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GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Start your mornings off right with a mini meditation retreat to feel better, get more done, and live this life confidently, energetically, and abundantly. Each day I'll share quick and easy access doors to help you find Peace in chaos, Love in fear, Silence in noise, and Light in darkness. You?ll start recognizing the GoOD in everything, including yourself. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please subscribe, rate, and review GoOD Mornings on Apple Podcasts if you enjoy it! And be sure share these guided meditations and practical spirituality tips with a friend that needs it! Catch new episodes of ?GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki? 5 days a week, each morning, before 7am ET. *10% of revenue generated from this podcast will be donated to "Showering Love" a non-profit organization that restores good mornings, dignity, hope and health to people experiencing homelessness by providing showers and other supportive services.


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My Feelings Are Not God, God is God.

If things in your life aren't going good right now... good.
Things always get worse before they get better.
Like any renovation or spring cleaning you've ever witnessed,
dust gets stirred up, things get pulled out, stuff gets thrown away... sorted.
Space is made.
Be thankful for this Space.
Even though It looks empty.
He'll make It full again.
It already is, but your eyes can't see.
And bear witness.

I Love you,
[email protected]

p.s. Love isn't a feeling, It's beyond. Feelings are distortions of Love. 
??LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (and Forum!)

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Today's Quotes: 
"The Name is unseen because it is the enigma of the unseen, which comes to ears that are full of Him.
Our Father's name is unutterable, but known through His Son.
The Name is Great.
Who will be capable of uttering His holy Name?
Only our Father, who owns the Name, and his sons, in whom the Name lives.
Since our Father is unborn, He alone is the One who created for Himself the Name, before He created the Aeons, so that His Name as Father might rule as Lord.
That is His Name in Truth, stable in control, through His flawless force."
-The Gnostic Gospels, Alan Jacobs

"Way Maker
Miracle Worker
Promise Keeper
Light in the Darkness"
-@worshipblog via IG

"God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain."
-C. S. Lewis via @worshipblog IG

"My feelings are not God. God is God.
My feelings do not define truth.
God's word defines truth.
My feelings are echoes and responses to what my mind perceives.
And sometimes - many times - my feelings are out of sync with the truth.
When that happens - and it happens every day in some measure - I try not to bend the truth to justify my imperfect feelings, but rather, I plead with God: Purify my perceptions of your truth and transform my feelings so that they are in sync with the truth.
- John Piper, Finally Alive via IG @worshipblob

"What you hear clearly between your two ears. shout from the roof tops."
-The Gnostic Gospels, Alan Jacobs

"Note to self:
Don't seek to be relevant, or liked, seek to be undeniable.
Seek to be compassionate.
Seek integrity.
Seek humility. Seek Light."
-@worshipblog via IG

?I want that love that moved the mountains.
I want that love that split the ocean.
I want that love that made the winds tremble.
I want that love that roared like thunder.
I want that love that will raise the dead.
I want that love that lifts us to ecstasy.
I want that love that is the silence of eternity.?

"You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last..."
-Jesus (John 15:16)  

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Hold Your Faith, Meet No Trouble #GMweekends

Moments of peace are the best time to practice Love.  Set the intention today to hold your heart in peace on this beautiful Sunday, so that when moments of chaos come, you don't have to effort.  You're already practicing Love. You're already Being Love. Nothing can shake you.  No thing can disturb you.  There is no trouble in the Kingdom.  And you are That.

I Love you,
[email protected]

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Today's Quotes: 

"We all think of the Lord when troubled, 
never when at peace. 
But if we held our faith during peace, 
there would be no trouble."
-Kabir Ke Dohe via IG

Bonus Quote:

"If we take into our meditation the question, "what is God?" ultimately we shall be led to the secret of prayer, and when we have achieved correct prayer, meditation, or communion, we shall be led to a God-experience, which is a 'peace, be still' to any form of error that may ever touch us.  As a matter of fact, continuing in the God-experience will prevent about ninety-odd percent of the world's troubles ever touching us, and the little that may touch us will be quickly resolved."
-Joel Goldsmith

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Unwrap Your Present #GMWeekends

Because I feel GoOD now, I trust my future will be, too.

Repeat these words, feelingly:
The past is over. Only GoOD lies before me now.
Only Love lies before me now.
Only Love is here.
And I Am That.

Keep returning to today's mantra, "only GoOD lies before me'.  Keep feeling the Love that it's pointing to. Don't live another second without feeling the Love it's pointing to.  Let life unfold in this feeling of Love, and it will unfold AS this feeling of Love.

When you're feeling Love presently, It takes shape as your future-now.  You remember that just as there is no 'Monday' or 'Friday', there is no 'future'... just Now, God, this Presence we call Love. 

I Love you,
[email protected]
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Today's Quotes: 

"The future is made up of only one substance and that is the present moment. By taking care of the present, you are doing everything you can to assure a good future." 
- Thich Nhat Hanh

"Our future is our present brought to light."
-Herb Fitch 

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All of Your Troubles Will Melt Away

"I hear You."

That's today's affirmation.
While you're hearing 'them',
while you're hearing the world,
say inside, "but I hear you, God."
I feel You.
I know You.
I admit You.
This is Your Life,
and I trust You with It. 
I'm ready.

You're ready.

Get ready!

I Love you,
[email protected]

??LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (and Forum!)

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Today's Quotes:

"Come to this place, where Nothing drowns you."
"Let some energy flow through your own being and feel it refresh you and make you young and strong and vital and know that it resides within you all of the time.
That you can rely upon it easily and with confidence, that it is yours for the asking, that it resides within you. That it is your right and your heritage."

"There is a book that is not written, it's just unfolding.
It's like we are each actors without a script and everything you do,
God has written and you are just finding as we go.
You have to learn how to read this book, to read the language of the life force and the deeper Self.
It really brings you back into the reality of true existence.
Sensing life and listening to the needs of each unfolding moment,
empty of mind and fully present in the heart."

"Every decision you make is not a decision about what to do... It's a decision about who you are."
-via IG @wisethinkers

"It's okay to go quiet, to pause long enough to hear your own interior world with the regard it deserves.
Don't let the noise of the world drown out the sound of you.
Sometimes silence is presence."
-Via IG @BlackLiturgies

"The mind is the experience.
The heart is the Source.
All that is True is in the heart.
I am still among movement
I am happy among sadness
I am love among anger
I am light among darkness
I am life among death
I am but of a moment. Yet ultimately there is no moment,
There is no I. Tat Tvam Asi"
- @karoli_dass via IG

"The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth."
-Psalm 97:5

"...There is no use looking outside and wondering in what form that peace will come, because it does not come in a worldly form. Strangely enough, however, when the inner peace comes it forms and re-forms our outer life. It changes our relationships with other human beings. It changes the nature and the amount of our supply because it is Its func- tion to see that we are fed and clothed abundantly. All things will be added unto us but they will not be added by taking thought for the things: Relinquish thought of things; turn within and admit Me.
-Joel Goldsmith, Living Between Two Worlds Chapter 1, ?Opening the Door to Infinity?

"It?s a place of natural and effortless Peace. The more somehow the attention is trained to rest in this Peace, all your troubles will melt away. Mooji has said this."
-Mooji Video (episode title source)-

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When God Says 'Yes'

Affirm: (t)His love is changing everything,
feeling It as you say it.
*This Love is changing everything.*
When you're looking at something you don't like,
feel those words inside,  and know that you're looking at the past,
you're looking at an echo,
what you're seeing isn't really there.
So don't react.
Just know that Love has changed everything,
and you'll soon see It,
because God is saying, 'Yes'.

I love you,
[email protected]

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Today's Quotes: 

When God says yes we grow in awe,
when God says wait we grow in patience,
but when God says no, he's growing something better.
-Ann Voskamp via @worshipblog IG 

"Sometimes we ask God for a healing when he wants to give us a resurrection."
-unknown via @worshipblog IG

"When your mind is quiet you enter into the flow of Love."
-Ram Dass

"Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh."
-Ezekiel 36:26-27 

"We come to this stillness until we feel a release from the problem."
-Joel Goldsmith

"Themost powerful way to resist evil is to sit with good friends who have turned their faces to God."

"Prayer is touching Reality without seeking to get anything."
-Dr. Michael Beckwith

"Love master all things
I'm mastered totally by Love
My God is Love
My Prophet is Love
My Religion is Love
My Father is Love
My Mother is Love
I'm a child of Love
I've come to speak of nothing but Love."

"You know more than you think
but it is your thinking that prevents you from knowing what you know."

"I believe the reason why God doesn't reveal His entire plan to you all at once is because if He did, then you would get your peace from the information, rather than from your relationship with Him."
-@TheRealSweetSpot via IG  

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Spoiler: God Wins

This is what It has come to...
this moment,
where you remember what's really happening,
what's really here, who you really are.
Show up as this One, today.
Don't stop being this One.
This One is Anointed.
This One is Blessed.
This One is on the path.
This One won,
It wins.

I love you ,
[email protected]

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Today's Quotes: 

"Sometimes God's blessings are not in what He gives or what He takes away. "
-Anonymous via @sarbatdahala96 

"God knew it would come to this, but it's okay, He has a plan."-@rock_solid_ministries_intl 

"Every awkward situation increases your comfort zone. Every awkward situation is a test for how deep you are in the Knowledge."
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"It's in the Silence that your problems just dissolve. Try it. It really works."
-Robert Adams

"I thought God was the boat but now I know He's the sea."
-Faith Dwight 
"The most relaxed person in the room is the most powerful person in the room. 
The most relaxed person in the room is the most present person in the room. 
The most relaxed person in the room is the most safe, the most soft, the most soothing person in the room..."
-@Nicolajanehobbs via IG 

"What is fear? It is only a thought. If there is anything besides the Self there is reason to fear."
-Ramana Maharshi 

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Listen With Your Eyes

Affirm: 'I Am' is my Power.
I Am is the only Power.
All I have to do is hear It,
is feel It,
is be It,
and the earth melts (it's seen as not truly real),
and the miracle happens.

