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English Learning for Curious Minds

English Learning for Curious Minds

Are you looking for a more interesting way to learn English? English Learning for Curious Minds is where you can learn English from native speakers while learning fascinating things about the world. Every episode comes with a transcript & key vocabulary and is spoken at a speed you can understand. Join listeners from 189 countries and discover the most interesting way to improve your English while expanding your mind. Find the bonus episodes, transcripts, key vocabulary, and learning materials at


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#268 | Grigori Rasputin - The Mad Monk

He was the peasant who went from a village in Siberia to the centre of the Russian imperial court, befriending the Tsar and Tsarina, and playing a role in the downfall of Russia?s longest-serving dynasty, The Romanovs. 

In this episode, we'll learn about the unlikely but fascinating life of Grigori Rasputin.

Russia in 1900 Overview of the fall of the Romanov Dynasty The early life of ??Grigory Yefimovich Novykh ("Rasputin") Discovering the "Khylsts" and ?sinning to drive out sin? Earning the nickname of "The Mad Monk" Rasputin's personal hygiene (or lack of) Curing the Tsar's son, Alexei Securing a place within the imperial family Rasputin's relationship with the Tsarina, Alexandra An assassination attempt by a noseless peasant The plot to kill Rasputin The (very long) murder of Rasputin Russia after Rasputin's death The legacy (and importance) of Grigori Rasputin on Russian history

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#266 | What?s Happening In San Francisco?

It is one of the most influential cities in the United States but has recently been accused of falling into disrepair, with rising homelessness and open drug dealing.

In this episode, we'll look at what is happening in San Francisco, what has caused this, who and what is thought to be responisble, and what is being done to change it.

The mothers' billboards: ?Unfortunately, we?re just as famous for our dirt-cheap fentanyl? A brief history of San Francisco The tech boom contributes to an increase in house prices San Francisco's growing homeless population Drug use and petty crime The election of Chesa Boudin Chesa Boudin's personal experience with imprisonment Proposition 47: The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act Theories about the causes of San Francisco's decline The San Francisco budget: more per capita than any other US city The use of fentanyl in San Francisco The recall Chesa Boudin campaign

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[BONUS] A Conversation with Lindsay from All Ears English

An interview with Lindsay McMahon from All Ears English.

We discuss why learners should focus on "connection, not perfection", why this can be difficult for people, and Lindsay gives three practical tips on what you can do about this.

What is All Ears English? What does "Connection Not Perfection" mean? Where does the idea of Connection Not Perfection come from? What is the problem with perfectionism? How does this apply to language learners? 3 practical tips that learners can use to better "connect" with English

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#264 | Meyer Lansky: The Mob's Accountant

He was a famous organised criminal known for his superior mathematical skills.

In this episode, we'll learn how Meyer Lansky took the American criminal underworld by storm, built an empire and managed to evade the authorities.

The early life of Meyer Lansky Befriending Bugsy Siegel & Lucky Luciano The relationship between the Jewish & Italian mobs The mob & The Prohibition Era The Atlantic City Conference & the United Crime Syndicate The end of Prohibition & starting in the casino business Getting a reputation for "honesty" Moving to Florida and setting up casinos His relationship with Batista in Cuba Las Vegas & the Flamingo Hotel Returning to Cuba & The Havana Conference Fidel Castro takes power and Lansky loses everything His last years Where did all the money go?

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#262 | JK Rowling & The Battle To Publish Harry Potter

On 26 June 1997, an unknown author published a book called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. 

Harry Potter would go on to become the best-selling series in literary history, selling over 500 million copies worldwide.

The journey to get there, however, was far from simple.

The early life of JK Rowling Her mother's illness Getting the idea for Harry Potter Losing her mother, moving to Porto and her unhappy first marriage Escaping to Edinburgh Writing Harry Potter in a cafe while her daughter slept Trying to find a publisher for Harry Potter Why Harry Potter was rejected by so many publishers The daughter of the boss of Bloomsbury Publishing reads one chapter Getting her first book deal The reception of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Seeing JK Rowling's personal story in Harry Potter Taking the book to the USA

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#260 | The Cambridge Analytica Scandal

In March of 2018, it was revealed that 50 million Facebook profiles had been "hacked" and used to target American voters. 

The story involved Donald Trump, a supposed Russian spy, a Cambridge researcher and a political consulting company.

The only problem was, how much of it was actually true?

The breaking of the story on March 18th 2018 A summary of the Cambridge Analytica report in The Guardian The academic: Aleksandr Kogan The role of Facebook in 2012 Quiz apps on Facebook (and their real purpose) The role of Cambridge Analytica (the company) Building "This Is Your Digital Life" How many people took the quiz? Was there really a "data breach"? What was Aleksandr Kogan's involvement in the story? The results come in: was the Facebook data effective at guessing someone's personality? Cambridge Analytica's message to its clients: "5,000 data points on over 220 million Americans" Working for Ted Cruz Working for the Donald Trump Campaign The news breaking in 2018 Was Cambridge Analytica involved in Brexit? Conclusion: Did Cambridge Analytica actually have any involvement in the US election?

