Top 100 most popular podcasts
It was the most viewed home on realtor websites for weeks. It?s a curious looking house. As you swipe through the photos of the 15 foot tall ceilings, the grand glass windows, the $5M price tag starts to make sense.
But what is that? There is an entire concrete bunker like structure underneath the house with its very own panic room. A bank vault door - leading to a room with a toilet and sink.
To keep people out - and to keep people in.
This is the home that Ruby Franke & Jodi Hildebrandt tortured Ruby?s 2 youngest children in. There are detailed diaries left behind by Ruby Franke describing how she tortured them with cactuses, pouring cayenne pepper and honey into their wounds, and all the unique punishments she came up with.
All the while posting podcast episodes - giving advice to other moms.
How to be a perfect mom.
Just like her.
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Jodi is one of the most recommended marriage therapists in the area but there?s something about her that feels - wrong.
?Every relationship needs to die in order to be reborn.?
Her pattern is simple yet effective.
Find the husband?s addiction. Each husband has one. It?s usually watching too many explicit videos, staring too long at his female coworkers, or just having too many inappropriate thoughts.
Find the addiction. And stomp. It. Out.
Shame the husband for how he?s ruining the family and give the wife strength and power to run away from him? straight into Jodi?s arms.
It almost seems like that is her intention.
And it seems to work like a charm - every single time.
And just maybe - if Jodi really tries? maybe the men will even end up in prison. Then the wife will have nobody but Jodi.
Youtuber / family blogger, Ruby Franke, should be very familiar with this. Because now all she has - is Jodi.
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It?s the middle of the desert and the pavement is scorching hot. If you dare to step barefoot on it, it?s the equivalent of sticking your foot on a cast iron pan on high heat. Enough to cause instant blisters.
But the 12 year old boy has no choice. He has once more chance to escape and he needs to make it to a neighbors house for safety. He crawls out the window and starts pacing. If nobody is home - that could be the end. There are only 3 homes in this part of the desert.
The 1 he?s been locked up and tortured in.
The 1 where nobody would answer the door.
And 1 last chance.
If he can make it there before they catch him. Or if the duct tape around his ankles don?t melt into him.
August 30, 2023 - this little boys escape will kick start an investigation into one of the biggest family vloggers on YouTube.
This is the case of Ruby Franke - the woman who has been vlogging herself abusing her 6 kids for years, and has locked away the two youngest in a windowless safe room - to be tortured.
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Police find 10 year old Victoria?s body completely dismembered. Her arms, legs, and organs were severed off and the rest of her body was lit on fire.
When they bring in Victoria?s mother, Michelle, the pieces of the puzzle start coming together.
Michelle states that her boyfriend, Fabian, had been sexually assaulting Victoria.
Michelle states that she liked to watch. But that night in particular it got a bit too wild. Fabian accidentally chokes and kills Victoria during the assault.
Michelle states she sat there and watched Fabian and his cousin dismember Victoria.
Then she went to the kitchen to prepare dinner and soon after had sex with Fabian. This thing is normal for her. She had been going online to find predators to come assault her kid so this is what she wanted.
That?s what Michelle tells the authorities but two years later - she takes it all back. She says it was a false confession.
But that doesn?t explain - what happened to Victoria?
Is there any truth at all to this false confession?
And who is the unknown male DNA they found on Victoria?
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A woman walks into the Pavena Foundation.
?You have to help me!! Please!?
She frantically tells the nonprofit that she has just escaped from the country of Georgia. She had been held hostage by an organized crime group that forced her to do unspeakable things. Not only that - there are 100 more girls trapped there.
?What did they make you do??
They wanted her eggs. Her human eggs. She says the 100 girls were forced to take hormone injections, forcibly go through the IVF process, so the traffickers could take and harvest their eggs.
This is the case - of the human egg farm.
The conspiracies and questions of - who are they selling the eggs to? Where are they getting the victims? Is there a larger industry that we don?t know about? Is this the only organization doing this?
And? is this is the start of the real life ?Handmaid?s Tale??
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The man is walking alone in the rain. He?s not pacing, or trying to cover his face with his arm, he is just slowly walking in the rain. He looks like he?s in the middle of a k-drama scene.
To his left there is a whole wall of reporters just silently recording him. Waiting to see what he?s going to do next. He gives them what they want. He collapses onto the ground and cries out to the skies.
?My wife!?
This is not just a random man having a mental breakdown. This is billionaire Fei. One of the ?Young Masters of Beijing.? A group of billionaire boys who are known to be party playboys.
His ex wife, Barbie, has just passed away.
But why is he crying in the rain?