I Love you,
[email protected] 

??LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (and Forum!)

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Today's Quotes: 

"If the beautiful One is not hidden inside you, then what is that Light hidden under your cloak?"

"Listen with your eyes."
- Rumi 

?I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer. You are yourself the answer. Before your face questions die away. What other answer would suffice??
-C.S. Lewis 

"They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching God."
-Zora Neale Hurston 

"I thought vs I am"
-Robert Adams  

"In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair."
-Howard Thurman 

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Can we skip to the GoOD part?

Although you can't skip to the part of the day where you're already done with everything,
you can skip to that feeling.
You can stream this feeling even while you're at the office today.
While you're at the store, you can BE 'Saturday'.
You can be Sunday morning.
You don't have to be Monday.
You don't have to be tired...
the 'character' you're playing is,
your character can NOT, today,
but You can.
You can be Love.
You can be infinitely Patient,
even when they're not,
because You are Faith,
You are Life.
And You trust your Self.
You're no longer imitating that character.
Taking on their fears and their personality traits, the way they speak.
You are the Silent One.
The Ageless One, the Faceless One, the Fearless One, the Still One.
Welcome Back.

I Love you,
[email protected]

p.s. the GoOD part is always this part!!!! It's always NOW!
p.p.s. Maharajji chanting the Name , Ram. 

??LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (and Forum!)

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Today's Quotes:

"It was God's word that made us; is it any wonder that His Word should sustain us?"
-Charles Spurgeon via @WorshipBlog 

"Don't copy the behavior and customers of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."
-Romans 12:2

"All the complexities of the human condition can be rendered null and void if you touch the hem of the Christ Robe in your meditations. Fear, conflict, pain, sorrow, and emotional turmoil can all be dissolved in a moment of God-contact."
-Don Mardak 

"A moment with the beloved and the river changes its course."
-Anandamayi Ma 

"Stillness is the only thing in this world that has no form. But then, it is not really a thing, and it is not of this world."
-Eckhart Tolle

"He who utters the Name of God while walking gets the merit of a sacrifice at every step.
His body becomes a place of pilgrimage.
He who repeats God's Name while working always finds perfect peace.
He who utters the Name of God while eating gets the merit of a fast even though he has taken his meals.
Even if one were to give in charity the whole earth encircled by the seas it would not equal the merit of repeating the Name.
By the power of the Name one will know what cannot be known,
One will see what cannot be seen,
One will speak what cannot be spoken, One will meet what cannot be met.
Tuka says, Incalculable is the gain that comes from repeating the Name of God."
-Sant Tukaram

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Miracles Are Your Calling #GMweekends

Every time you become aware of a worry thought about tomorrow or next week, pause and pray.

Pause by listening for Silence instead of to the worry thought.  Remember that you're not thinking that worry thought.  That thought isn't yours.  You're simply listening to it... and you can choose to believe it or not.  You can choose to claim it or not.  You can choose to listen to Silence instead!

And you pray by recognizing and feeling Go(o)d in the Silence.  You pray by repeating (hearing or becoming aware of) the above mantra, the truth that it isn't you that must face these problems, but God in you.  You pray by remembering that God in you has no problems, knows no problems, sees no problems. You pray by reaching and feeling for even 2% of the Love that is fully present in and AS that moment and by watching your experience of the moment and the seeming moment itself, shift.

The awareness to pause and pray is the miracle, and it manifests as such.

I Love you,
[email protected]

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Today's Quotes:

"Sometimes God challenges you
to find strength you don?t have.
Only like this will you go beyond
your imagined limits.
You must be pushed so far
that you are forced to be humble.
Only then, when your pride
and arrogance are crushed,
will you discover muscles that are not yours.
You will find and use the muscles of God.
When you completely abandon yourself, your ego,
this miracle becomes possible."

"Repeat this under your breath:
It is no longer ________ (your name) who lives, but Christ who lives in  _________ (your name) who is going to boldly face and conquer any kind of problems." 
-@ThePrayingFashionistas via IG 

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One Who is Everywhere is Joyous, One Who is Nowhere is Free. #GMweekend

Rock and sway between these two mantras today- 'I am nowhere'. 'I am everywhere'.  They're both true.  The moment you make the felt-connection with Love, you are beyond the body.  You are no longer attached to it.  You're free and that freedom feels like Joy.  You are everywhere, and nowhere.  You are everyone and no one.   You are the invisible,  formless, boundless Love appearing as the  countless visible forms.  And because you know This, because you ARE This, that body smiles.  Love is felt as its very being. 

I Love you,
[email protected]

??LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (and Forum!)

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Today's Quotes:

"When we know who we are, we're everybody and we're free." 
-Krishna Das

"Toss attachment for body aside, realizing I am everywhere. 
One who is everywhere is joyous."
-Osho, The Book of Secrets 

(On letting go of attachment)  "You will not ask ?how.? If your house is on fire you will not ask anyone, you will not go seeking a master to ask how to come out of it. If the house is on fire you will simply get out of it. You will not lose a single moment. You will not search for the teacher, you will not consult the scriptures. And you will not try to choose in what ways one has to come out, what means have to be adopted, and which door is the right door. These things are irrelevant when the house is on fire. When you know what attachment is, the house is on fire. You can put it aside.  There is no need to ask how. It is absolutely a fire, a hell. You can jump out of it. 

This sutra says: 'Toss attachment for body aside, realizing I am everywhere.'  And the moment you toss aside the attachment, you will realize you are everywhere. Because of this attachment you feel you are limited by the body. It is not the body which is limiting you; it is your attachment to it. It is not the body which is making a barrier between you and the reality; it is your attachment to it. Once you know what the attachment is not there, there is no body to you. Rather, the whole existence becomes your body; your body becomes a part of the total existence. Then it is not separate."
-Osho. The Book of Secrets (p. 929). Osho International. Kindle Edition. 

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When Your Back is Against the Wall

When your back is against the wall,
there's only one thing left to do,
the one thing you haven't tried,
to know by felt-Faith,
'No wall, here.
Only God, Here.'
This is the prerequisite for the Miracle.

I Love you,
[email protected]

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Today's Quotes:

"Don't equate the presence of God with a good mood or a pleasant temperament.  God is near whether you are happy or not. 
-Max Lucado 

?Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole wall is an illusion??

"I told my friend that I'm emotionally 'hitting a wall' and she said "sometimes walls are there so we can lean on them and rest." I can't even begin to express how much I really needed to hear that."
-@BrandonKgood  via IG 

"...See clearly, not with your physical eyes, but with your spiritual eye, not with your little I, not the I-thought, but with the I-Am."
-Robert Adams 

"If you're not seeing miracles yet, don't worry, they'll happen to you, too!"
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 

"Fix your inner eye on the supreme Lord Sri Ram, and faith will arise effortlessly in your soul, followed by a miracle in your life."

"Train yourself to see the awe beyond the obvious."
-Rick Rubin 

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You've Never Failed and You Won't Start Now.

Even though we appear to be here in this world,
we can hear what's happening at Home.
We know that Home is all that's happening.
His Kingdom is all that's here.
Ravi Shankar said, if you run after glory, all you get is misery.
But if you rest, if you're dispassionate about this world,
if you love the Word more than you love the world,
Glory comes to you.

I Love you,
[email protected]

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"You've never failed and you won't start now. "

"We went too far in our thinking and forgot that destinies are written.  There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be."
-M. darwish

"Whatever you're going through right now, it's happening on purpose,
in order to forge you into the person you're meant to be."

"Half smile when you're irritated.
When you realize you're irritated, half smile at once.
And then inhale and exhale quietly,
maintaining the half smile for 3 breaths."
-Thich Nhat Hanh

"Persist, persist, persist.  At the moment of non-reaction, circumstances change."
-Neville Goddard

"If you run after glory all you get is misery. When you are dispassionate, glory comes to you."
-Sri Sri Ravishankar 

"The goal of yoga can be reached in countless ways. One of them is Nád Yoga, the yoga of sound. The ancient scriptures say that the faculty of listening is the most comprehensive and powerful of all five senses. In the cycle of birth and death, it is the first one to appear and the last one to disappear. Nád Yoga exclusively uses sound, tone, rhythm, singing and listening in order to awaken the consciousness. The archetype of the Nád Yogi is Guru Nanak, a spiritual rebel, poet and leader who found full enlightenment by singing the praises of the Creator, whom he found to permeate the whole Creation ("I Ong Kaar")." -

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This is the Missing Piece

Esther Hicks said, 'the way you get the missing piece,
is by not focusing on the piece that's missing.'
Instead of focusing on your intention,
focus on the Peace you have.
Focus on Love.
Focus on Presence.
You focus on on what you already have an abundance of, 
like the Name.
Every time you notice an intention ,
notice the Name,
chant the Name of God, your chosen one,
and in that moment you become the Chosen One, again.

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes: 

"Instead of trying to make it all work out, know that it's already happening."

"Outside the will of God, there's nothing I want. 
Inside the will of God there's nothing I fear."
-A. Towser

"How aligned you are, how you sit, stand, and breath, determines how your body functions and for how long it will function."

"If you walk into a very pristine forest where hardly any human beings have moved, if you just go in, close your eyes and sit, it is like you are sitting in a temple; you can actually feel this. There is a phenomenal amount of energy which supports you because the whole life process - from a microbe to a worm, to an insect, to a bird, to an animal, to a tree, to a plant - every one of them is living with this intention: they want to be something more than what they are right now. That intention creates a kind of consecration of its own, it creates a certain sacredness of its own. If you allow the planet to be just the way it was, and if you simply sit here or sleep, you will find the whole place will become like a consecrated space...