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#258 | The War Of The Currents

In the late 19th century there was fierce competition to provide electricity to the rapidly industrialising USA. The winner would be rewarded with huge wealth and fame.

But who would claim the prize, and how dirty would the fight get?

Difference between AC & DC The Golden Age in America Early electrical inventions The race to invent indoor electric lighting Thomas Edison's incandescent electric light bulb Why Edison pushed for DC The problems with DC The opportunity for a monopoly Creating a challenge for Edison's employees Breaking with Tesla What was better: AC or DC? The arrival of George Westinghouse The battle gets dirty as Edison fears he is losing The creation of the first electric chair The execution of William Kemmler Westinghouse's AC system wins the contract for the 1893 World Fair The legacy of The War of Currents

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#256 | Where Does All Our Rubbish Go?

Worldwide we produce over 2 billion tonnes of rubbish every year.

In this episode, we explore the history of rubbish collection and look at what happens to our rubbish after the truck comes to take it away.

How much rubbish does the average person throw away? Iceland vs. Lesotho How much is actually recycled A brief history of rubbish disposal Rubbish disposal in Ancient Greece Monte Testaccio & disposal of amphorae in Ancient Rome The four categories of rubbish disposal "Frank" & his rubbish disposal The incineration vs. landfill debate Recycling: how much actually ends up being recycled? Recycling throughout history Perverse incentives with recycling Developments in recycling Full transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary available on the website:


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#254 | En Garde! A History Of Duelling

For much of human civilisation, people have fought each to the death as a way of resolving arguments.

In this episode, we'll explore the curious and bloody history of one-on-one combat, from ancient Rome to 20th century France.

The most recent "modern" duel (1967, France) The ancient concept of "champion warfare" Trial by combat: a legal way to resolve a dispute How trial by combat worked: a practical perspective Why trial by combat died out Trial by combat in Scandinavia: "Holmgang" Renaissance duelling for honour The role of the "second" The two French officers who duelled against each other 30 times in 19 years Duelling in the USA Duelling goes all the way to The White House: Andrew Jackson & Alexander Hamilton Why (and when) duelling stopped being popular The legacy of duelling in books, poetry and film

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#252 | Five Surprising Food Origins

In this episode, we'll explore the weird and fascinating origins of five foods that you know and (perhaps) love.

From the sandwich to tomato ketchup, chicken tikka masala, fish & chips and even the teabag, discover the weird and wonderful stories behind these well-known dishes.

Weird origin story #1: The Sandwich Weird origin story #2: Tomato ketchup Weird origin story #3: Fish & chips Weird origin story #4: Chicken tikka masala Weird origin story #5: The tea bag

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#250 | A History of Smoking

There are over a billion smokers across the world, and over 7 trillion cigarettes are smoked every year.

In this episode, we'll look at the history of smoking, from the "discovery" of tobacco by Christopher Columbus to how tobacco companies keep us smoking, even when we know the dangers to our health.

Tobacco in indigenous societies in the Americas 1492 - the year Christopher Columbus discovers tobacco The etymology of "tobacco" Jean Nicot finds a tobacco plant in Lisbon Catherine de Médici tries "snuff" for the first time Smoking sweeps across Europe The invention of the cigarette The invention of the cigarette rolling machine Smoking during World War I & II The 1964 headline: "Cigarettes Peril Health, U.S. Report Concludes." Smoking & society Cigarette advertising Legal cases against Big Tobacco The future of smoking - can it really be "smoke-free"?

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#248 | The Antarctic Treaty

It's an amazing piece of legislation that protects the Earth's most isolated continent.

In this episode, we'll learn all about the history of Antarctica, which countries tried to claim it as their territory, and how the situation was resolved to benefit all humankind.

Background to Antarctica The early history of Antarctic exploration Antarctica and whaling The rush to discover the magnetic South Pole The Sixth International Geographical Congress Land claims on Antarctica The Cold War & Antarctica The International Geophysical Year The signing of the Antarctic Treaty What the Antarctic Treaty actually does The future of the Antarctic Treaty

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#246 | Cornish Smugglers

In the 18th century, a small region of southwest England was the national centre for the illegal importing of goods such as tea and rum.

In this episode, we'll discover how smuggling really worked, who was involved, and why it was so successful for such a long period of time.

Cornwall today Cornwall's relationship with London The Cornish identity Britain in the 18th century The reason that import taxes were so high Why Cornwall was such a centre for smuggling How smuggling worked in practical terms Why smuggling was so tolerated by the local population Honest vs. dishonest smugglers The strange English law about what you could do to goods found on a shipwreck John Carter: the "King of Prussia" How big a problem was smuggling in Britain? The end of smuggling in Britain The legacy of Cornish smugglers today

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#244 | The Scandalous Life of Lord Byron

He was the Romantic poet famously described as "mad, bad, and dangerous to know".