Wasn?t he the one that cheated on her? The one that was accused of being violent towards her?
And why won?t his billionaire mom stop trash talking Barbie on her livestreams - even after her death?
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In Brazil, this specific prison is known as the ?real dungeons.?
Because once you get in - you feel like you?re trapped in hell until they let you out. That is - if you can even get out alive.
BBC reporters are there to interview one of the most high profile prisoners. Every single prisoner in there has been deemed a dangerous criminal - this one even more so.
She walks out. Thin frame. Short blonde hair.
She used to be a model in NYC and was reported to have dated Leonardo DiCaprio. What is she doing in here?
?Why are you in here?? - they ask her.
?They say I can control people minds. Change their brains.? - she responds.
?Can you??
?What do you think? Can I? I hope so? when I get out you will see the power that I have and if it is real or not.?
?Is that a threat?
Did the prisoner just threaten the BBC reporters?
This is the case of Kat Torres - the Brazilian Instagram ?influencer? with over 1 million followers that has been charged with human trafficking and slavery charges.
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It?s not the most captivating livestream. Ash Trevino is on the phone with her boyfriend and we, the viewers, are forced to just listen to their seemingly mundane conversations.
Out of nowhere, the 36 year old mom of two starts getting angry. She starts screaming -
?He?s innocent. I don?t care what y?all say. He is innocent and y?all are going to see that. My comments are saying RIP to those who lost their lives...?
Ash Trevino starts cackling. What is so funny? Is she laughing at the 2 teenage girls her new boyfriend killed?
Or is she laughing at all the other victims her other boyfriends in prison have killed?
Welcome to the world of Ash Trevino. Dubbed the ?inmate hopper? and the ?worst mom on TikTok.? The internet is collectively trying to get her accounts closed and are mass reporting her to Child Protective Services.
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16 year old Manohara is walking up towards the private plane. Her mother and sister are grabbing their bags from the black car behind her. She?s walking up the private jet steps? when she feels something. It?s a wave of panic?
A sixth sense? Something in her body is telling her this is not where she should be right now. She turns around and starts heading back down the steps when she hears footsteps behind her. 5 burly men come up behind her and grab her by the arms, dragging her onto the plane.
They slam her down onto her seat and refuse to let her leave. They refuse to let her family get on board.
The instructions were allegedly very clear.
Kidnap 16 year old Manohara and make sure she is returned to her rightful place in the palace.
To her husband.
The Prince of Malaysia.
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?New Parent Decision Coin.?
It?s a great gag gift for new parents. On one side it reads - ?daddy?s turn? and on the other it reads ?mommy?s turn.? When the baby starts getting fussy, you flip the coin, and whoever?s side it lands on gets to take care of the new baby.
13 year old Maddie sends the link to the coin with the text -
?We need this - can you get this for us??
She sends the text message to her mom?s 37 year old boyfriend, Stephan Sterns. It does not appear that Maddie?s mother is pregnant? so who is the coin for?
2 months later - Maddie is found dead.
Her ?stepfather? is arrested and graphic pictures and videos of Maddie are found on his phone.
Did he kill her?
Why did he kill her?
Was she pregnant?
And how did her mother not know anything about this?
Those are all the questions netizens have in the case of Madeline Soto.
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The plot of a famous thriller goes viral. It goes something like this.
A wife is called into the police station to talk about her husband. There are pictures of her husband with another girl. Graphic photos and now that girl is missing.
Does the wife know what her husband did to the missing girl? Will the wife support her husband or leave him immediately?
Jennifer Soto is at the police station and unfortunately for her - this is not a book plot.
?Do you recognize your boyfriend?s penis??
?Yes. That?s him.?
She is shown graphic photos of her boyfriend and the girl that has now gone missing but Jennifer isn?t convinced her boyfriend did anything wrong. She says -
?I believe the sex stuff but I don?t think he did anything evil.?
The investigators pause. What did she just say?
They?re disgusted.
Because the missing girl is Jennifer?s own daughter.
13 year old Madeline Soto.
The one her 37yr old boyfriend has been abusing. And yet she defends him?
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There?s been a crime in the workplace. Tim, the man in charge, is tasked with figuring out what exactly happened.
He calls in the informants and sits them down at his desk.
?What did you hear??
They lean forward - ?I heard that they meet after hours in her car and they?re having a very inappropriate relationship. She might even be pregnant.?
Tim takes notes. He interviews each of the people that could know exactly what happened? before concluding. These are all just workplace rumors. There is nothing more he should do about it.
There?s just no way that Teacher Of The Year - Brittany Zamora is SAing her 13 year old student in a classroom full of kids.