This is the reason why yogis always withdrew into forests and mountain caves.  Because just sitting there, the intention of nature is crystal clear to you. The main thing is to grow beyond all limitations which are restricting you right now. That intention is being expressed by every grain of soil out there - don't miss it! If you become without intention, you will feel the intention of the Existence. When you become one with that, you travel so much more easily in that direction."

The Name I chant is Ram.  

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Stop the Mind to Hear the Soul

Affirm: 'I Am Castled In God's Presence'
And in the beginning, It will feel like a fortress, 
like you're protected.
But as you progress,
you'll realize-
No thing
No one that needs protecting.
Nothing to be protected from.
No fortress.
Just Love.
And the mind stops.
And this Love is heard.

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"For how many more days can you live by external light, like that of sun and moon?
When your eyes fail, when your body becomes feeble with age and your intellect clouded, you will be left to grope in utter darkness. Set to work while there is yet time and try to kindle the inner light.  In the hearth of the mind, ignite the fire of Self-inquiry or the fire of God's Name; fan it into a blazing flame by associating with the Holy and Wise, by prayer and meditation.  Little by little, this light will grow bright and steady and illumine you both inwardly and outwardly; thereby the path to Self-realization will be made easy."
-Anandamayi Ma

"At all times keep your mind immersed in the thought of God, so that there may be no possibility of straying into a path that leads to misery."
-Anandamayi Ma

"Another level of you will begin to be born, a level of you which faces the apparently solid world around you. You'll find your Soul replacing your mind. You'll find the senses bump into your Soul instead of your mind which acquiesces and your Soul says, "uh-uh, no, no." And this birth of Soul awareness, as you practice this, is really the end product of what you're doing."
-Herb Fitch, 40 Days in the Wilderness Audio 1 (Orlando, 1984

"Never accept the limitations of your environment. Remain inwardly ensconced in the castle of God's presence. There is no other haven of safety....In fearlessness affirm: "I am castled in God's presence. No harm can reach me, for in every situation of life - physical, mental, financial, spiritual - I am protected in the fortress of God's presence."
-Paramahansa Yogananda

"When you do Sadhana, all the lines on the hand changes."
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"Stop your mind so you can hear your Soul."
-Sant Dattatreya Kali Baba

"Let freedom ring..."
-Dr. Martin Luther King jr. 

"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, ?If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.?
-John 8: 31-32

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Affirm: I'm Leaning on Love Today

'God, teach me to trust,
and to wait for You to speak to me.
Open me to Your Pesence in me,
and to those around me'*,
but don't let me lean on them.
Don't let me lean on my own understanding,
let me lean on You.

Let me lean on Love.

Knowing I can lean in,
or side to side,
and find You (t)here. 
Leaning on Love, I find what I'm truly looking for,
and I smile. 
I Love you,
[email protected]

*Assisi Institute of Tampa Bay
LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes:

"Those in whom the eternal Word speaks are delivered from uncertainty. From one Word proceed all things and all things tell of Him.  Love the Word better than the world."
-The Imitation of Christ
(remember the Word is the Divine Sound Stream)

"As we pause on this second Sunday of Advent, let us be conscious that God is with us even as we "wait for the coming". God is close as the breath we breathe. We do not need to "get close to God"; we want to be conscious of how close God is to us. Isaiah, in the Hebrew scriptures, tells us, "By waiting and by calm you shall be saved, in quiet and in trust your strength lies." (30:15)
Prayer: Good and gracious God, teach me to trust and to wait for you to speak to me in the everyday events of my life. Open me to your presence in me and in those around me.  Amen."
-The Assisi Institute 

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
-Prov.3 Verses 5 to 6 

"When the Lord God, the Holy Spirit, visits us [he says] and comes to us in the fullness of his ineffable goodness, then we have to stop praying and refrain from prayer itself. The praying soul speaks and offers up words, but at the descent of the Holy Spirit it must be utterly silent so that it can clearly hear and truly understand the words of eternal life which the Spirit condescends to bring to it."
-St. Seraphim

"There is a silence of the tongue. There is a silence of the whole body. There is a silence of the soul.  There is a silence of the mind, and there is a silence of the spirit." -Abraham of Nathpar, Syriac Mystic

"Go deeper ...
Past thoughts into silence.
Past silence into stillness.
Past stillness into the heart.
Let Love consume ALL that is left of you.

"We've all seen those time-lapse movies that show flowers unfolding, and blooming very quickly.  Sometimes when I was sitting with my guru, I would catch him looking at me in a certain way, and I could sense that he was watching this flower of my being unfolding, just like those."
-Ram Dass

(Ram, mentioned as a mantra or chant in this episode is a Name of God in Hinduism)

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The Power of Peace #GMweekends

When you feel resistance (upset of any intensity physical or mental) to a dark moment or dark period in your life-- keep pausing and listening for Silence.  Keep feeling for Love.  Let everything that's not built on Love fall.  You won't.  You and all the forms of Love meant for you, will be left standing tall, unscathed, unburnt... the breaker of chains ;)

I Love you and I'm with you,

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes:

"Peace is the feeling that knows no obstacles. Peace is the experience that strengthens our being yet confronts our lives in so many ways. Peace is the original state of the great quiet. When we learn how immense the Peace is, it flows in like a stream of light. Peace can seemingly come crashing down upon our lives if we do not know how to receive it. Peace can knock over our lives and all the walls we erect to protect ourselves from it. Peace can be very gentle, like waves lapping at the shore. But the power of peace can be frightening, at least in the beginning, for those who become aware how separate their lives have been from the presence in the silence. True peace can open questions about everything in our lives that is not peaceful.   With peace as our desire, sooner or later we may have no choice but to make peace with everyone and every part of our life." 
- Dr. Bruce Davis,  Monastery Without Walls: Daily Life in the Silence 

"And I am higher in. But also firing. Also firing, firing." - Kanye 

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This is How You Change Your Self to Change the World #GMweekends

See this entire moment, including these words, as a reflection of your Self... your consciousness... the invisible, Loving Awareness that you are.  You're looking from It, at your reflection that we call 'the world'.    We don't change the world/reflection by choosing and practicing new thoughts... the thoughts are the reflection!  We do it by recognizing that we are Love.. by choosing, feeling, and BEing Love. Then we see thoughts, feelings, circumstances, and 'others' that mirror that Love back to us more clearly.  We see this body practicing Love, treating 'others' as it would want to be treated, singing, celebrating, feeling Go(o)d.  Today, before going into any room, first remember that everyone you see, everything you see, is only your own energy.  Act accordingly.  Take off your armor.  Smile.  Love. 

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes:

See this moment, including that body and the mind, as a reflection of yourself.  You change the reflection by choosing Love... by holding the reflection in the feeling of Love.  

"When the normal breath stops, the True Breath begins."
-Mantak Chia 

"Everyone is a reflection of my face." 
-Neem Karoli Baba 

Bonus Quotes:

"We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking."
- Richard Rohr 

"We are like  the spider.  We weave our life and then move along in it.  We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream.  This is true for the entire Universe. "
-The Upanishads 

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Prove It to Yourself in 24 Hours

Spread your silent Influence by knowing,
No-body (t)here,
but the invisible Christ,
but Love. 
Treat everyone as Holy and they will be.
They are.
You are.
I Am.   
I Love you,
[email protected]
LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes:

"The way you alchemize a soulless world into a sacred world is by treating everyone as if they are sacred until the sacred in them remembers."
-Sarah Durham Wilson 

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change."
-Wayne Dyer

"Your outer experience is the direct manifestation of your inner state of consciousness. Therefore, the outer world can be no better to you than the degree of your present state of consciousness... (excerpt from 'I Stand on Holy Ground' by Joel Goldsmith)

"We cannot attain the presence of God because we're already totally in the presence of God.  What's absent is awareness."
-Richard Rohr

"Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole wall is an illusion?"

"Sometimes you hear a voice through the door calling you, as fish out of water hear the waves or a hunting falcon hears the drum's come back. This turning toward what you deeply love saves you.

"You did not come to this earth to become some body. You came to this earth to discover that you are nobody, no-body."
-Robert Adams

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I Am God's Project

God is renovating His life as you, declaring "this house shall be called a House of prayer for all people..."

The inner noise and discomfort you're experiencing isn't a sign that you're broken, it's a sign that GoOD things are happening.

So let Love work. 

You are set to do (Be) great things. It's time. 

I Love you,
[email protected]

*Mark 11:17

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes:

"Imagine yourself as a living house.
God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing.
He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense.
What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of;
You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace.
He intends to come and live in it Himself."
-C.S. Lewis 

"Love is seeing God in the person next to us and meditation is seeing God within us."
-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"One sign you're growing as a Christian: your prayers are dominated less and less by "Give me this" and more and more by "Give me You.""
-  @MattSmethurst via IG

"We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be."
-C.S. Lewis, Letters to an American Lady

"You are a story who has to be told by God-
who so believes in you
He moved right into you, and keeps writing hope on all your impossible walls,
who keeps raising the sun over you because He's intent on raising His dream for you, who keeps you, so you can keep on,
and who will not let your story end till Glory
has the last word.

-Ann Voskamp via IG

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The Courage to Stop Running

Today we begin,
to stop.
Just for Now.
Whenever you get the urge to leap into unnecessary business,
pause and Hear.
Pause and Chant. 
Pause and Love.
As humans we're all addicted to something,
so crave this Pause.
Worship this Scintillating Silence.
Devour It.
Love It.
Until Grace wakes you up as It.

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes:

"There is a worm addicted to eating grape leaves. Suddenly, he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something wakes him, and he is no longer a worm. He is the entire vineyard, and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks, a growing wisdom and joy that does not need to devour."