In this episode, we'll learn about his scandalous life, how he shocked the nation so badly he had to leave, and how England's first "rock star poet" became a national hero in Greece.

The early life of Lord Byron His time at Harrow school Going to Cambridge University, sleeping around, and keeping a bear as a pet His first poetic scandal Embarking on The Grand Tour and discovering Europe's more relaxed attitude Childe Harold?s Pilgrimage and returning to England a hero Returning to England and becoming a hero overnight His affairs and sexual exploits in England His relationship with Augusta, his half-sister Getting married and being a father to Ada (Lovelace) Running away to Europe A dark, moody summer writing Gothic horror with Percy and Mary Shelley His exploits in Venice Finding some order to life with Countess Teresa Guiccioli Moving to Greece and becoming caught up with Greek independence His early death aged 36 The legacy of Lord Byron

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#242 | Operation Pied Piper: The Evacuation of British Cities in World War II

In September 1939, the British government embarked on the biggest civilian operation in British history when it moved over a million children out of British cities to live with strangers in the countryside.

In this episode, we'll learn about this amazing mission and the mark it left on the country.

September 1st, 1939 - the start of Operation Pied Piper Why children were sent away before the first bomb had even fallen Which cities were affected by evacuation? Dividing the country into three separate zones for evacuation Why it was called Operation Pied Piper Who was actually evacuated? Sending gold to Canada and paintings to Wales How the children were chosen to stay with host families How urban children reacted to countryside life Why the children returned after a few months of "the phoney war" Government propaganda: "Don't Do It, Mother. Leave the Children Where They Are" The Blitz starts and the children return to the countryside The mixed reaction of the evacuated children Psychological effects on evacuated children The mark Operation Pied Piper left on the country

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#240 | The Rise and Fall of Boris Johnson

From a young age, he believed he was destined for greatness, and he became the UK's prime minister at the age of 55.

Discover how Boris Johnson's rise to power was unusual and full of contradictions, and how his fall was entirely predictable.

Similarities between Donald Trump & Boris Johnson The early life of Boris Johnson A clever-but-lazy student His early career as a journalist Getting sacked for inventing quotes Breaking into politics Making lots of money (but never enough) His romantic life (what we know of it) Presenting TV programmes and being in the public eye Becoming Mayor of London Boris Johnson's attention to detail The decision to support Brexit Finally becoming Prime Minister of the UK Why Boris Johnson was so popular Boris Johnson's government during COVID "Partygate" and the ongoing fall of Boris Johnson ?Nothing matters very much and most things don?t matter at all?  The character of Boris Johnson

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#238 | A Short History Of Tea

It's the second most popular drink in the world after water, with 3.7 billion cups drunk every single day.

In this episode, we explore tea's fascinating history, how it changed global politics, caused countries to go to war with each other, and literally changed the world.

How much tea do we really drink every year? Myths about the discovery of tea Early tea consumption in East Asia Tea first being brought to Northern Europe Catherine of Braganza: the woman who brought tea to Britain Tea and The East India Company The Brits adding sugar to tea Britain struggling to find a product to exchange with China for tea Flooding China with opium The Opium Wars Sending spies deep into China to discover how tea was made Tea cultivation in British colonies Curious tea fact #1: The three different word groups for "tea" (and what they tell us) Curious tea fact #2: The invention of the teabag  Curious tea fact #3: How to make the perfect cup of tea (advice from an expert)

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#236 | How To Use Podcasts To Improve Your English [My Favourite Strategies]

Learn how to actually use podcasts to improve your English listening, vocabulary, speaking, and even writing.

This is a special episode packed full of tips & tricks to help you use podcasts in a more effective way.

What most people do when listening to podcasts to learn a language Listening tip #1: How to become a more attentive listener Listening tip #2: Listening out for word/phrase use Listening tip #3: Listening out for sounds of English Podcast superpowers: how to use them as a learning exercise Vocabulary tip #1: How to go from passive to active vocabulary Speaking tip #1: Recording yourself, techniques to do so (and why this works) Speaking tip #2: Shadowing (and why this works) (Bonus) Speaking tip #3: Simultaneous translation (warning: advanced) Writing tip #1: Summaries & reflections The importance of writing in English as a way to clarify thoughts

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#234 | The Future of The British Royal Family

On February 6th, the 95-year-old Queen Elizabeth will celebrate her 70th anniversary of being the queen of the United Kingdom.

In this episode, we?ll ask ourselves what happens next, how will the next king be different, and what the future holds for the British Royal Family.

The British royal family as a family business Practical question: who will the next monarch be? The popularity of Queen Elizabeth II The problems ahead for Prince Charles The public perception of Prince Charles Why the British royal family will reduce in size The Prince Andrew scandal How might Prince ("King") Charles deal with Prince William? Prince William & Princess Kate: the future of the British monarchy? Allowing more access to the British royal family Relationship between the British monarchy and the British parliament The successes of Queen Elizabeth II Charles I vs. Charles II vs. Charles III

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#232 | When Britain Killed Its King

In the 17th century, Britain decided to kill its king and experiment with life without a monarch.