There?s no way. What would her poor husband say about this?
A lot.
He has a lot to say.
All words of support for his wife.
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Dina and Tim know that the footage is going to be bad. They had already seen glimpses? but they weren?t prepared.
The baby camera footage shows a 56 year old woman standing at the edge of the bed. She?s emotionless yet she's holding a newborn baby in her arms...
She takes a moment before calmly - using all her force - to chuck the baby across the room onto the bed. Ever so calmly she walks over and stuffs blankets into the baby?s mouth and slams her down.
This is the case of the worst nanny in San Francisco. And strangely, how a TikTok executive and Snapchat executive get involved in this viral case.
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?I thought trash day was just a few days ago??
Diane hears her neighbors bringing out their trash bins to the street. How is it already trash day? Diane is a young, single mom, and sometimes things slip her mind. She shrugs and grabs the trash bins.
As she?s walking out of her backyard - a man and a young woman appear in front of her. They smash her on the head with a metal pipe. They grab a bottle and pour hot, burning, liquid acid all down her face and back.
Diane knows exactly who did this to her. Her ex-bf. The YouTuber known for eating raw squirrels and pig heads on the streets of London.
He just tried killing her. And he?s going to try again. All whilst making videos for YouTube.
December 12th is the night that everyone has been waiting for.
The invitation is cryptic - it takes some guests weeks to figure out what it reads.
?Sdaeh tsilaer & sesserd gnol eit kcalb??
The secret is this - you have to reflect it into the mirror to figure out what it says.
?Black tie, long dresses & surrealist heads.?
Welcome to the Rothschild's (one of the wealthiest and most powerful families) newest secret party. Everyone walks in donning a giant bejeweled mask of animals that you would normally hunt. Stags. Deer. Birds in cages.
The staff in the massive mansion are dressed as cats, perched on the stairs, meowing at the passing guests. There?s no way they?re not hunting people afterwards right?
That?s always been the conspiracy. Rich people hunting the poor for sport. But what if it is true? What if it happened in South Korea and became the inspiration of the Netflix show - Squid Game?
It?s the biggest church in South Korea but nobody knows it exists. The church itself can fit at least 4,000 church goers all at once. But that?s not the intriguing part of the church? they just do things differently.
There are a row of people standing in front of the pastor. They are asking him for forgiveness but they?re all wearing the same thing. A red sack with big ugly painted letters on there that read ?I am a sinner who has gone against God?s word.?
Pastor Lim prays over them - one by one. Before he turns around and pulls out a set of red boxing gloves. He slowly, calmly puts them on and starts beating the people down. He doesn?t stop till the entire row of red sack wearing people are bloody on the floor.
Then he calmly fixes his clothes and heads back to the podium to continue preaching to the church goers.
This is not a cult story.
This is Brother?s Home.
A government funded camp to cleanse the humans of South Korea ahead of the Olympics.
The true story behind the Squid Game show.
They?re all wearing the same blue tracksuit. Thousands of them standing out in the middle of the woods wearing the same thing. What is this place?
They?re out in the middle of the woods - in what appears to be a small secretive city? A military base? How did they get 60+ buildings out here in the middle of the forest?
And that giant wall? it?s 30 feet tall. Tall enough to keep people out. Or keep them in.
The guards are watching each of the track suit wearing people with precision. One wrong move and you get beat. That?s when they hear it?
The man starts running up onto the roof of one of the buildings - and there he goes. He flies off the top and lands in front of everyone. On his head.
Someone standing right there says - ?honestly, I didn?t know the sound of someone?s head exploding could make such a loud splitting sound. I saw his skull explode open.?
A guard member walks out and sweeps up his brains and bones as if nothing happened. Sounds familiar doesn?t it? It kind of sounds like the plot of one of the most famous series on Netflix, Squid Game.
But it?s not.
This is the real life case of the Brother?s Home in South Korea.
The true story behind Squid Game.
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I received an email from the ex-wife of a serial killer. The subject reads: ? I was married to a serial killer for 7.5 years and I need help!!?
Her ex husband was sentenced to death for the murder of 3 women. When authorities searched his house they found a soundproof torture chamber. Whips, iron chains, and many many files. Video files of him torturing his victims - plucking out their nails one by one.
Now, his ex wife has come forward to ask for help. She was not only one of the first people he tried to kill but now her son (that she shares with him) has been taken. The serial killer?s mother has taken her son and now she?s on the hunt to get him back.
This is her GoFundMe:
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Sang?s mom is haunted. Everyone has their own explanations for it but it?s that simple.