-There's a great silence that is listening to the thoughts."

"We are all addicts. All addiction has spiritual roots. The alcoholic, when they're drinking the beer, what they're really trying to do is drink unconditional Love. And when they're smoking  a cigarette, they're trying to inhale unconditional Love, the cigarette, the chocolate the sex might give you a taste of unconditional Love but it doesn't last. That's why you see the seeking mechanism can't provide the unconditional love that we seek, because the unconditional love that we seek is actually who we already are."
-Jeff Foster

Jeff Foster reading via IG--
I've read and LOVE and highly recommend all of his beuatiful books, but this one is a great place to start if you feel like stopping :) -- The Way of Rest

But this one, 'An Extraordinary Absence' was one of the books that kicked off my journey more than 10 years ago! I read it and re-read it and now that I'm remember it, will be revisiting! Enjoy!  

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The Best Kept Secret To Getting What You Want

You always, already ARE what the desire promises.
So let it go.
Let God hold it,
as you hold Him and walk through a different kind of door.

I Love you,
[email protected]

**MEDITATION TONIGHT at 7pm ET! Chat soon!

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes:
"You're walking through a different kind of door.  Your environment is going to want to change as you continue to grow. Let it. Adaption is necessary in this new state of flow. Allow the energy of your surroundings to be organic. What comes is as a result of your vibe. What goes is as a result of your vibe. And as you flow in this type of rhythm of self-truth, you create an honest space for yourself and those around you.
-@SourceMessages via IG

"Despite appearances only God is happening."
-Joel Goldsmith 

"Only prana (breath) can eliminate doubt.  When a doubt arises in your mind, know that your prana has gone down.When you have doubts do more sadhana or practice."
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 

"?I give people what they want in the hope that they will begin to want what I want to give them.?
-Shirdi Sai Baba 

"If u want to go on a plane or go to a movie, then u have to buy a ticket.  This ticket needs to be given at the door... if you hold on to the ticket... how will you go in?
If u want to be admitted to a college,  you must fill out an application form and then you must submit it, you can't hold on to it."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 

"God will give us the desires of our hearts when we submit to His will."

"All else is illusion except the Name of God."
-Ramayana (Shiva to Uma) 

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Affirm: God Has Found Me

Keep finding Him by waking up in every appearance and asking,
"Is this here, or is God here?"
"Is that problem here, or is God here?"
"Is this worrying thought here, or is God here?"
"Am I here, or is He here?"
"What is 'here'?' 
Only That.
 I Love you, 
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"Our Father (God) who art in Heaven (eternal reality), hallowed be thy Name." Prayer is the remembrance of the Divine Name. The Kingdom is come, the Will is done, when the Name is remembered."
-Jay Matthews via Quora 

"When God wishes to help, He lets us weep. 
Wherever water flows life nourishes. 
Wherever tears fall, Divine mercy is shown."

"Nothing can make you happy until Nothing can make you happy."
-Jeff Foster 

"The Light of God surrounds you,
The Love of God enfolds you,
The Power of God protects you,
The presence of God watches over you,
Where ever you are God is,
And all is well."
-Ray Rarmilo via FB

"I am pleased with you, My Child.  Allow yourself to become fully aware of My pleasure shining upon you. You don't have to perform well in order to receive My Love. In fact, a performance focus will pull you away from Me, toward some sort of Pharisaism. This can be a subtle form of idolatry: worshiping your own good works. It can also be a source of deep discouragement when your works don't measure up to your expectations.Shift your focus from your performance to My radiant Presence. The Light of My Love shines on you continually, regardless of your feelings or behavior. Your responsibility is to be receptive to this unconditional Love.  Thankfulness and trust are your primary receptors. Thank Me for everything; trust in Me at all times. These simple disciplines will keep you open to My loving Presence.
- @jesuscalling.daily via IG 

"Where we see waves we have
a God who makes highways.
Where we see dead ends, we have
a God who makes a Red Sea Road.
The brave trust Him unwaveringly
and know that it's okay if things
feel kinda unsteady when your
heart's fixed on Him because:
Faith feels like waves.
And your heart takes a deep breath,
smiles wide, takes its own wild
leap of faith and believes:
The brave ignore waves."
-Ann Voskamp

"I  was a black ant,
on a black stone,
on a dark night,
but God has found me."
-Sufi Proverb

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Fear is Only Possible When You're Living in the Suburbs of Love #GMweekends

View your mind like traffic that has nothing to do with you. Traffic that's on the other side of the road.  The kind of traffic that makes you say, 'whooo! Glad I'm not going that way!"  Don't get involved with it.  You're not stuck in it.  You're simply watching it.

Every time a thought approaches, ask yourself, 'to whom does this thought come?' And pause... listen.  The answer is the silence.  The mind stops and leaves you in the remembrance, in the recognition that you were never out of Love... you weren't living in the outskirts of the Kingdom.  YOU ARE THE KINGDOM.  You're Home, in the City of God. And as long as you're feeling Love inside of you, you'll be consciously aware of Love manifest all around you... as you.

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes: 

"Complaint is only possible when you're living in the suburbs of God." 
- Daniel Ladinsky, 'The Gift: Poems by Hafiz, The Great Sufi Master

"To whom does this thought come?" 
- Ramana Maharshi

"See what you're doing now.  You're thinking.  That spoils it.  Learn to stay without thought. Even if for a few seconds.  It's hard isn't it?  This is the reason you have to ask yourself, 'To whom do these thoughts come?'  It's only a modality to cause you to stop thinking."
-Robert Adams

"You cannot see anyone, the face of God is all that shines.  The Soul of God looks out through all eyes." 
- Joel Goldsmith 

"None but ourselves can free our minds." 
-Bob Marley

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Put Your Thoughts on Transparency Mode #GMweekends

Never hold a thought, never drop the Thread.

Watch and listen to your mind.  Notice when it's doing what it does.  Notice its judgements, criticisms, projections, conclusions.  Don't react. Don't respond. Don't try to stop them.  Just notice.  And then notice what else is present.  Listen to the Silence that the thoughts are coming and going in.  Feel that Silence... Joy, Love... the Bliss of the Self.  When you feel this Bliss, It puts the thoughts on transparency mode (like your noise canceling headphones).  Now you're no longer hypnotized by thinking... It's not the only thing you can hear.  Now you can also hear the Silence!  You can feel the Thread.  And It feels good. Don't drop It.

I love you,
[email protected] 

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

Ram Dass' Roommate Story from 'Changing Lenses'

"If you would like to meet your roommate, just try to sit inside yourself for a while in complete solitude and silence. You have the right; it?s your inner domain. But instead of finding silence, you?re going to listen to incessant chatter: ?Why am I doing this? I have more important things to do. This is a waste of time. There?s nobody in here but me. What?s this all about??

Right on cue, there?s your roommate. You may have a clear intention to be quiet inside, but your roommate won?t cooperate. And it?s not just when you try to be quiet. It has something to say about everything you look at: ?I like it. I don?t like it. This is good. That?s bad.? It just talks and talks. You don?t generally notice because you don?t step back from it. You?re so close that you don?t realize that you?re actually hypnotized into listening to it. Basically, you?re not alone in there. There are two distinct aspects of your inner being. The first is you, the awareness, the witness, the center of your willful intentions; and the other is that which you watch. The problem is, the part that you watch never shuts up. If you could get rid of that part, even for a moment, the peace and serenity would be the nicest vacation you?ve ever had."
-Singer, Michael A.. The Untethered Soul (p. 17)

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Live Life As If Everything is Rigged in Your Favor #GMholiday

Treat every 'problem' like a blessing in disguise.  When a problem comes, pause, and:

1. Notice the problem
2. Notice the Silence
3. Notice Love

As soon as you feel Love, you are in touch with the solution, and will live the miracle. 
You feel Grace within yourself, and then you see Grace around yourself.

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"What is Grace? I asked God.  And He said, 'all that happens'. " - Unknown 

?All is God?s will, but maya prevents you from knowing It?s all God?s will.? - Neem Karoli Baba

"You must always remember this, that no matter what you're going through, no matter what appears to have come upon you that you consider negative, it's a blessing in disguise. Sounds strange but true. It's a blessing in disguise, believe it or not. If you handle it in the right way, and you work through it by not reacting to it, it will turn into something so beautiful you can't imagine. I can assure you of this. But if you react you may win, you may get your point across. That will only last a short while. Then you?ll have to go through the condition again and again, perhaps with other people, and you'll never know why you suffer so much."- Robert Adams 

"Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor." - Rumi

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The Only Real Gratitude

Imagine you have a direct line to God up to your right ear
what do you hear?


Without words.

True prayer.

The one where you listen to God listening,
the one where you hear God hearing you feel,
'thank you Father, I Am.'

Happy Thanksgiving, I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"In prayer, I do not go to God to have certain things brought about for tomorrow or for Thanksgiving or for Christmas. I don't do that, I go to God in this way. 'Today, tomorrow and all time to come, God, I belong to Thee. Map out my days.'  And then, I sit in complete silence, in complete quietness, as if I really and truly had a telephone receiver at my ear and were trying to hear somebody at the other end. It isn't so much that I expect to hear a voice, although I sometimes do."
-Joel S Goldsmith

"Only those who understand that God is their own consciousness and that from this individual, yet infinite, consciousness flow all things can really know the true sense of gratitude. The only real gratitude is that which is felt for the gift of spiritual discernment."
-Joel S Goldsmith

"Dan Rather, CBS anchor, once asked Mother Teresa what she said during her prayers. She answered, "I listen." So Dan turned the question and asked, "Well then, what does God say?"  Mother Teresa smiled with confidence and answered, "He listens." For an instant, Dan didn't know what to say. "And if you don't understand that," Mother Teresa added, "I can't explain it to you."
-Via ServiceSpace

"Maybe the soul
is tired because all it needs
is more time with
the Lord;
Maybe the heart
is tired because it has been fed
with all-
the wrong things."
-@worshipblog via IG Cory Asbury 

"I want to reach for God
the way I reach for my phone.
When I'm bored, 
when I'm uncomfortable, 
when I need answers or entertainment.
When I'm lonely and need someone to talk to."
@worshipblog via IG Cory Asbury 

"If He holds the universe
He is holding your world together."