In this episode we'll learn about the English Civil War, the 11 years the country spent without a monarch, why the monarchy was eventually restored, and the impact this had on the country.

The background to the English Civil Wars The Divine Right of Kings The errors of judgment of Charles I Dissolving Parliament in 1629 Religious divisions in Great Britain Trust breaking down between the King and Parliament Civil War breaks out The nature of The First English Civil War The rise of Oliver Cromwell The trial and execution of King Charles I The second and third English Civil Wars The Interregnum The death of Oliver Cromwell and the return of Charles II to the throne What was life like when Britain didn't have a king The influence of "life without a king" on the country The legacy of Oliver Cromwell How to punish a man who had already died

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#230 | The Opioid Crisis

Over the past twenty years, over half a million Americans have died of opioid overdoses.

In this episode, we'll explore how this happened, who is responsible, and ask ourselves whether the USA will ever be able to kick its addiction to prescription opioids. 

Origin of "opioid" Opioid overdoses in the US vs Western Europe What caused the boom in opioid use in the United States? Morphine & heroin during the American Civil War The arrival of OxyContin Purdue Pharma sales representatives' tactics to sell the drug to doctors Increasing the doses for patients The "less than 1% of patients become addicted" claim People start abusing the drug Senior executives are aware but do nothing The cycle of addiction that doctors saw Moving onto heroin & fentanyl Why fentanyl is so powerful and dangerous Who has been held responsible for the opioid crisis? The Sackler Family (and its quest for immunity) Opioid prescriptions are down, but overdoses are up Is a solution for the opioid crisis possible?

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#228 | The Crazy Life of Elvis Presley

He was told by countless people that he would never make it as a star, yet by his mid-20s he was the most successful musician in the world.

In this episode, we'll learn about how Elvis Presley defied all his critics, became the biggest star of the 1960s, created the category of rock and roll but then lost the battle with his personal demons.

The USA that Elvis Presley was born into Being given his third choice of birthday present: a guitar Coming fifth place in a singing competition Moving to Memphis and developing his own style Recording his first song at the studio of Sun Records Failing to achieve success and being told to continue driving a truck His first hit: "That's All Right" The musical style of Elvis Presley His first tour in 1954, aged only 19 Thrusting his hips and causing controversy Letter to the FBI: "Presley is a definite danger to the security of the United States" Meeting Colonel Tom Parker, his exploitative manager Going on the Ed Sullivan show How much of his own music did Elvis actually write? Trying to make it as a Hollywood star Joining the army Meeting the 14-year old Priscilla Beaulieu Discovering prescription drugs Returning to music after a 7-year break The Elvis comeback The Las Vegas years & a changed image His marriage breaking up His two addictions: prescription drugs & fast food His love for "Fool's Gold" How he died, and how it was covered up by his family The rise of the Elvis impersonator The legacy of Elvis Presley

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#226 | The Amazing Life Of Ray Charles

His early life was full of tragedy and misfortune, but Ray Charles never let this get in his way.

In this episode, we'll learn about how Ray Charles overcame adversity to become one of the most loved musicians in American history. 

The early life of Ray Charles: born to a teenage mother in an institutionally racist country Ray Charles: "Even compared to other blacks we were on the bottom of the ladder looking up at everyone else. Nothing below us except the ground" The death of Ray Chales' younger brother Going blind and being sent to a school for the blind Learning to play the piano (while blind) The death of his mother and moving to Jacksonville Trying to make ends meet playing music Copying the style of Nat King Cole Deciding to move to Seattle Making a name for himself in Seattle and meeting Quincy Jones Getting his first record deal & "I Got A Woman" Ray Charles' style: a combination of blues, jazz & gospel Why Ray Charles was unpopular with many pastors Ray Charles as an excellent businessman Where his confidence comes from - ?you?re blind, you ain?t stupid? Battling his heroin addiction Ray Charles and women Later life and legacy

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#224 | Predictions Of The Future From The Past

As a general rule, people are very bad at predicting the future.

In this episode, we'll take a look at some predictions of the future from the past, looking at what people thought our "today" would be like, the times they got it wrong, the times they got it eerily correct, and we'll also look at some predictions about what the future holds for future generations.

Why there was never a great need to "predict" the future until recently A Roman born in 100BC being transported 1,000 years into their future The prediction of Robert Malthus in 1798 about population Paul Ehrlich's 1968 prediction: "The Population Bomb" John Maynard Keynes's 1930 prediction about a reduced working week Predictions from 1900 about what cities would look like: flying cars, roofs, driving ships The Millennium Bug prediction The man who could predict the future: Nikolas Tesla Tesla predicting self-driving cars Tesla predicting video calling Tesla incorrectly predicting fashion choices Tesla predicting an increasing expenditure on scientific discovery vs. war Predictions today about our future: cancer, multi-planetary, metaverse The terrible predictions top 3: computers, silent films & everything being invented

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#222 | John Dillinger - American Bank Robber

He was the most famous bank robber in American history and is still thought of as a Robin Hood-type figure in popular culture.