Every time she sets the dinner table - she stares at the empty seat. Sometimes smiling, sometimes pouting, but always as if someone is sitting there.
Sang would ask -
?Mom, is everything alright??
?Just make sure to save some of the meat for Niuniu - you know that?s her favorite.?
Sang?s mom would motion at the empty chair and smile.
The haunting started when Niuniu, Sang?s little sister, went missing. Nobody knew what happened to her other than the fact that she received a creepy doll with moving eyes shortly before she went missing.
26 years later Niuniu would come back to tell everyone the truth. She was kidnapped, trafficked, and sold. After 26 years she was coming back to kill her trafficker. Get her revenge.
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The man in the olive green jacket is ready. Today is the day. He?s nervously walking through the crowd of New Yorkers to get to his destination.
The last thing he needs is to get stopped by anyone - especially the NYPD.
A man passes by him muttering -
?Bro, idk if you should be doing this but your life choice I guess??
Another citizen points and squeals -
?He?s the one! He?s the one!?
With that.. the man in the jacket smiles. He is contestant number 6 in the lookalike contest for the shooter that killed Brian Thompson. The CEO of United Health Care.
This man just won $50.
How is it that a man is shot and killed in the middle of Manhattan in broad daylight, his body hasn?t even been laid to rest yet, and the shooter is still on the run? and yet.
There is a lookalike contest for the killer?
Most Americans have been asking themselves this past week - who really is the true victim here?
Is it the one that was shot and killed?
Or is it the shooter himself?
Or is it all of us?
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?To Catch A Predator? steps:
Hire an adult decoy to lurk on websites advertising themselves as 13 year olds looking for a middle aged companion.Invite the adult predator to a house that has been wired for audio and video recording.Have the host of the famous TV show pop out to ask the predator questions and arrest them on the way out.That is the premise to the show ?To Catch A Predator? that has now been cancelled for its moral dilemmas.
But now influencers are recreating the show themselves on their platforms. Luring in predators, confronting them, and then calling the police.
That?s what 17 year old Gavon tells the cops was his plan? He met up with a middle aged man on Grindr for the purpose of robbing him because he deserves it. Why else would he talk to a minor?
But for the police to believe his side of the story they have to go through his phone? and that?s where they find a folder titled - ?Dark.?
The password? ?Murder.?
Suddenly a simple robbery case turns into a murder investigation because in it? are videos and photos of 17 year old Gavon Ramsay killing and SAing a 98 year old woman in her own home. Gavon Ramsay is the predator.
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Do you trust a random stranger to give you life-altering advice?
A TikToker is standing on the sidewalk with a giant pasteboard - ?ASK ME FOR FREE ADVICE.?
A middle aged man on a bike stops and asks
?Do I go to Uzbekistan or stay here??
The whole exchange is bizarre. She asks him why would he move? He tells her for a woman. She asks him why doesn?t he just date an American woman? He tells her that he?s already married with kids?
All of this is made more confusing by the fact that the entire time the man appears calm. He?s pleasant and keeps smiling?
That TikTok is filmed in June. In August, just 2 months later, a man goes missing in one of the deepest lakes in the state. He?s presumed dead.
But why does he look identical to the man in the TikTok video?
Did this man actually drown?
Or did he fake his death, abandon his wife and kids, to be with a new woman?
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?I woke up alone in a hospital. There is nobody here. I can?t find a single person. Humanity is extinct. The date is February 2027.?
That is from a viral TikToker, Javier, who claims he is from the future to warn us about humanity. But there?s no way he?s actually from the future, right?
Meanwhile, in Miami - an IG model is telling the police - ?the aliens are coming. They?re coming. They?re coming. They?re coming. They?re coming. They?re coming.?
The authorities are confused. She tells them - ?I?m from the future. I?m a crystal ball. You can live off me.?
The police ask her if she remembers what happened.
?Yes, I remember. I died.?
Puzzling. Because she?s not dead. She is very much alive but just one block down there are two people that are dead and they?re not coming back.
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Gone South, the Edward R. Murrow award-winning podcast, is back. Unlike previous seasons, writer and host Jed Lipinski brings listeners new episodes every week with no end in sight. Each episode of Gone South Season 4 tells a different story about one of the South's most interesting crimes.
Someone is going to die at the luxury 5 star resort? it?s going to happen. It happened in Hawaii. The hotel manager was stabbed by a wealthy hotel guest.
Then in Italy. A wealthy woman was killed by her husband for her inheritance. And now - someone is going to die at the Four Season Resort in Thailand.
At least in the show White Lotus. Season 3 with Lisa from Blackpink will debut sometime in 2025.