"You could go all through the balance of your career without a treatment, without a lesson, without reading a book, and find greater harmony, greater peace, greater health,  than you have ever known, just with the simple realization of, 'Thank you, Father, I Am.  I Am'. Not will be and not shall be, but I Am.  Not ought to be and not deserve to be. Just, "Thank you, Father, I am!
-Joel S. Goldsmith

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Home for the Holidays? Do THIS to Stay In Your Power. #Bonus

 Stay in your Home energy even when you're away from home, with this easy practice and mini-meditation.  

"If you think you're so enlightened, go home for Thanksgiving." - Ram Dass 

"Not good humanhood, not bad humanhood, Christhood." - Joel Goldsmith

I Love you, 
[email protected] 

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It Doesn't Take Time, It Takes Alignment

And it doesn't matter how long you're in 'alignment',
but how often you return Here.
How frequently you find yourself not wanting,
not seeking,
but settled,
in Silence,
in Stillness,
In God. 
Not settling in life,
not being 'content' with the way things are,
but seeing through the way things are.
Being contentment Itself.
Aligning and settling your sight,
your ear,
on what's actually Here. 
And Now.
and Now.

I Love you,
[email protected]

and Now
and Now :)

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"It doesn't take time, it takes alignment"
-Abraham Hicks

"Was Jesus the son of God? Yes. But so are you, you just haven't realized it yet."
-Eckhart Tolle

"Settle yourself in solitude and you will come upon God in yourself."
-St. Teresa of Avila 

"Heaven is this moment
Hell is the burning desire for this moment to be different."
-Jeff Foster 

"Now is where Love breathes."

"Can you go a week without wanting?"
-@JiteshVaswani via IG 

"To have finally dealt  with suffering is to consume it into yourself. Which means you have to, with eyes open, be able to keep your heart open in hell... And what it involves is bearing the unbearable. And who you really are can do it. So that who you think you are has to die in the process."
-Ram Dass 

?Many misunderstandings and false beliefs about Christ will clear if you realize that there is no past or future in Christ. To say that Christ was or will be is a contradiction in terms. Jesus was. He was a man who lived two thousand years ago and realized divine presence, his true nature. And so he said: ?Before Abraham was, I am.? He did not say: ?I already existed before Abraham was born.? That would have meant that he was still within the dimension of time and form identity. The words I am used in a sentence that starts in the past tense indicate a radical shift, a discontinuity in the temporal dimension. It is a Zen-like statement of great profundity. Jesus attempted to convey directly, not through discursive thought, the meaning of presence, of self-realization. He had gone beyond the consciousness dimension governed by time, into the realm of the timeless. The dimension of eternity had come into this world. Eternity, of course, does not mean endless time, but no time. Thus, the man Jesus became Christ, a vehicle for pure consciousness. And what is God?s self-definition in the Bible? Did God say, ?I have always been, and I always will be?? Of course not. That would have given reality to past and future. God said: ?I AM THAT I AM.? No time here, just presence.?
- Excerpt From, 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle 

and Now...

And NOW :) 

I Love youuuu!  

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You Were Born for a Time Such as This

*Tune into Meditation with CurlyNikki tonight for a live meditation on Spotify!*

Can you continue to hear your breakthrough today over the noise of the world?
Over the noise of your old?
Over the noise of the past,
which you call 'the present'?
Can you keep your ears tuned to God?
Can you let Silence be born in you again and again?
Affirming: I was born for such a time as this.   
Let's Go. 

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"Give your life
to the one
Who already
owns your
breath and
your moments."

"There is in you
something that waits and listens
for the sound of the genuine
in vourself."
-Howard Thurman

"Be thankful that God intended to
live Its life as you."
-Gil Michaels 

"Keep your ears tuned to the music of My Spheres, and the discordant noises of the world and its activities shall not touch you. I it is, who have put beauty and harmony in the limpid note of the bird. I have put the perfume in the flowers. All things working through My Law must be things of beauty, quietness, harmony, and love. And so you see how anything else is not of Me and therefore but a shadow cast by man's thought on the realm of the relative. When these other things seem to fill the world around you,  just be still and know My Voice, and oh, so quickly, shall discords dissolve into the nothingness from which they came, and the peace of God shall flood your soul, and in your ear shall ring the glorious freedom song of the bird on wing..."
-Eva Bell Werber 

"Hey God,
I don't want to be in this same place next year.  Introduce me to me. Help me to see myself the way that You see me. Do whatever you need to do in my life that pushes me closer to You.  Heal my heart so my triggers become my testimonies. Add or remove whoever or whatever You need to. Develop in me the character to not just reach the places we talk about but the character to stay in those places. You have permission to do whatever's needed in my life, for Your correction is for my protection. 
-@KingOfSolomon via IG

"You were born for a time such as this."
-Esther 4:14

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Affirm: I Am Grace Taking Shape

Rumi said, "I prayed so much that I turned into prayer."
You say, "I turned to Love so much that I turned into Love". 
You've turned into Grace.
And as this Grace, you can turn things around.
You are Grace,
the Sound,
the Word,
this Love,
taking shape. 

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes:  

"We're not bringing struggle to an end. We're not trying to not struggle anymore. We're just noticing that there is a whole other dimension to consciousness that, in this very moment, isn't struggling, isn't resentful, isn't trying to get somewhere.  You can literally feel it. You can't think your way to not struggling. There isn't a three-point plan of how not to struggle. It's really a one-point plan: Notice that the peace, this end of struggling, is actually already present."
-Adyashanti (Falling into Grace)

"Turn toward God and you will find yourself shaking off the chains of habits and environment??The Self identified with the ego is bound; the Self identified with the soul is free."
Paramahansa Yogananda

"I prayed so much that I turned into prayer."

"Don't underestimate your strength. I tell you, you can make miracles.  You can turn things around 180 degrees."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"You spent the last 10 Monday's saying next week. The last 10 calendar months saying next year. The last 24 hours saying tomorrow. Your life is passing you by! GET UP!  Nobody is coming to save you."
-@IAmKiraj via IG

"From beyond the stars
and void of space.
Transcendent, Pure,
Of unimaginable beauty,
Bringing with you
the essence of love.
You transform all
who are touched by you.
Mundane concerns,
troubles, and sorrows
dissolve in your presence,
Bringing joy to ruler and ruled
to peasant and King.
You bewilder us,
with your grace.
All evils transform into goodness.
You are the master alchemist.
You light the fire of love,
in earth and sky,
in heart and soul,
of every being.
Through your loving,
existence and nonexistence merge.
All opposites unite.
All that is profane,
becomes sacred again."
-Rumi  on the 'Master-Power' 

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I'm Happy Even Before I Have a Reason #GMweekends

Keep listening and feeling for God's silent, jubilant Laughter.  Allow It to become the soundtrack and the feeling quality of your life.  Allow It to replace your life. 

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes:

"I am happy even before I have a reason." - Hafiz

"Hafiz tells us that the Beloved's nature is pure Joy.  The closer we come to Him, the more we are able to hear and feel God's Laughter.  The rhythm of His Laughter is the music of the dance of life.  That music is the essence of Love, and it is the radiant core of every song of Hafiz."
-Daniel Ladinsky 

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Don't lose heart. God helps those who are courageous. #GMweekends

Keep recognizing familiar thought patterns and immediately shifting into your spiritual practice-- your mantra, listening for silence, staring straight ahead, unblinkingly, swaying, smiling, etc. 

Jump out of the mind and into the Heart.  Fall into the One Love, the One Power, the One Cause, and you'll discover your wings.

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"The more fearful a person is, the more he uses his mind. The more fearless a person is, the more he uses his Heart." 
- Teal Swan 

"The spiritual work is like jumping out of an airplane and after you get out of the airplane, you see you have no parachute on.  But then you finally figure out it's okay because there is no ground." - Ram Dass 

"Don't lose heart.  God helps those who are courageous." - Neem Karoli Baba 

"Give your real being a chance to shape your life.  You will not regret it." 
-Nisargadatta Maharaj 

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is One Lord. (Deuteronomy 6:4)
In our agreement and understanding that God is one, God has no opposite, and there is no opposition.  With God as one, there is only one activity, one being, one cause, one power, one law." 
- Joel Goldsmith 

"Think of God alone. Dismiss every thought from your mind, You will see God before you and all your problems will be solved." 
- Shivapuri Baba

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We Have Begun Our Real Journey

Can you hear the Silence,
while the crying is (t)here?
While the heaviness is (t)here,
can you be Light?
It doesn't push the heaviness away.
When you wake up in the heaviness, you actually bring it closer.
Because you feel safe,
you can bring it closer,
you can hold it,
because God is holding you.
And because you know God is holding you,
you can finally release it.
Release the fear.
It's not who you are.
Release the past.
It's not where you are.
Release yourself.
It's not really here.
Only the Word is. 

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

Support the show:

GoOD Mornings merch:

Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"And we pray,
not for new earth or Heaven
but to be quiet in Heart
and in Eye, clear. 
What we need is here."
-Wendell Berry

'When we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work,  
and when we no longer know which way to go we have begun our real journey."
-Wendell Berry 

"If you can't meditate, pause before every sip of coffee.
If you can't pray, simply say thank you before every meal."
-Vex King

"Courage is a love affair with the unknown."

