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Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings

Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings

Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart?s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.


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Right Action Follows Awakened Consciousness

In this episode, Eckhart explains to a live audience that a deeper movement has brought them together and the goal is to help them awaken. He says many ancient spiritual teachings point to this timeless idea of metamorphosis including the parables of Jesus and others. He explains the root of the word Buddha means to be awake in Sanskrit. Eckhart explains when we shift to higher consciousness, we have access to wisdom which is far deeper than intelligence. Ironically, he says more knowledge will not save us. In fact, intelligence often works in service of madness, technology, war and weapons of mass destruction. He believes only wisdom together with right action will help our ailing world and these can only spring from awakened consciousness.

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Love Is Recognizing the Other as Yourself

In this podcast, Eckhart talks about the future of religion. He says the next step for the human race is to shift from worshiping God as a concept, to experiencing God as part of our own essence. He explains once we awaken to this realization, we no longer contribute to suffering in the world because the ego disappears and with it goes continuous judgment of others. He says when we don?t react to their personalities, we recognize the sacred depth of others as that in ourselves and the separation between us and them dissipates. Eckhart calls it the manifestation of the one consciousness. He also says this understanding of the other as oneself is love and it connects us to a vastness that we may also call God.

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The Kingdom of Heaven Is A State of Consciousness

In this episode, Eckhart talks about how we define success. He asks: Do we look to the world to determine that for us? If yes, we may be heading down the wrong path, because to a large extent Eckhart says the world is insane. He explains money, property, prestige and power do not signify we?ve reached the pinnacle. He says for the people who strive to attain these things, many report after the initial high, comes a very emotional low. Eckhart reveals the greatest source of riches is within and the real indicator of success is our state of consciousness. He asks: Do we bring light to this world? In the Bible, Jesus described it as the Kingdom of Heaven, in current day terms, Eckhart explains, the Kingdom of Heaven is a state of consciousness.

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Dismissing The Demand That Life Should Be Perfect

In this episode, Eckhart continues his talk with an audience in Budapest, explaining that if we are waiting for the world to make us happy in the form of the right person, place, job or situation. We will probably wait for a very long time. He says our expectations for the perfect life usually lead to deep disappointment.  He explains life is fragile and cannot possibly meet all of our demands. He says we ask ourselves ?what is the world here for if it's not to make us happy?? Eckhart explains every person is like a seed of awakening consciousness.  Life?s challenges push the seed to sprout. Eckhart implores that we must learn to drop the demand that life should be perfect.

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Dropping The Narrative of The Unhappy Me

In this episode, Eckhart talks to an audience in Budapest, Hungary. The crowd erupts with laughter and applause when he speaks a few words in Hungarian, especially the word for Now which is Most. Eckhart then explains that the next step in the evolution of humanity is to awaken. He says there is the potential in every person for a deeper dimension of consciousness, which is the light of God.  He says many people look for themselves in their thoughts. They compare themselves to others: their childhoods, bodies, jobs, possessions. He explains these thoughts become a sad story and an identity which we call My Life. We keep it alive by overthinking, but it is a delusion. Eckhart says we will find liberation when we drop the narrative of the unhappy me.

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It Takes No Time To Be Who You Are

In this podcast Eckhart, reminds us that the world is not here to make us happy, it?s here to make us conscious. He says if we don?t embrace that, then we will be irritated or even outraged when life pushes us to deal with difficulties which he describes as a pitfall of the ego. He says we don?t have to work hard to awaken, rather we can let the awareness shine through us. Eckhart says it takes no time to be who you are and that remains true whether we are eighteen or eighty. He believes we do not need time to realize our true essence.

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Our Experience Of Life Is Not Determined By What Happens To Us?

In this podcast Eckhart talks to an audience in Chicago. He recalls fond memories of traveling to the Windy City to Harpo Studios back in 2008. For 10 weeks Eckhart and I hosted a webinar based on his New York Times bestselling book A New Earth. The book had a profound impact on me, and I wanted to share it with a larger audience. Those sessions were groundbreaking. Since then, millions of people have downloaded that webcast and listened to our conversations. If you haven't already, you really should. I believe rolling back the ego and focusing on being rather than doing opened the door to awakening for me and for many. Today, Eckhart continues his work ever reminding us that our experience of life is not determined by what happens to us it?s defined by how we respond.