The only thing is - did you know there was an actual real life murder mystery there?
The wife of one of China?s richest men was found floating in the private villa pool. She was dead. But more interesting than that is the rich man?s first wife was also found dead 10 years prior. Leaving everyone to question - is this wealthy man and high profile business tycoon killing off his wives one by one?
How is he getting away with it?
3 deaths spanning across 3 countries.
1 billionaire family and a son searching for his dad to get answers.
Will White Lotus be based on this true story?
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When you walk into an Abercrombie & Fitch store - just know, that they?re watching you. They know that most likely you will take a right upon entering. They know approximately how long you will stay in the store. What the scent and the music of the store does to impact your spending.
But most importantly - they know that you were lured in by the shirtless guys standing out in the front. Each employee is meticulously hand selected for their looks and attitude. It?s all about the brand.
This is all the work of then CEO, Mike Jeffries, a ?mad genius.?
Who has now been indicted for running a sex trafficking ring of male models.
His alleged ties and connections to Jeffrey Epstein and Diddy are starting to come to light. With everyone wondering - how did this go on for decades?
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It?s the middle of the day in South Korea. Koreans are at work, grabbing lunch, picking up their kids from school, minding their own business.
Amongst them is an American man named Ramsey- who clearly does not look like he?s up to any good.
He?s live-streaming on his phone while glancing from side to side.
When he feels the coast is clear he takes out his portable speaker? and starts playing? Diddy?s song ?Last Night.?
He runs in front of the camera, takes off his shirt, and starts pouring baby oil down his torso.
He starts dancing on the female figure in front of him. Sexually rubbing his body on her frame.
This video will go viral in South Korea. And a new game will start - hunting Ramsey.
Objective of the game?
Hunt Ramsey.
Find Ramsey.
Punch Ramsey.
Because the female figure he tried smothering in baby oil is not any random statue. It is the statue representing the hundreds of thousands of young girls who were taken, enslaved, and SA?d dozens of times per day for years during the war.
It?s a pre-fixed menu - like one of those fancy Michelin star restaurants.
Breakfast is served at 6 with two slices of their in house special bread.
Lunch is their iconic ?special k loaf.? A dense mixture of - bread and cereal.
Dinner is typically a thick, goopy, chicken gravy over rice.
If this isn?t your style they always have the a la carte menu where you can order - rib meals, jalapeño cheese, and even hemorrhoid creams.
Reservations not required.
Attendance is mandatory.
Fully booked every single day.
Welcome to the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center.
Famous former residents include - Ghislaine Maxwell, R. Kelly, cult leaders, crypto fraudster Sam Bankman Fried, and now? Sean Diddy Combs.
But there have been whispers?.
That Diddy might want to get out as soon as possible. Because netizens are concerned he will face the same fate as Jeffrey Epstein in prison.
That there might be powerful people out there that might not want him to talk?
Technically, there are many powerful, wealthy people with millions of reasons to want him to shut up.
This is part 4 - covering the ?Diddy?s List?
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In September 2024, Eminem released a new song - the lyrics read:
?I?m like a R-A-P-E-R
Got so many SAs
He didn?t just spell the word rapper and leave out a P-Didhe?
RIP, rest in peace Biggie and Pac
Both of y?all should be living
Cause he might put a hit on me like - Keefe D get em?
Notorious BIG & Tupac were two of the most influential musicians in the world. They were both murdered within 6 months of each other, and Diddy has always been connected to their deaths.
One of them - he saw as his competition
Another he saw as his money-making machine.
Which means - did Eminem just ask the question - Did Diddy kill them?
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A mysterious new book starts making its way to the top of the Best Sellers category on Amazon books. It just doesn?t make sense though. The book isn?t authored by a well known author? on top of that, it?s quite a pricey book.
59 pages.
Reviewers say it?s riddled with typos and factual inaccuracies.
Why is it suddenly on the best sellers list?
The title is: ?Kim?s Lost Words: A Journey For Justice From The Other Side?
It claims to be a memoir written by Kim Porter, Diddy?s ex gf, and the mother of his 4 children.
Part of the introduction reads:
?He was so charming - a wolf in sheep?s clothing. A devil and I fell for it. This story must be told despite the fact that it will hurt my children. I cannot hide it any longer. Sean Combs must be stopped....?
But there?s no way Kim Porter published it herself - because she passed away in 2018.
So who wrote it? The author claims he received a flash drive from close sources. But is he trustworthy?
But more importantly - why are netizens calling for Kim Porter?s death to be re-investigated?
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Jonathan Oddi has a lot of conspiracies. He believes everything has been engineered with agendas to create the most chaos and confusion possible - that is the fall of humans.