"As one drawn to his lost spiritual home
Feels now the closeness of a waiting love,
Into a passage dim and tremulous
That clasped him in from day and night?s pursuit,
He travelled led by a mysterious sound.
A murmur multitudinous and lone,
All sounds it was in turn, yet still the same.
A hidden call to unforeseen delight."
-Sri Aurobindo, Savitri ? I: The World-Soul

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You Will Attain What You Want, Only If You Seek for It Where It Is

And every time you're tempted to go out and seek for It where It's not,
And breathe in...
breathe out...
And Love your Self enough to go slowly,
to Hear clearly,
that Voice that says,
"I Am."
"I Have."
"It's Here."
Thank you,
thank you,
thank you.

I Love you!

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"The kingdom of God is not in the clouds, in some designated point of space; it is right behind the darkness that you perceive with closed eyes."
- Paramahansa Yogananda

"Some time back, I asked my Master, 'How long should I meditate?
He gave this example to help me understand, If you were told there is a treasure of four hundred thousand dollars at a depth of twenty feet, how long would you spend daily trying to dig it up?* Then it was clear to me, 'I would work all day and all night and would not rest until I had reached that treasure; I answered. "Similarly," he continued, "and this is just tour hundred thousand dollars of worldly treasure, But inside us, at the third eye center, there is a limitless wonderful treasure and for that we are to devote all our time.  This treasure never decreases. One can even take it with one after leaving the body. It is not a worldly kind of wealth.  If you take one piece from a worldly treasure, then it will always be one piece less. But the godly treasure is such that the more you use it for yourself and others, the more it will increase."
-Good Stories, July 17,1977 (Thakar Singh) 

"You will attain what you want only
if you seek for it where it is.
If you want happiness, seek for it
in the Self, in God, the fountain
source of the highest bliss,
not in sensual obiects."
-Mahavatar Babaji 

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Let God Happen

What you usually do is you 'stop' letting yourself be Loved by God because you're angry, or frustrated, or stressed.
You don 't have time to let God love you.
You say, 'I'm too busy trying to get this done',
or, 'I'm trying to get there from here...'
Start noticing moments like these and close your eyes on them and say,
'Let it happen.'
Let God happen.
Let Love happen.
Let HIM,
and you rest,
You watch.
You win.

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"The difference between humanhood and Christhood can be found in the two words getting and letting.  As human beings, we are constantly driven to get: we get up in the morning, get breakfast, get to work, get lunch, get home, get to bed, all in order to get money to get food and clothing so that we can keep on getting to work everything appears to come from the outside, and in that belief human beings are enslaved to a life of getting. The transition to our realized Christhood changes our life from one of getting to one of letting. we let that mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus: we let "the imprisoned splendor escape."  The whole purpose of our life changes as this enlightened awareness lifts consciousness. the kingdom is within not outside to get.  Through meditation we enter that kingdom and let it flow out from our conscious oneness with god. we are then a blessing to all we meet. we are no longer in bondage to getting: we are released into the joy of letting. "
-A message for the ages - Joel Goldsmith 

" As you sit with me in the space of deliberate influence I will highlight the direction I have intended for you to travel. I will guide you clearly and precisely as you allow the influence of my spirit to make its mark, without resistance or opposition. I know sometimes you resist unknowingly and unintentionally. I know sometimes you resist, not because you want to resist my will, but because you do not recognize what I am saying. You do not recognize my voice, ways, or timing so you unintentionally resist what I'm giving you.

Understand as you walk with me and continue to abide with me, all of these interactions will become more and more familiar as they happen more and more frequently. You will recognize My signature, and will see it clearly without question, and will do so from a greater distance. And with this capacity to discern more quickly and more accurately, you will be poised to cooperate with me more and more, operating with less and less confusion and misunderstanding, and more and more clarity and precision with the wisdom, discernment, and understanding I have given you."
-Neil Vermillion, Daily Newsletter  @neilvermillion via IG

 "If you are irritated by
every rub, how will
you be polished?"
- Rumi

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Chant and the Bonds of a Thousand Chains Will Vanish

Chant and God will fill you up again,
to overflowing,
smiling your face,
bringing you Peace,
bringing you the world.   
Chant and see.

I Love you, 
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes:

I Love you,

"If negative thoughts, insecurities, doubts come into the mind, chant Om Namah Shivaya. This itself will  put you on the right track."
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"Regardless of time or place, one who chants the Holy Name, even while eating or sleeping, attains all perfection."
-Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

"Sleep while awake."
-Ramana Maharshi

"No matter what your impulses dictate, let nothing sit on the throne of your heart but God. If you love this creation of God's more than Him, you will be disillusioned. God first, God in the middle, God last."

"You should not be carried away by the dictation of your mind, but the mind should be carried away by your dictation."
-Srila Prabhupada

"Let there be no boundaries. When you lose all sense of self, the bonds of a thousand chains will vanish. Lose yourself completely, return to the root of the root of your own soul?
- Rumi

"In this world full of shapes, there you are with no form."

"Japa is not a battle with the mind but an emotional connection with Krishna."
-Mahatma Das

"There is a silence in you.
It is always here, constant and unmovable.
It is not doing anything. Be aware of this.
It is simply here but it didn?t arrive.
You are not a person here. In the silence itself,
you are without history, name and form.
Recognise that space here now which simply is.
It underlies all activity, but it itself
does not participate in any activity.
Notice and confirm this now,
and stay in your beautiful rest."

"You've been seeking a drop of water when God has the ocean written for you."

My mantra and its benefits- 

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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This is the Expressway

Affirm: My life changes now.
I'm at the beginning of a new journey.
I'm sitting up taller.
I'm feeling Love.
I'm being Love.
I'm on the Expressway,
through It all,
on my way to It all,
remembering that I am It all.   
I Love you,   
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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GoOD Mornings merch:

Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"Each person comes to life at a time when they have something to give to the world."
-Old Proverb

"Identify the most profound and pleasant experience that you have experienced. At that moment, what sort of face did you carry? Make that experience and expression the baseline of your life.  You should not come below that high that you already know. You can only exist above that benchmark. Make the high point of your life the base for the future! The tools for transformation are there. You are at the right time in history. This is a great time for blossoming into your fullest. When I am here, you should not aspire for the mundane. Your goal should be nothing less than the Ultimate."

Before outer conditions can change, your reaction to them must stop, for it is your reaction that perpetuates them by giving truth to the lie.  Refuse to do something about nothing. Reacting to thoughts about the material world is like a hypnotized stage subject swinging at an imaginary opponent.  The secret to non-reaction is in remembering that you are already infinite God-consciousness.  We are to let thoughts pass out of us and thus uncondition our mind. As they are passing out, don't pull them back by thinking about them. The only reaction you should have is to omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence; that reaction being awe and gratitude that you are one with all that is. God-consciousness is always acting, never reacting."
-Joel Goldsmith 

"Fear says 'what if'
Faith says 'even if'"
-@prayerteam via IG 

God sees nothing in us that He has not given,
Everything is empty until He places
what He wishes into it.
The soul is like an uninhabited world
that comes to life only when
God lays His head
against us.
The delight a child can know
tossing a ball into the air,
my Lord confessed He experiences
whenever He looks at you.
God sees nothing in us
that He has not given."
-St. Thomas Aquinas, Love Poems From God by Daniel Ladinsky

?Smiling can be a deliberate, intentioned act. When it is that, it becomes an act of creation, and a powerful tool. Be quick to smile, and quick to share your smile with others. You will light up your heart and light up the room.?
-Neale Donald Walsch

?When you are in readiness, you are in wakefulness. A smile can take you there. A simple smile. Just stop everything for one moment, and smile. At nothing. Just because it feels good. Just because your heart knows a secret. And because your soul knows what the secret is. Smile at that. Smile a lot. It will cure whatever ails you.?
-Neale Donald Walsch

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Finding God is the "Funeral of All Sorrows" #GMweekends

Finding and knowing this Love ends your worries, ends your suffering? ends the limited and distorted concept of 'you'.  And in its place, the Grace of felt-Oneness... Wisdom... Purpose.. Joy... I Am.   

I Love you and I'm with you,  
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

Support the show:

GoOD Mornings merch:

Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"Remember that finding God will be the funeral of all sorrows." 
- Sri Yukteswar Giri via Autobiography of a Yogi

?Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.?
-Chinese Proverb 

?St. Teresa of Avila wrote: 'All difficulties in prayer can be traced to one cause: praying as if God were absent.' This is the conviction that we bring with us from early childhood and apply to everyday life and to our lives in general. It gets stronger as we grow up, unless we are touched by the Gospel and begin the spiritual journey. This journey is a process of dismantling the monumental illusion that God is distant or absent.?
-Thomas Keating, Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit

"You are so near that I cannot see You.  Like a fool I keep looking around." 

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Take a Vacation from Yourself #GMweekends

Take a vacation from yourself by being your Self.  Bask in the sun of the Self and immediately know everything AS that One.  As Love.  You're not trying to practice or trying to remember this, you immediately feel and know Love here, there, and everywhere.  

When you scroll IG, you know that where the phone, the hand, the feed, and the profiles appear to be, only Love is.  Where the world is, including the body you call 'you' appears to be, know only Love is (t)here.  Here, everything is holy.  Everything is sacred.  Every day is a miracle. Every day is vacation.  Every day is Saturday.  This is an immediate recognition.  An instant retreat.  Stay here. 

I Love you, 
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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GoOD Mornings merch:

Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"Your consciousness of Truth does not mean your ability to recall Truth; it means your immediate awareness of Truth-- the Truth of which you are conscious this very moment."
- Bob Pilato

 ?I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.?
-John 16:33

"The entire spiritual life is based on the rejection of appearances."
-Joel Goldsmith

 ?All evil vanishes from life for him who keeps the sun in his heart.? 
-Ram Dass 

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You Are Light That Can Hear

#ProTip: Today keep something in your ear, so you?re not in your head.

