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Informed Dissent with Leonydus

Informed Dissent with Leonydus

Writer and cultural/political commentator, Leonydus Johnson, brings common sense, liberty-minded perspectives to a variety of hot-button topics including race, politics, economics, psychology, and religion that dare to challenge the accepted narratives.


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Episode 30 - Ordinary Men

All throughout history, great evil has been committed by people who believed themselves to be righteous and morally justified. It is a grievous error to believe that we are somehow different and that we are not capable of the same. 

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Episode 29 - Identity Crisis

Our country is dealing with a profound identity crisis. This has been exemplified during both the COVID madness and the disaster in Afghanistan. It is difficult to even recognize America anymore. We have seemingly forgotten who we are as we stray further and further from the ideals that founded this nation and the ideals that truly make this country exceptional. 

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Episode 28 - Trust the Mind Virus

There is a highly infectious mind virus spreading throughout our society that is more dangerous and destructive than COVID. It causes reality distortion, emotional imbalance, and irrational fear and it threatens to tear our country apart. We must inoculate ourselves against it and stop the spread. 

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Episode 27 - Up From Slavery

Freedom, self-control, manhood, work ethic, personal responsibility, education, culture, unity. These ideas exemplify the autobiography of Booker T. Washington and they remind us how much we have gained and how much we have to lose. We must not squander our inheritance. 

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Episode 26 - Living in the Past

Perpetual anger and resentment, clinging to past grievances, vengefulness, hostility, lack of perspective, lack of gratitude - living in the past is not healthy behavior for an individual and it is not healthy behavior for a society. It's time to let the past go, embrace the blessings of the present, and look to the future. 

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Episode 25 - Truth and Honesty

At some point, we have to draw a line in the sand. We have to embrace honesty and stand up for truth, even  when it's hard, especially when it's hard, even if we're only ones doing it. And even if it ultimately costs us something.  Otherwise, the consequences will be devastating. 

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Episode 24: Lies and Manipulation

The people in power don't want peace and unity. They want division and chaos. Between George Floyd, Daunte Wright, Adam Toledo, Ma'Khia Bryant, and a host of others whose deaths have been exploited and used to manipulate, it is clear that these people want to cause as much destruction as possible. 

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Episode 23: Emptying the Ocean

We are living through a time period that is the antithesis of The Enlightenment.  Every day, our society devolves a little bit more into degeneracy and chaos. The poison is pervasive and it continues to spread.  And for the people who see what's happening and are trying to stop it, it often feels like trying to empty the ocean with a ladle. 

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Episode 22: Blue Anon

If you believe that racism is woven into the very fabric of society, that white supremacists are everywhere and that they are going to attack the Capitol any day now, if you believed in the Russia Hoax, Kavanaugh hoax, and Covington Catholic hoax,  if you find yourself cancelling cartoon characters, if you champion a cultural revolution and love to destroy people's lives for saying, reading, or thinking the wrong thing - you might be a Blue Anon. 

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Episode 21: My People

Math is racist, standardized testing is racist, Dr. Seuss, the Bachelor, even babies are racist. The toxic fixation on race is pernicious and it needs to be stopped. It is past time our society abandons this obsession with racial identity and begins recognizing and embracing our common humanity. 

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Episode 20: Welcome to Wonderland

We are being dragged down the rabbit hole of leftism, being bombarded with lie after lie, absurdity after absurdity, and it almost seems to be the point. The point isn't to uncover the truth. The point is to force capitulation. To force complete submission, so much so that you are even willing to obediently accept and affirm a reality that you know doesn't exist. Welcome to Wonderland. 

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Episode 19: Losing Our Minds

Celebrating the deaths of political opponents, firing people and trying to destroy them for their political beliefs, ignoring concentration camps and human rights abuses in China,  rejecting objectivity, attacking people for their race and teaching children that they are either victims or oppressors based on their skin color -- wokism is a mental illness. And as a society, we are rapidly losing our minds. 

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Episode 18: We Need a Divorce

The left is calling for unity while simultaneously calling for a 9/11-type commission and labeling Trump supporters "white supremacists" and "domestic terrorists." We have reached that point in our relationship where our differences are irreconcilable. We need a divorce. 

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Episode 17: Protect Our Children

From education, abortion, human trafficking, gender issues, inner-city violence, the pandemic response, there are a lot of different problems that affect children that need to be addressed. Our society needs to prioritize our children and we cannot allow our kids to become collateral damage in the pursuit of our own selfish goals. 

