances throughout your life where you've seen him out of the corner of your eye: a tall figure, maybe a man, and was he wearing a hat? This Hat Man has presented itself to many people over the ages. Some have merely seen him, others have had far worse experiences. Listen in to hear several listener stories as well as one from me too! Have you seen the hat man? Send me an email! What did you see? How did you react? Instagram: Gmail: [email protected] Merch: --- Support this podcast:
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Episode 4: The Dybbuk Box

Today we investigate the most haunted object in the USA: The Dybbuk Box. Its power and influence over those who own it is rumored to be life-altering and severe. Listen in to the history and lore surrounding this strange and powerful piece of furniture.

What do you think? Do you have a story of a haunted object? Send in your material! It could end up on a future episode.

Instagram: @dontlookinthetrees

Gmail: [email protected]


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Episode 3: Black-Eyed Kids (BEK)

It can happen at any time: a knock at your door. You peer through the peep hole or through a nearby window to see who is there only to find two small children. They ask to use your phone to call their parents, do you accept their request? Do you let them in?

Listen in for the history and lore of the BEK, including a story from one of our listeners!

Instagram: @dontlookinthetrees

Gmail: [email protected]


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Episode 2: Ouija Boards and Demons

They're sold on shelves along with other board games, but what makes a Ouija board so sinister? Listen in for their history, a story from a listener of possession via Ouija Board, and my own story of peril. Though it might not be in the trees, it doesn't mean you should go looking for them. Get ready for a wild ride of terror!

Instagram: @dontlookinthetrees

Gmail: [email protected]

Send us your stories! Have you had an experience with a Ouija board? What happened? How has it affected your life? We'd love to hear from you. Thanks for listening!

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Episode 1: The Wendigo

Great big spoopy bois can't keep this chick down. Join Abbey as she reads up on the lore of the Wendigo; a ominous, hideous, repugnant beast that embodies famine and gluttony. Can you survive an encounter with one? Listen in for some tips and a harrowing encounter with the beast itself.  The Wendigo is the first on a long list of reasons why you Don't Look in the Trees.

Instagram: @dontlookinthetrees

Gmail: [email protected]

Send us your stories of encounters with the Wendigo! What did you see? What did you hear? How did you make it out?

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Don't Look in the Trees Trailer

Ever feel like something's watching you? Have you had your hair stand on end when no one's around? Listen close and listen well. We're going to find out why. 

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