Learn about how John Dillinger went from a quiet life to becoming America's Public Enemy Number One, and how the law finally caught up with him.

The early life of John Dillinger: a naughty but not inherently bad boy Moving out of the city to stay out of trouble Being arrested for car theft and joining the navy Briefly getting his life back on track Meeting Ed Singleton and planning his first robbery The robbery that went wrong and subsequent arrest Being advised badly and going to prison for 9 years "I will be the meanest bastard you ever saw when I get out of here" Learning how to rob banks while in prison Being released from prison and returning to a life of crime Being arrested again and then rescued by friends from prison Going on the run and starting the bank-robbing spree Being arrested (again) and breaking out of prison by making a fake gun Being chased by the FBI Making front-page news Growing a moustache, dyeing his hair, then having plastic surgery Being betrayed by Anna Sage The final cinema trip of John Dillinger The legacy of John Dillinger

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#220 | The Real Peaky Blinders

The Peaky Blinders were a violent gang that terrorised the streets of Birmingham in the late 19th century. 

Who actually were these men, what did they do, to who and why, and were the "real" Peaky Blinders anything like the ones in the TV series?

The start of the TV series "Peaky Blinders" Life in Victorian England Life in 19th century Birmingham Petty crime and drinking in urban areas The creation of the police force The "sloggers" of Birmingham The first "Peaky Blinders" Did the Peaky Blinders put razor blades in their caps? The genius of the Peaky Blinders TV series: transport the gang into the 1920s The real Peaky Blinders of the 1920s Billy Kimber, Alfie Solomons & Charles Sabinin Criminal activity at the race tracks The Epsom Road Battle

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#218 | The Rise Of Fast Food Part 3: Today & Tomorrow

In the space of fewer than 100 years, fast food has fundamentally changed the global culinary landscape.

In this episode, we explore how it has managed to grow so much and what it is doing to our societies, world and bodies, and ask ourselves whether we'll ever kick our fast-food addiction.

1% of the world's population will eat at McDonald's today The entire population of Scotland is flipping burgers in the United States The power of the fast-food lobby How the US government pays for Big Macs Why the fast-food industry won't stop growing Fast food during COVID-19 Changing dining habits during the pandemic The rise of "fast-casual" The rise of environmentally friendly fast food How fast-food restaurants are changing (or not changing) to accommodate changing tastes Impact of fast food on our bodies and health Future of the fast-food industry

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#216 | The Rise Of Fast Food Part 1: The Early Years

Every day 1% of the world's population will eat at McDonald's, and hundreds of millions more will eat burgers, chips and all sorts of different fast food.

But just how popular is it, how is it so cheap and where did it come from in the first place?

Ancient "fast food" The first modern fast food at White Castle in 1921 Bringing the automobile assembly line to the kitchen Why there was an early emphasis on cleanliness The 5 cents "Slider" Why White Castle didn't expand all over America The arrival of The Great Depression Richard & Maurice McDonald & the birth of the modern McDonald's restaurant The "Speedee Service System" The fast-food boom of the 1950s Ray Kroc discovers (and then buys) McDonald's Why McDonald's is so successful Adapting fast food to fit American culture

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#214 | Robert Baden-Powell & The Boy Scouts

Within the course of a few years, Robert Baden-Powell created a global movement that united children from all over the world.

In this episode, we'll take a look at how he came up with the idea, why it was so appealing, and the legacy that he has left on the world.

The early life of Robert Baden-Powell Doing what was expected of an upper-class Englishman in the Victorian era Baden-Powell in The Boer War The Siege of Mafeking Returning to the UK a hero The first-ever scouting trip The publication of Scouting for Boys The 1909 Jamboree and the arrival of girl scouts The Scouts as a socially-progressive organisation The appeal of the Boy Scouts The Scouts Promise The Scouts during World War I The Scouts in the post-war period Creating a mass global movement & becoming ???Chief Scout of The World? The death of Baden-Powell and his legacy Scouting today The controversies The Scouts have faced The future of The Scouts

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#212 | A Short History of Childhood

Although there have always been children, the concept of "childhood" is more recent than many people think, with one French historian declaring that childhood didn't exist until the 17th century.

In this episode, we'll explore how ideas of childhood have changed, from John Locke to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, from the English Romantic poets right through to the creation of the teenager in post-war America.

What exactly is a child? What is childhood? When do you stop being a child, and for what reasons? Phillipe Ariès: the author of ?Centuries of Childhood? Infant mortality in the Medieval era Medieval ideas of childhood Childhood in the Enlightenment John Locke's idea of childhood: a tabula rasa Jean-Jacques Rousseau's idea of childhood: innate and natural, guided by emotions The Romantics on childhood: a blissful innocence Childhood during the Industrial Revolution Working 68 hours a week in Victorian Britain The Victorians develop children's literature The invention of the teenager Childhood today: better, worse, or just different?

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#210 | The Illogicality of The English Language

There is a lot about the English language that makes very little sense at all.