That?s what he?s telling confused investigators in the interrogation room after firing shots inside of a hotel. He?s telling them he did this to wake up the American people from the illuminati. The officers ask him how he knows all of this?
He slams his hand on the table and asks -
?Do you know Sean Combs??
Is he talking about Diddy? The music mogul, billionaire, and famous artist?
?I was basically his sex slave.?
Jonathan Oddi claims he was having intimate relations with Diddy?s then girlfriend, Cassie Ventura, while Diddy watched. He says while he was there he was forced to take liquid cocaine and he heard LOTS of important details.
Like how Diddy is part of the illuminati.
How they?re all transporting drugs in private jets across the US.
And how Diddy was having him followed.
In 2018 - everyone believed he was a dangerous unhinged man coming up with the most fantastical stories.
In 2024 - everyone is wondering? maybe he?s right about everything?
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A woman named Ashley walks into the emergency room with strange injuries. Bruises all over her body. Scrape marks on knees and bite marks on her face.
The nurses don?t feel comfortable with her explanation of how she sustained such severe injuries. The only answer that makes sense to them? is abuse. Severe abuse. A beating.
They call the police to report it - and by the end of the night, the patient is dead.
Now the police are left to investigate - her boyfriend. Her affair partner from work. Her lover?s girlfriend. And even his little 17-year-old sister.
4 different people with connections with Ashely.
4 different reactions to the news of her death.
And 2 responsible for killing her.
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Ronan?s 6 year old daughter has finally come back home but something is not right. Ever since the little girl got home strange things have been happening?
A cockroach breaking through the window. The child suddenly growing double the teeth in her mouth. Somehow she?s able to shut doors that are on the other side of the room. She?s talking to people who aren?t there?
Ronan knows why. Her little daughter is possessed and it?s up to her to find out how to break the curse.
That sounds like the plot of a movie - doesn?t it?
It is - the horror film ?Incantation.? It is arguably one of the scariest horror films to be released recently.
It?s all based on a true story of a family of 6 in Taiwan.
A family where they all became possessed until finally 1 of them dies.
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Lucy Li is sitting in a small room with a blanket draping over her shoulders.
A man sits in front of her and asks about how her flight was.
?It?s not the best flight experience, I?m not used to sitting in tight spaces? And I feel really bad for the officers that had to come and get me because they had to make stopovers??
She puts her hand to her heart, ?Me and mom was really concerned about that. And we offered Interpol to tell them we would fly them private.?
Lucy has just gotten off an international flight from Eastern Europe after a murder (double murder attempt), fleeing to multiple countries, and being wanted by Interpol for months.
She?s just a little unhappy that she wasn?t able to fly private to come home.
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For the low price of $200k you can freeze yourself. Freeze yourself so that one day you can reach immortality. One day in the future, if someone can figure out how to make humans immortal - all they have to do is thaw you out.
It?s a luxury only the wealthy can afford.
In Taiwan, an 18 year old boy has been kept in the morgue freezer for over a year now.
But it?s not because he?s trying to reach immortality. He?s been frozen for a completely different reason.
People are demanding answers to his very suspicious death.
These are the events before he mysteriously fell 10 floors to his death
One week before - he inherits $500M.
2 hours before - he marries a total stranger.
Now the question is - did someone kill him? Was it an accident?
And who is going to get his money?
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There was this rumor going around in the K-Pop world in 2016
If you want your favorite artist to do well ? you have to buy their albums from two specific retailers?
One of those companies was called Synnara Records.
At their height, it is said they had a 30% share of the record market volume. They are one of the rare business success stories raking in millions of dollars.
Until you dig deeper.
The name Synarra means- New Nation.
The record company was founded by a woman who wanted to create a new nation for her followers.
A woman who allegedly forced young healthy men to line up outside her door to wait for their golden chance to be SA?d by her.
A woman who was tried for the torture and murder of a 5 year old baby.
This is the story of the Baby Garden cult - and how they made millions in the K-Pop industry without anyone knowing?
They?re still around to this day.
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There is an annual competition - where 10 groups come together to use NASA level technology to beat each other in a high speed race. Who can create the fastest car. Who can go the fastest and win.
The key component here is to stay alive because when you?re driving at 200mph. It?s not an easy feat.
That?s why the Formula 1 drivers get paid so much. F1 is ultimately a dangerous sport with car crashes, flips, fires, and death.
But what happens when a 16 year old spoiled teenager gets into a fight with his mom because he wants an American Express Gold Card - and decides to go onto the street to drive like a F1 race car driver?
There are 2 people in the car.