Joel Goldsmith's 'Secret work of the original 25' playlist helped me tremendously in 2018.  Maybe it'll help you, too!

May all your doors open,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"Love finds a way to Love you more."

"You are light that can walk. 
You are light that can see.
You are light that can touch.
you are light that can hear..."
-@philpattar via IG 

"Open all the doors, all the windows.  Let the sun and the rains and the wind come. Let God come in all the forms He wants: through music, through poetry, through song, through love, through meditation, through work, through play.  May all the doors be open."

"All sensory pleasures in the world are like wrapping paper;
the true bliss is the presence inside."
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"Remember that God called you. So, when you quit, you quit on whoever He wants to reach through you."
-@beckministries via IG 

"Just when you think it's too
late, that's when God whispers...
'We don't use the same watch.'"

"He changes times and seasons,
He removes kings and sets up kings.
He gives wisdom to the wise,
and knowledge to the discerning."
Daniel 2:21

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It's All in the Name

Even though the Name may sound like,
'Hare Krishna',
or 'Hare Rama',
or 'Yahweh',
or 'Abba',
It's basically saying:

'There's nothing to fear here.'
'This is illusion.'
'This is maya.'
'Only God is here.'
'Only Love is here.'
'You're safe.'
'I'm with you.'
'I'm protecting you.'
'I'm healing you.'
'I'm growing you.'
'I'm prospering you.'
'I'm blessing you.'

All of that,
is implied,
as you chant,
as you catch this Beat,
and feel this Rhythm.
It's all in the Name.
It's all in the Name.

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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GoOD Mornings merch:

Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"There's a morning when presence comes over your soul. You sing like a rooster in your earth-colored shape. Your heart hears and, no longer frantic, begins to dance."
- Rumi

"Where the pictures on the screen of the mind no longer disturb. That is enlightenment."
-Anu Mullick Koul

"Out of the four problems of material existence, namely the food problem, the shelter problem, the fear problem and the mating problem, the fear problem gives us more trouble than the others. Yet all fear is vanished as soon as there is the sound of the Lord, represented by His holy name. We can take advantage of these sounds and be free from all threatening problems of material existence."
-Srila Prabhupada

"The transcendental Presence must become a living experience, permeating our consciousness, flowing through us to the extent that the fingers tingle with It, and the toes. It is a reality, even though the human mind cannot understand It, the human eyes cannot see It, and the human ears cannot hear It. It is so real that when It happens we know It, and there are no questions."
- Joel Goldsmith

"And if hardship approaches, you then say:
You are what I will
use to blossom"
-Hashim Y. A.

" The presence of fear is a sure sign that you are trusting in your own strength. The awareness that there is nothing to fear shows that somewhere in your mind, though not necessarily in a place you recognize as yet, you have remembered God, and let His strength take the place of your weakness. The instant you are willing to do this there is indeed nothing to fear."
-A Course in Miracles 

"Once a dog came to the ashram to beg for food, Anandamayi Ma placed some food close to wooden tigers that were so realistically painted that they appear as real tigers. The dog obviously was in a quandary. He was eager to eat the food but fear of the tigers kept him from touching it. Anandamayi Ma there upon remarked that the dog found himself in the position of most human beings who are held captive by their imaginary fears.  Fear is unreal and it appears only in imagination; abide in Self to stay fearless."
-Sri Anandamavi Ma

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Let It Begin Now

Open that body's eyes in the same spirit that you start the engine of your car.
You don't think the car is You,
and right now, you're not thinking that that body is You.
You're seeing it silently.
You're looking 'in' at the world,
at these words,
through that body's eyes,
from where You are,
from what You are.
And suddenly, You're doing It!
You're BEing the Impossible,
and life is GoOD.

I Love you,
[email protected]

p.s. more affirmations from today's episode that got edited out-

It's happening now.
I Am Feeling now.
I Am Seeing now.
I Am Hearing now.
I Am Healing now.
I Am Rising now.
I Am Now.
I Am the Now.     

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"Heaven is a well of living water that seeks to replenish and renew the face of the earth. Let it begin now, with me.?
- Isha Das

"Start by doing what's necessary;
then do what's possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
-St. Francis of Assisi

"Breathe in and out of your heart. With each inhalation, you take in that Love a little more. With each exhalation, you get rid of that which keeps you from acknowledging that you are Love."
-Ram Dass

"My consciousness has never association itself with this temporary body.  Before I came on this earth I was the same.  As a little girl I was the same. Even afterward, though the dance of creation changes around me, in the hall of eternity I shall be the same."
-Anandamayi Ma

"Now imagine that you stop to sit on a bench in the park.
As you sit there everything stops, absolutely stops. Your mind is so still and quiet that you can hear dust particles floating in the air. Suddenly you are falling, and falling, and falling. There is no ground below or sky overhead, just a crushing thunderous silence, racing faster and faster. You suddenly realize that it?s going to kill you, rip you limb from limb and explode your lungs into dust. There?s no way out, no possible means of survival. And so you do the only thing there is to do.
Surrender.  All goes blank and empty, more empty than limitless space.  Prior to life and death, you blink out of (or is it into?) existence. Timelessness is all there is, all there ever was, or could be. Eternity reigns supreme, and is radiantly present in every particle of being.  Something unborn and undying stirs to life and opens its eyes?your eyes. You or It is still sitting on the park bench.
It is smiling, radiant, and content. A little girl on roller skates passes by. The sun glitters through the aspen leaves as an old man
smokes his pipe on a footbridge crossing over a stream that feeds into a pond filled with goldfish."
-Adyashanti excerpt from The Way of Liberation     

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You Don't Need a New Plan. You Need a Commitment.

Take no anxious thought by remembering your mantra.
Take no fearful thought by hearing the Silence.
Just for this eternal moment,
take no thought at all by feeling the Love,
knowing only Love is (t)here,
and all is GoOD.  
You must finish what you started.

With you in and AS the Commitment,
[email protected]

p.s. There will be no 'Meditation with CurlyNikki' tonight. We'll chat next week! I love you! 

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes:

"You are not lost,
you are not less than,
you are not losing it all,
or invisible in any way.
You are waking up."
-Matt Khan

"Take no thought"
-Joel Goldsmith 

"You are calling up the Divinity within you which will enable you to bear hunger and thirst, heat and cold."

"Call up the Divinity with you. If any social institution stands in your way of becoming God, it will give way before the power of Spirit."
-Swami Vivekenanda  

"It's time to disconnect from the standard.  Disconnect from the norm. You're operating at an entirely new level of frequency. What you're capable of doing with this renewed spirit of energy is beyond the average. Where most people can't, you can. Where most people won't, you will. Where most people stop, you go. Don't follow the line because you're creating your own now. This phase of your life doesn't require courage; it just requires you accepting who you were always meant to be."
-@SourceMessages via IG

"Look past your thoughts, 
so you may drink the pure nectar of this

"The human being has a unique place among God's creation.
'I breathed into him of My Spirit', God says.
Each and every one of us without exception
is designed to be God's delegate on earth.
Ask yourself, just how often do you behave
like a delegate, if you ever do so?
Remember, it falls upon each of us to discover
the Divine Spirit inside and live by it."
-Shams Tabrizi

"Do what you have been called to do, and then do more. The sky will clear and God's presence will be your presence."
-@Isha_das_craig_bullock via IG 

"Our only remedy is that whatever situation is there, you simply chant. Everything will be adjusted."
-Srila Prabhuapda

"Take the Name Ram and everything will be achieved."

"You don't need a new plan next year. You need a commitment."
-Seth Godin

"Sadhana isn't just sitting and closing your eyes, it's your attitude and how you act in different situations."
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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Everything that is meant for you, you will have.

Maharajji said, "I hear the Sound here. We shall have a temple."
I say, "I hear the Sound here, we shall have GoOD words..."
You say, "I hear the Sound here, we shall have _________.
Whatever you ask for in God's Name,
in the presence of this Sound,
you shall have.
But it'll pale in comparison to His Promise. 
Watch and see :) 

I Love you, 

p.s. that Maharajji quote, tho?! Just found it yesterday and what a Gift!  Confirmation.  Motivation. Celebration!

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Today's Quotes:

"Don't let what you see make you forget what I said. -God"
-Unknown via IG

?The large Kainchi temple is built at a spot where Sombari Maharaj, a great saint of that area, had lived in a cave. The cave still remains at the back of the temple and there is a strong feeling of continuity of spirit there. Once Maharajji, Siddhi Ma, and Jivanti Ma went at night to the site that was later to become the temple at Kainchi. While the Ma?s sat by the roadside, Maharajji crossed over the river and didn?t come back for four or five hours. When he did, he said, ?I hear the sound here. We shall have a temple.??
? Miracle of Love: Stories about Neem Karoli Baba by Ram Dass

"Thinking of anything other than God is what creates sorrow."
-Anandamayi Ma 

'Everything that is meant for you, you will have."
- @lawofattractionuniversal via IG 

"There's nothing to see here, there's nothing to see/hear."
-Jarett Anderson 

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Next Time You Feel Lonely... #GMweekends

Instead of avoiding or trying to cover the Silence by reaching for creature comforts today (idle chatter, unnecessary busyness, etc), reach for the Comforter in the Silence.  Sit in the big Quiet and feel for the Love inside.  Touching this place inside is the end of loneliness.  It's the end of fear.  It's the end of your perceived separation from God, from your Self.   Reach for the Comforter, and smile, and then go about your Sunday in and AS Love.
I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"Don't surrender your loneliness so quickly, let it cut more deep.  Let it ferment and season you as few human or even divine ingredients can.  Something missing in my heart tonight has made my eyes so soft my voice so tender my need of God absolutely clear.? - Hafiz 