In this episode we look at some of these illogicalities, paying close attention to homonyms, homographs, homophones, and even something called lonely negatives.

How many words are there in English? English: The Mongrel Language A quick history of the English language: Anglo-Saxons, Vikings & French The scribes making English spelling very complicated The typesetters introducing new spellings Finding classical ancestry for words in English Confusing English #1: Homophones Fork candles vs. Four candles Confusing English #2: Homophonyms Confusing English #3: Homophographs Confusing English #4: Lonely Negatives An extremely confusing sentence

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#208 | A History of James Bond

He is the most famous spy in the world and has been drinking vodka martinis and driving fast cars since 1952.

In this episode, we'll look at the history of 007, his creator Ian Fleming, how Bond has changed over the years, and the fascinating family business behind the UK's most famous special agent.

The classic image of James Bond Ian Fleming: the creator of the James Bond novels The first hit: Casino Royale How the James Bond novels are different from the James Bond films Why did he choose the name "James Bond" for 007? The very English death of Ian Fleming Why Sean Connery was a controversial choice to play James Bond Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan & Daniel Craig How the James Bond character has changed The (family) business of James Bond The future of James Bond The accents of James Bond James Bond speaking Russian & German

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#206 | Queen Elizabeth II

She is the longest-serving monarch in British history and has lived through 14 British prime ministers and 13 US presidents.

In this episode, we'll take a look at the remarkable life of Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, and ask ourselves how she, the monarchy, and the country have changed since she became queen almost 70 years ago.

Why Elizabeth was an unlikely queen King Edward VIII and his abdication The death of King George VI The young life of Elizabeth Becoming queen in 1952 The changing world in 1952 The personal life of Queen Elizabeth How much do we actually know about her views? How has the British monarchy changed since she took the throne? Is Queen Elizabeth still popular in Britain? The controversies of Queen Elizabeth 1992: her "annus horribilis" Recent controversies: Windsor Castle, Diana, Harry & Meghan, Prince Andrew The language of Queen Elizabeth: "The Queen's English"

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#204 | Brexit: Part 2

Part Two of our Brexit mini-series focuses on the Brexit vote itself.

In this episode, we'll look at why the UK held a referendum in the first place, how the campaign was fought, who voted for and against Brexit (and for what reasons), and why it was ultimately the vote to leave the European Union that proved successful.

Recap of Britain's complicated relationship with Europe Why did the UK hold a referendum on EU membership in the first place? The rise of Euroscepticism & UKIP David Cameron & the Conservative Party Did people care about the EU before the Brexit vote? "Indescribably selfish recklessness" The Brexit campaign: Leave vs. Remain Reluctant Remainers Messaging of the Remain campaign ("An Unnecessary Risk") Messaging of the Leave campaign ("Take Back Control") Who voted to remain? Who voted to leave? ?I think the people of this country have had enough of experts?

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#202 | A History of Fake News

The term "fake news" came to prominence in late 2016, but the idea of fake news is as old as time. 

In this episode, we explore how fake news has been created over the years, for what purpose and by who, and ask ourselves whether it is harder than ever to tell the truth from a lie. 

"Fake News" in 2016 What does "fake news" actually mean? The three reasons that people create fake news Fake News & Mark Anthony Fake News in Trento in 1475 Fake News & the Nazis The British government and Fake News in the First World War How has news changed over the years? Life on the moon in 1835 Macedonian teenagers and Donald Trump Sensational News vs. Fake News Russian troll farms Deep Fakes in 2021

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#200 | Stéphane Breitwieser: The Greatest Art Thief of All Time

From 1995 to 2001, a man from eastern France stole 239 different pieces of art from 172 museums, an average of one theft every 14 days.

It's estimated that the value of all the stolen art was over 1 billion Euros, but he never sold a single piece of it.

The early life of Stéphane Breitwieser Breitwieser's life falls apart Meeting (and falling in love with) his accomplice The first theft Why he was such an unusual art thief How the thefts would take place Why he was a billionaire with no money Being arrested for the first time Promising to do things differently Becoming even bolder Breaking promises Getting caught The aftermath of the crime Breitwieser's hopeless addiction to theft

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#198 | A History of Pirates

"Let's jump on board and cut them to pieces!" - Blackbeard.

"A merry life and a short one" - Captain Bartholomew Roberts.

Pirates have a special place in our imagination. They are both heroes and villains, their lives attractive but scary.

In this episode, we'll take a closer look at pirates through history, the situations that allowed them to exist and prosper, what life as a pirate was actually like, what caused the Golden Age of Piracy to come to an end, and the legacy that they left behind.

The classic idea of a pirate Pirates throughout history The Golden Age of Piracy Why was there a boom in piracy in the 17th century? Captain Kidd: was he even a real "pirate"? State-sanctioned pirates The life of a pirate Pirate hierarchies What was a pirate attack really like? Pirates: early masters of the power of image The story of Blackbeard What caused the end of the pirates? The legacy of pirates Pirate myth-busting: parrots, pirate language, hooks and treasure

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#196 | Ferdinand Magellan & The First Voyage Around The World

In September 1519, a Portuguese explorer and a crew of 270 men set sail from Spain trying to find a sea route west, through the Americas.