Only 1 survives.
But there are rumors that 2 people will be arrested for this.
Who and why would they be arrested if they were never in the car to begin with?
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He doesn?t know it yet but his wife is about to divorce him. They have been married for the past 50 years and everyone that knows them - believes them to be the perfect couple.
How is he going to explain that it was all an accident? He didn?t mean to film up the girl?s skirts at the supermarket?
He tries to convince her it might be dementia. Perhaps his brain is finally giving out at his old age. His caring wife goes with him to the police station to get it sorted out.
But there?s always more to the story - isn?t there?
The police want to talk to her. Alone.
What?s the matter here?
After arresting her husband for filming up skirt videos in the market - they went through his devices and found a folder titled ?ABUSES.?
There were over 20k digital files.
From 2011 to 2020 - for almost 10 years - he had been drugging his wife. Inviting over at least 72 strange men into the house at night to SA his wife in her sleep.
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7-year-old Heaven was brought into the Budha House to be healed. The neighbors who brought her in tried to explain - she had been playing and hanging onto a bar when she fell and hit her head. She is now unconscious.
But the healers could just take one look at Heaven and know - the little girl is dead.
When Heaven?s mom finally sees Heaven?s little body - she finds something even more puzzling. Her mouth is filled with cement. Her autopsy shows she was assaulted ?front and back? and had these weird little cuts all over her body.
On her neck, you could almost make out the 5 fingers that were wrapped around her. Suffocating her.
It feels like all the neighbors are in on some big conspiracy. Why do they keep insisting that she fell when it?s so clear she did not. What are they hiding?
Heaven?s mom is going to figure out what the hell happened to her daughter.
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It?s said the parents of Nova (Northern Virginia) have their little groups that they stick to during school drop offs and pick ups. It?s an upscale neighborhood - with many residents working in government as politicians or even federal agents. It?s only a 30 minute drive to DC.
But there is one woman that most moms likely avoid at the school bus stop.
The new live in lover of the federal agent that lives down the street.
The whole thing is just eerie.
She moved into that house just months after the federal agent?s wife was brutally murdered.
And now she?s dropping off the murdered woman?s child as if? as if she?s trying to take her place? It?s just strange.
It makes people question - did she have something to do with the murder?
And who was the other man that was found dead in their house?
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South Korea is going through an erase all faces panic. Every single selfie is being wiped from the internet just in case. As a response - a male college student wrote on a forum -
?Put a finger down and ask yourself
If you answered yes to more than 3 of these questions - don?t worry. Your rate of being a victim of sexual deep fakes is very low. Men have standards too. We don?t just deepfake any woman.?
This is the case of the ?new Nth Rooms? where over 400 schools have been found to be operating illegal chatrooms where students are getting deepfaked into sexually explicit photos and videos.
A whole network of deep fake trading and creating has been found.
Most victims and perpetrators? Teenagers.
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Grandma C knew that something wasn?t right about what she was looking at. Her daughter is standing there holding her 2-month-old baby. But everything is wrong.
Her daughter?s pants are soaked in urine.
The way she?s talking sounds like someone clamped her tongue, and two-month-old baby Mirabelle is not moving.
In fact, Mirabelle?s little face is bright angry red and her body seems stiff.
Grandma C rushes to put her down and unzips baby Mirabelle?s onesie?
She?s peeling. The skin on her entire body is peeling.
Mirabelle?s mom starts to explain that she must have suffered a stroke while holding her baby and fell on top of her? onto the space heater. Squashing her baby into the space heater and burning her.
But when authorities arrive - they start to think differently.
Because Mirabelle?s injuries are not consistent with someone who has been burned by a space heater. Also, why was her little purple pacifier found in the microwave?
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There is a college student laying down on the hospital bed. She?s staring up at the ceiling in distress as someone records her silently from the corner of the room.
?I?m going to have such a long day tomorrow - I?m not going to answer anyone?s Snapchats!?
The person recording does not respond.
?Well, you?re too quiet. I?m going to start singing since I hate the quiet.?
The girl gets up in the hospital bed to perform Justin Bieber?s ?Intentions.? She?s whipping her head around like she?s giving a stage performance on tour. She just doesn?t understand why the man in the room with her is so stiff. Loosen up. Have some fun.
He snaps at her - ?you want me to be honest with you? You?re going to jail. You don?t have bond. You killed two people tonight. That?s what?s going on. So no, you?re not going to school tomorrow.?
This is the case of Stephanie Melgoza - the college student who killed two people and proceeded to complain the whole time about how she needed to go to class, told the officers about how excited she was for her Vegas trip, and sang songs at the crime scene.