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Episode 16: Economics

When it comes to economics, it is important to remember that good intentions cannot change the fact that all resources are scarce and that there are no real solutions, only trade-offs. The government is abysmal at understanding this. As always, the answer to how best approach these decisions and how to achieve the best outcomes is to prioritize and promote individual liberty. 

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Episode 15: School Choice

Education is one of the most important concepts that we need to address and a good education is vital for a healthy society. And the best way to achieve this is through free-market principles, i.e. competition and giving parents and students the freedom to choose. 

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Episode 14: Liberty

It has become clear that too many in our country have forgotten just how important our liberty is and how vital it is to protect it. As the great Thomas Sowell once said, "Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric" 

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Episode 13: Election Chaos

The 2020 election has descended into chaos. Claims of fraud are rampant and nothing makes sense. Many questions remain and it isn't clear when we will have them answered. 

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Episode 12: Being an Overcomer (with Tiffany Johnson)

Three years ago, Tiffany Johnson lost her arm to a shark attack while snorkeling with her husband in the Bahamas. In this episode, she tells her incredible story and discusses dealing with such a traumatic experience and what it means to reject victimhood and to be an overcomer. 

Twitter: @banovercomer

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Episode 11: Critical Race Theory

The radical left is the single greatest threat to the future of our republic. And Critical Race Theory is its most dangerous weapon. 

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Episode 10: Faith and Communication (with Cory Procter)

Former NFL player and motivational speaker, Cory Procter, joins the show this week to discuss his thoughts on the current state of things in our country in relation to breakdowns in communication and inability to understand each other as well as the role that Christian faith plays in his life and in our culture. 

Follow Cory on Twitter: @CoryProcter 

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Episode 9: The Ballad of Chop Fluey

President Trump contracts COVID-19 and the radical left have a complete meltdown, mainly because he had the nerve to not die. Also, the panic and hysteria over the virus continue in spite of the facts, memories of "Flatten the Curve" vanish completely, and feelings of safety are deemed far more important than liberty. 

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Episode 8: Hollywood and Politics (with Mark Pellegrino)

Hollywood film and tv actor, Mark Pellegrino, joins the show this week to discuss navigating politics and cancel culture in Hollywood as well as what guides his own political and philosophical ideology. 

Follow Mark on Twitter @MarkRPellegrino

Check out his podcast, The Daily Objective, at

Check out the platform for The American Capitalist Party at

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Episode 7: Abortion

The recent Supreme Court vacancy has renewed the national debate around abortion. At the foundation of the debate is the question, "What is a human life?" It is past time to formally acknowledge that unborn children are, indeed, living human beings with intrinsic value and inherent human rights and that it is our duty to protect the rights of the most innocent among us who cannot speak for themselves. 

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Episode 6: Policing America - Part 2 (with Sgt. Zeek Arkham)

In the midst of the rhetoric, many people forget police officers are human beings. In this week's episode, I talked with Sergeant Zeek Arkham (@CopWithAttitude) about his thoughts on modern law enforcement. 

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Episode 5: The Church of Woke

What do you call a body of believers who passionately and religiously adhere to dogmatic ideals of social justice, whose intolerance for perceived heresy causes them to send inquisitors to root out and punish heretics, and whose principles are defined by being far more concerned with the appearance of being a good person rather than actually being one? 
The Church of Woke. 

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Episode 4: Policing America

The radical left truly believes that America is suffering from a racist, killer cop epidemic where police officers are murdering black people with impunity. But the evidence and the facts tell an entirely different story. 

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Episode 3: Racism and Where We Go From Here

Our toxic obsession with race as the primary aspect of identity can only ever end in enmity. Look around. That obsession is currently tearing our country apart. It's time we stop viewing the world through a racial lens and begin seeing each other as unique individuals. Only then will we see true progress and begin moving toward a truly post-racial society. 

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Episode 2: Enemy of the People

The mainstream corporate press has become more and more unhinged as they continually throw journalistic integrity to the wind, abandon any search for truth, and concern themselves only with advancing a particular narrative and telling us what to think. But how much damage can they really do? Are they truly the "enemy of the people"?

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Episode 1: Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is a neo-Marxist farce of an organization. Protestors have claimed that their movement, also called "Black Lives Matter", is completely different from the organization. But is it really? Does either the organization or the movement truly live up to their name? Or are they both ultimately just after power and control? 

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Introducing: Informed Dissent with Leonydus

Informed Dissent with Leonydus is a new podcast that explores a variety of hot-button cultural and political issues while pushing back against the ever-expanding demand for ideological conformity. 

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