?Man ordinarily lives in loneliness. To avoid loneliness, he creates all kinds of relationships, friendships, organizations, political parties, religions and what not. But the basic thing is that he is very much afraid of being lonely. Loneliness is a black hole, a darkness, a frightening negative state almost like death ? as if you are being swallowed by death itself. To avoid it, you run out and fall into anybody, just to hold somebody?s hand, to feel that you are not lonely? Nothing hurts more than loneliness.
But the trouble is, any relationship that arises out of the fear of being lonely is not going to be a blissful experience, because the other is also joining you out of fear. You both call it love. You are both deceiving yourself and the other. It is simply fear, and fear can never be the source of love. Only those who love are absolutely fearless; only those who love are able to be alone, joyously, whose need for the other has disappeared, who are sufficient unto themselves?
The day you decide that all these efforts are failures, that your loneliness has remained untouched by all your efforts, that is a great moment of understanding. Then only one thing remains: to see whether loneliness is such a thing that you should be afraid of, or if it is just your nature. Then rather than running out and away, you close your eyes and go in. Suddenly the night is over, and a new dawn ? The loneliness transforms into aloneness.
Aloneness is your nature. You were born alone, you will die alone. And you are living alone without understanding it, without being fully aware of it. You misunderstand aloneness as loneliness; it is simply a misunderstanding. You are sufficient unto yourself.?
? Osho

"Fear can be an indication that we are letting go of false comforts to find the true comfort in the silence.  Fear can be a sign that we are becoming aware of our unnecessary busyness, the loneliness we feel, the needs we usually ignore, including our need for peace, and quiet.  Fear emerge as our substitutes for the Love in the silence no longer work, and only silence is present."
- Dr. Bruce Davis

"The lonely one offers his hand too quickly to whomever he encounters." 
- Nietzsche

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You ARE the Love of God #GMweekends

Repeat and FEEL the mantra- "I feel the Love of God within me now."
"I am the Love of God within me now".
"I am the Love of God."
"I am Love."
"I am."

Stay as That, without words. Without someone there to feel or hold the Love.  Just be.  Light. Love.  This. 

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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GoOD Mornings merch:

Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"One who is able to withdraw the senses from their objects, just as a tortoise withdraws its limbs into its shell, is established in divine wisdom." - Bhagavad Gita 2.58

"If you feel nothing at all, it is only an intermediary stage that will go after sometime.  Think that blessing rains down on your head from above.  The head is your root and the body, the tree. When the root is well watered the whole tree becomes beautiful." - Ananadamayi Ma 

"Find that flame, that existence, That wonderful Man who can burn beneath the water. No other kind of light will cook the food you need." - Daniel Ladinsky, 'No Other Kind of Light' 

"There is something inside each of us that comes from behind that veil.  Behind the place of our own birth, it's as if you have tasted of something, somewhere in your past that's been so high, so much light, so much energy, that nothing you can experience through any of your senses or your thoughts can be enough. " - Ram Dass, Be Here Now 

"I feel the Love of God within me now." - ACIM Lesson 189

"Who could feel fear in such a world as this? ²It welcomes you, rejoices that you came, and sings your praises as it keeps you safe from every form of danger and of pain. ³It offers you a warm and gentle home in which to stay a while. ?It blesses you throughout the day, and watches through the night as silent guardian of your holy sleep. ?It sees salvation in you, and protects the light in you, in which it sees its own. ?It offers you its flowers and its snow, in thankfulness for your benevolence."  -ACIM Lesson 189

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It's Not Friday. #GMweekends

It's Now.  It's Presence.  And sometimes, we call it Friday,  and we allow ourselves to feel Go(o)d.  We allow ourselves to be our Self.  What people call 'that Friday feeling', that relaxation, that Peace, this Joy, is our truest Self... the present moment... NOW.  And we can feel It even on Monday, if we allow It. If we remember It. If we practice It. 

Keep recognizing that It's not Friday... It just IS.  It's NOW, and we're collectively (in this time zone at least) calling it Friday.   It's always only this same Presence, no matter if you're in NYC or Tokyo.  You're just slapping labels and locations and ideas on the one Presence.  Enjoy your labels and concepts, enjoy weekends and new destinations, but always be in the conscious remembrance of what's actually (t)here.  Your Self, only this Love, seeming to temporarily appear as a weekend. 

I Love you, 
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"God?s voice thunders, and the earth melts!" - Psalm 46:6

"If we become so proficient in the practice of the Presence that we can sit quietly with our attention focused on the Within, the still small voice will thunder, and the whole earth of evil will melt and fade out of our experience. It may come as an actual voice; it may come as a vision; but neither is necessary: Only one thing is necessary and that is to wait until there is a stirring or a feeling which is our assurance that God has uttered His voice. When that occurs, we shall find that discord is replaced by harmony, sickness gives way to health, and the people we meet are no longer human beings but children of God." - Joel Goldsmith  'Practicing the Presence' (pp. 109-110)

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God is 'It', and You Are Found.

I catch God peeking at me,
from around every corner,
from behind every person, situation, and thought,
smiling at me,
ready to be found,
so He can be It,
and I can know Him as All. 

I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"Young children, who have not yet accumulated a lot of stress, exhibit an abundance of energy, enthusiasm, profound joy, and unconditional love. These qualities that manifest spontaneously in an innocent child demonstrate the truest, unadulterated essence of humanness. We are all born with a wellspring of love and joy.  These qualities are not just emotions, they are the essence of our existence. The truth of our essence cannot change, it can only be covered over and hidden from us."
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"Your Name is Everything.
Hare Rãma.
It should be heard, spoken, sung, thought.
And yet ultimately it is unheard, unspoken, unsung,
The mantra is the bridge to this unknown.
-@gaieasanskrit via IG

"Really, if only you have this faith in the Name, you need not struggle to secure the chance to detail to me your desires and wants. I will fulfill them even without your telling me. Have the Nam bright and clear on your tongue, in your mind; and the form symbolised by it before your eye and mental vision-nothing can harm you."
-Shirdi Sai Baba 

"As Consciousness is Lifted into Awareness, there is nothing but Harmony. All Life is of God, Infinite Love. Go right to God and stay there."
-Al Denninger

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God Has Entered the Cha(n)t

...reminding you to cross that bridge from B.C. to A.C.,
from before chanting, to after chanting,
and from head chanting, to Heart chanting.

Here, is Love.
This is the something Sacred that's born every moment.
And your awareness of It births new experiences in the world, every moment.
You have to stay aware of this unbroken  connection
between the Invisible and the visible,
between the Kingdom and the world,
between God and You.
Heart Chanting is the bridge. 
I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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GoOD Mornings merch:

Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"before chanting to after chanting!"
-Jessika via the Love Charging Station 

"MAHARISHI : ... I was in Norway - don't remember which church in Norway - and then after the lecture boys and girls gathered around me and said "I like your lecture" and I say "What did you like about the lecture?" "And he said, "You said that life is bliss, and we heard in church that life is misfortune and you must suffer." "And we're afraid to go to church because we're sad to hear that life suffers, and you have to suffer."

I said life is happiness. You just have to enjoy it. But I told you how to enjoy. If you are not connected to the creative intelligence, which is within you, you will suffer. I said the teaching of the church is not that you must suffer, but the teaching of the Church is that if you don't study the kingdom of heaven within you will surely suffer. (laugh)

So better research the kingdom of heaven within then tell the church people that they are right and now start enjoying life. I said the doctrine is fine but you have to understand the doctrine. If you don't know the kingdom of heaven, you shall suffer. Many young boys and girls started meditation and became happy. Just a message that life is bliss and there is no need for suffering. This information is just so uplifting??. the kingdom of heaven within."
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Audio, 1964

"I am using words just to create silent gaps.  The words are secondary; the silences between those words are primary. This is simply a device to give you a glimpse of meditation. And once you know that it is possible for you, you have traveled fare
in the direction of your own being." 

"Being "in the gap- can be disorienting + even scary.  Nothing to hold on to, no sense of direction, not even a hint of what choices possibilities might lie ahead.  But it was just this state of pure potential that existed before the universe was created.  Relax into the no-thingness; fall into this silence between the words.. watch the gap between the outgoing and incoming breathing, and treasure each empty moment of the experience.  Something sacred is about to be born. 

"The river that flows in you also flows in me."

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The More She Prayed Through, the More GoOD Came Through

The more she saw through, the more GoOd came through--
as the feeling of Silence,
as the sound of Love,
in the form of what was needed,
Look THROUGH the need,
that's how you pray for it.
I Love you,
[email protected]

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):

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Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)
Today's Quotes:

"The more she prayed through, the more God came through."
-@SpiritualSlayer01 via IG

"I will row your boat even in sand."

"I am in need of nothing but the truth. I  sought for many things, and found despair.  Now do I seek but one, for in that one is all I need, and only what I need. "All that I
sought before I needed not, and did not even want. My only need I did not recognize. 'But now I see that I need only truth. "In that all needs are satisfied, all cravings end, all hopes are finally fulfilled and dreams are gone. "Now have I everything that I could need. Now have I everything that I could want. And now at last I find myself at peace."
-ACIM 251

?I once had a thousand desires. 
But in my one desire to know you all else melted away.?
- Rumi

"Just relinquish the belief that you need something in the realization that "God knows your need before you do," and you're under grace. You do not have to reach out physically or mentally for anything. The very moment you know that as an individual you are one with God, joint-heir with Christ in God, you can say, "Why certainly, I don't need anything or anybody. I live in my oneness with God." You're under grace that minute. Only do not go back and sin again. Do not go back tomorrow to a fear of
lack, or to a fear of sin, or a fear of disease, or a fear of false appetite. Keep yourself living in the realization, "Thank you, Father, I have no needs. The Father knoweth my needs."
-Joel Goldsmith 

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