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Hospitals are no strangers to death. But something very odd was happening inside the walls of Kolkata?s RG Kar Medical College.
The medical students, junior doctors, professors were all running away from the classroom. Screaming.
Administrators rushed to call Dr. Di?s parents.
?She self exited.?
That is what her parents were told. Their precious daughter had taken her own life. Perhaps it was the unbearable pressure and long work hours?
Or not.
The autopsy would show that Dr. D, a 31 year old female doctor, was found gang SA?d to the point her pelvic bone was damaged, bleeding from her eyes, mouth, and private parts, bite marks all over, and her legs found bent at an unnatural contorted angle. Anyone could see that she clearly had not taken her own life.
So then, why would her parents be told that? Who is the hospital protecting?
What are they covering up?
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The entire courtroom is quiet as each person walks up to the front and points. They point at this tiny miniature model of a movie theater sitting on the table.
The tiny blue miniature-model seats are positioned just like they were when it all happened.
3 years ago - the emergency exit door to Theater 9 would open. A man with bright orange hair wearing tactical gear would walk into the theater - and open fire.
At the midnight premiere of Batman The Dark Knight Rises.
He is now sitting in the courtroom charged with 24 counts of murder, 140 counts of attempted murder, and 1 count of illegal explosives.
But there are still so many questions - he told his psychiatrist months prior that he wanted to kill people. Why wasn?t he put on a psychiatric hold? Why did he write a notebook filled with his plans to mail to her? Why did he, a neuroscience major, hate humanity so much to believe in something as vile as ?human capital?? The idea that taking a life increases the value of your own.
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On June 1, 2024, A Korean YouTube channel uploaded a video titled - ?Pack Ki Beom, did you think that I wouldn?t find you??
The video includes details about Pack?s personal life. Showing his comfortable luxurious lifestyle with his wife and young daughter. It would appear that overnight Korean netizens flock to Pack?s page leaving hate comments.
?I hope your daughter gets taken away from you.?
?I hope the same thing happens to your daughter - then what will you do??
It seemed overnight all of Korea would turn on a random civilian named Pack Ki Beom.
20 years ago Pack was the ringleader of the Miryang 44 case. Where 44 high school students blackmailed, tortured, and SA?d a middle school girl for over a year straight.
All 44 perpetrators were not punished. Without even a mark on their criminal records. They were free to live as anonymous free men in the world.
Until June 1st.
This would be the start of a string of vigilante justice YouTubers releasing the identities and doxxing the perpetrators involved. One by one.
Leaving everyone in South Korea to wonder - do I know one?
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Ophelia, an Italian mafia boss, had a thing for fingers. She likes the way they curve, the soft bend at the knuckles, the tender skin, just everything about hands. She loves.
She just hates that she only has one.
Her hand was cut off in a war with the enemy mafia over territory.
Ophelia is sitting at a bar when Kim walks in. Kim is part of the enemy mafia. Kim sits down and slides over a gift.
Ophelia peers inside and a small smile creeps onto her face?. This is perfect.
So beautiful.
She uses both of her hands to place the gift bag under the table. Yes, both of her hands.
Because Ophelia?s hands were never cut off.
She?s not a mafia boss.
In fact, her name is not even Ophelia.
She is a South Korean high schooler who joined a role playing game. But now the question is - who is Kim?
Because inside the gift bag are very very real human lungs and flesh.
Including a pretty little finger. Ophelia?s favorite.
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Dr. Nandi walks into the morgue?
She?s a celebrity doctor ? she provides Botox and chemical peels to some of the top celebrities in South Africa?
She?s here to pick up her dead father?s body.
But within a few weeks, she?s back at the morgue picking up another body.
And then like clockwork, she?s back at the morgue, picking up another body.
Why does she keep taking bodies from the morgue?
What the hell was she doing with them?
But perhaps the most important ? what does she have to do with a murderer who was found burned to death in his jail cell?
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Finding love is not easy. Especially when you?re competing against almost 3.9k other people for just one man. You really only have one shot, so how do you stand out? You could send pictures or even nudes!
Though on second thought?they?ll probably get flagged and he won?t even be able to read them. Maybe a love poem? ?I know you?ve been hurt, but I?ll be with you. I see the pain in your eyes.? It?s kind of like the bachelor; everyone fighting for one man?s affections. Who?s going to come out on top?
Only, this man is not the bachelor. He?s a killer. He committed double homicide. He killed two people in cold blood.
He has gone viral on tiktok for being ?hot? and now thousands of people from all over the world are writing to him?believing they can change him. This is the case of Wade Wilson.
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