Three years later, 18 of the men returned, tired and hungry, but becoming the first people to have successfully completed a full circle of the Earth.

Introduction to The Age of Exploration The Treaty of Tordesillas Seeking a route west to The Spice Islands Magellan presents his idea to King Charles V of Spain Why was the Spanish king listening to a Portuguese explorer? The early life of Ferdinand Magellan A ?career-minded daredevil" Why were spices in such high demand? Why did Magellan sail for Spain, not Portugal? The start of the expedition The first mutiny Finding a passage through South America Crossing The Pacific Ocean Arriving at Guam Magellan's death in The Philippines Arriving at The Spice Islands The journey back to Spain The legacy of the expedition Who was the first person to have circumnavigated the globe?

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#194 | Occupy Wall Street

On September 17th, 2011, hundreds of people descended on a park in the heart of New York's financial district.

Their aim? To protest against the global financial system and its effects on  99% of the population.

On this 10th anniversary of the protests, we take a look at what happened, what they achieved, and what impact they might have in the future.

The United States in 2011 The 1% vs. the 99% A global sense of uprising The idea behind Occupy Wall Street Meeting in Zuccotti Park in New York's Financial District What did the protestors actually want to change? Famous article by economist Joseph Stiglitz The public perception around the need for change A different model of decision-making The end of the protests What actually happened during the protests? Criticisms of Occupy Wall Street Disorganisation & being tricked about Radiohead playing Did it really represent the 99%? Pushing the idea of the 1% vs. 99% into the public consciousness Legacy of Occupy Wall Street

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#192: A History of Wikipedia

It is one of the most popular websites in the world and has the goal of being a comprehensive collection of all of the knowledge in the world.

In this episode, we'll learn about the history of this amazing website, why it succeeded where others failed, how it actually works, and its importance as a source of truth.

Some statistics about how big Wikipedia is History of encyclopedias and the dot-com-boom The founding of Nupedia Why Nupedia didn't work Launching Wikipedia Why (and how) Wikipedia was different Wikipedia's early growth Early criticisms of Wikipedia Who pays for Wikipedia? The surprising second and third most popular languages on Wikipedia Automating article creation Criticisms of Wikipedia's trustworthiness Trump vs. Biden on Wikipedia Influence of the contributors on what is published on Wikipedia Why you should edit Wikipedia

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#190: The National Rifle Association

It's one of the United States' most powerful advocacy groups and is a fierce defender of gun rights.

But it hasn't always been like this.

In this episode, we'll discover how it went from helping create gun control laws to becoming the most powerful pro-gun organisation in Washington D.C.

The early years of the NRA Helping introduce gun control laws in the 1930s Passing the Gun Control Act of 1968 The 1970s: A change in the NRA What does the NRA actually do? 5 key activities How the NRA reacts after a mass shooting The effect on the NRA of mass shootings Barack Obama: "the best gun salesman in America" The controversy within the NRA How many Americans live in a household with guns? American perceptions towards gun ownership

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#188: Bonnie Prince Charlie

In 1745 Charles Stuart arrived on the west coast of Scotland with the aim of taking back the throne of England, Scotland and Ireland.

It didn't go as planned and resulted in the last battle fought on British soil.

In this episode, we'll learn about his failed rebellion, and the legacy he has left on Great Britain.

The early life of Bonnie Prince Charlie Relationship Bonnie Prince Charlie and Mary Queen of Scots Meaning of "Pretender" in English The Divine Right of Kings Arriving in Scotland in 1745 Life in Britain under the Hanoverians The Highland Clans Marching towards Edinburgh Marching south towards London Stopping at Derby and turning back north What if the French had come to help? Who actually was in the Jacobite and government armies? The night before Culloden The Battle of Culloden The aftermath of the battle ?Run, you cowardly Italian? The life of Bonnie Prince Charlie after Culloden Suppression of Highlandism after the battle Three unusual facts about Bonnie Prince Charlie

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#186: William Wallace

He was the Scottish rebel who fought against the English and has become the most famous freedom fighter in Scottish history.

In this episode, we'll learn all about his battles against the English, and the legacy that William Wallace left on the country.

Introduction to mini-series on Scottish heroes The brutal execution of William Wallace Introduction to Scotland (as a part of the British Isles) William Wallace "the man" vs. William Wallace "the legend" The death of Alexander II Gaining a reputation as a hater of the English Raising a small army and fighting the English The battle of Stirling Bridge Being rewarded with the position of The Guardian of Scotland Edward II marching north to teach William Wallace a lesson The battle of Falkirk "The machine gun of the Middle Ages" Becoming a diplomat and going to Europe Capture and execution Legacy of William Wallace within Scotland 1995 film "Braveheart"

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#184: Banned Books

It's often said that the pen is mightier than the sword, and throughout history there are books that have been considered too dangerous to be read. 

In this episode, we'll take a look at the times when governments have banned books, the reasons for this, and ask ourselves what this tells us about society.

What's the link between The Bible, William Shakespeare, Harry Potter, The Quotations of Chairman Mao and Mickey Mouse? What does "banning" actually mean? Correlation between banning books and restricting civil liberties ??.where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people.?  The invention of the Gutenberg Printing Press Indulgences of the Catholic Church Growth of printing (and importance of censorship) Reasons for banning books: political, sexual, moral & religious The banning of Mein Kampf The trial of Lady Chatterley's Lover What banning books does for book sales The debate around The Catcher in the Rye Religious bans & The Satanic Verses Banning books in 2021

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#182: The Crazy Life of John McAfee

He was an internet security pioneer, and his McAfee Antivirus software was used on hundreds of millions of computers all around the world.

But privately, he lived a crazy life that ended in tragedy.

In this episode, we'll learn all about the wild, wild, life of this cybersecurity legend.

The early life of John McAfee Finding talent for mathematics Early vices: drink & drugs Being kicked out of his PhD programme Working in high-powered technology jobs (and developing a terrible drug addiction) Creating McAfee Antivirus and making money from paranoia Walking away with $80 million Becoming a target for hackers Losing all of his money in the financial crash Moving to Belize Claiming he was being extorted by the Belizean government The murder of George Faull Fleeing Belize Running for US President Attacking McAfee Antivirus Promoting cryptocurrency Being chased by the IRS and FBI The final chapter: The Spanish jail cell Conspiracy theories about his death

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#180: Winston Churchill & The English Language

He is considered by many to be the greatest public speaker in British history, and his words and speeches were a defining force in the British war effort.

In this episode, we'll learn all about how Winston Churchill used the English language to inspire a nation.

Winning the 1953 Nobel Prize for literature Early obstacles to being a great orator Completing his education on his own Studying the great English orators Spending four decades as a member of parliament Churchill's gift for storytelling The medium: the radio My grandfather's memories of Churchill's speeches Background to Churchill's speeches How Churchill wrote Writing more words than William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens combined Speech #1: "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat?  Speech #2: "We shall never surrender" Speech #3: "Give us the tools, and we will finish the job" Why Churchill's words are so powerful Churchill's wit (and some funny jokes)

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#178: The Space Race - Part Three | The New Space Race

In 2019, former Vice President Mike Pence said "Make no mistake about it - we're in a space race today".

Discover who the key players are, why there is a renewed interest in going to space, why it is now cheaper than ever before, and what the future of space exploration might look like.

Enthusiasm for space post moon landing What was the next step in the first space race? Mike Pence's view on the new space race US, Russia and China The emergence of private space companies Why has going to space become cheaper? Space mining: what is it, and how does it work? Space junk? The benefits of space exploration for life on Earth Privacy and space The laws of space Reasons to be excited about a new space race Differences between the new and the old space race

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#176: The Space Race - Part One | The Early Years

After the end of the Second World War, the US and the USSR were locked in a race to get to space first.

Discover how the race started, who scored all the early points, and why going to the moon first was the biggest prize in space history.

End of World War II & Nazi V2 rockets The head of the USA space programme: Wernher von Braun The head of the USSR space programme: Sergei Korolev The early years of The Space Race Why there was such a desire to get to space Communism vs. Capitalism The first Sputnik Satellite Confusing The Americans First animals into space Yuri Gagarin: The first man in space 1962: A bold claim from President John F. Kennedy Next step "the moon" The alternative "man on the moon" plans

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#174: 3D Printing

It's a technology that some have said will bring in a Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Discover how 3D printing actually works, what industries it is revolutionising, and how it will (or won't) change every aspect of the world we live in.

A brief history of the creation of objects 3D printing vs. traditional manufacturing Should we really call it "printing"? Early versions of 3D printing Patents & 3D printing Lowering of costs of 3D printing 3D printing & prototyping Recent cost reductions in 3D printing Revolutionising the global supply chain Example of a British car manufacturer 3D printing "anything" 3D printing in space Settlements on Mars 3D printing a cup, a new ear, and a full English breakfast The implications of 3D printing on the world we live in 3D printing guns & criticisms of 3D printing

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#172: The Curious Taste of British Food

British food has a bad reputation. It's often considered boring, uninspiring, and tasteless.

But it hasn't always been this way.

Discover what role William the Conqueror, Henry VIII, The French Revolution and Colonialism all played in making British food taste the way it does.

The current reputation of British food The arrival of the Normans in 1066 Henry VIII and the Reformation Making fish taste better in Medieval England Stopping eating dangerous "Catholic" dishes The Industrial Revolution's effect on food Preserving food in cans Not having enough time to cook properly "We may find in the long run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine gun." The arrival of French chefs in British aristocratic homes The British Empire The history of curry ?Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management? When (and why) British food lost its taste The Second World War & austerity Modern British food (& TV cooks) British food in 2021 The biggest takeaway market in Europe Full transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary available on the website:


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