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The One Transcendent Source Of All Light

In this podcast, Eckhart talks with an audience in Paris. He contemplates the mysteries of space and the subatomic world. He says the greatest mystery is that the universe is conscious.  He remarks that science has not yet been able to examine consciousness, because it?s not an object and it is not generated by the brain. He says science has not yet discovered its source. However, Eckhart says there may come a time when science and spirituality merge. He explains there is only one consciousness which is beyond space and time. He compares it to the sun which shines rays of light into this dimension. He says we are those rays, emanating from the one transcendent source of all light.

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Overcoming the World

In this podcast, Eckhart talks about how many of us react when the world doesn?t go our way. He says we either surrender and accept the situation or more often than not, we go into victim mode: victim of circumstance, victim of other people or even God. He goes on to explain if loss is involved then bitterness and anger set in, and the ego becomes more entrenched. Eckhart mentions the ancient wisdom of Buddha who talked about suffering and the end of suffering. And Jesus who said, ?You will have tribulation. But take heart, for I have overcome the world.?  Eckhart asks participants to ponder what it actually means to overcome the world. He explains it has nothing to do with external power because it?s an internal realization. He says the turbulent times that we live in provide ample opportunity to reach the eternal, boundless part of ourselves. Eckhart believes we overcome the world when we don?t derive our sense of identity from the world.

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Without Consciousness There Would Be No World

In this episode, Eckhart discusses excessive thinking as the source of incredible unhappiness for millions of people. He goes on to explain that it?s not the circumstances of one?s life that makes people miserable. It?s the overthinking that causes their suffering. Eckhart shares a story from his own life just after he experienced his awakening. He was homeless and spent many days on a park bench. He admits he would have been justified if he were filled with anger and resentment, but he wasn?t. Instead, he was deeply aware of the aliveness and beauty everywhere. He says it?s possible to awaken even in the midst of extreme difficulties. He says what illuminates the world, without which there would be no world, is consciousness.

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Life Without Unnecessary Suffering

In this episode, Eckhart sits down with an audience in Paris. He encourages participants to explore the experience of his talk, beyond the words, because it holds the seeds to awakening. He also talks about the obstacles presented by the ego which he illustrates with the ancient Greek myth of Narcissus. The story goes that Narcissus was a beautiful young man who drowned in a pool of water gazing at his own reflection. Eckhart explains there is a deep truth to this story which is still relevant today. He says we risk a similar fate if we identify too closely with the ego and its insatiable demands. He ponders the possibility of resisting the pull to turn life?s difficulties into suffering. He explains that challenges will continue, but we don?t have to turn every problem into unhappiness. Eckhart asks the audience to consider: is it possible to go through life without creating unnecessary suffering for ourselves and others?

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Becoming Aware of the Invisible You

In this podcast, Eckhart talks about our connection to the source of universal consciousness, which he compares to the vastness of the ocean. He says each person with individual awareness is like a small ripple on the surface of that ocean. However, he believes if we only ever know ourselves as a ripple then we won?t recognize our true depth.  Eckhart asks participants to consider who they are beyond the surface, as a person with a personality to the fathomless, invisible self, deep below. Eckhart believes all ancient spiritual traditions point toward this journey of transformation. And he says it?s not only a possibility but is a necessity for human evolution. He says we must ask ourselves: can the ripple realize its true identity as the ocean?

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Self Transcendence and the Evolution of Humanity

In this episode, Eckhart talks with an audience explaining the primary reason for this gathering is to become more aware of our transcendent consciousness, the part of us that is beyond the limits of our personality. He says we can do that through stillness because when we practice stillness, we counteract what Eckhart calls ?possession by the mind.? He explains most of us are completely absorbed by thinking, without realizing it. The good news, he says, is we can change that. Eckhart believes we should resist the thought: I am angry and instead say anger is in me. With this, we don?t become the emotion. It?s a subtle shift. Eckhart says eventually these small steps lead to greater awakening.

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Finding Meaning in The Existential Void

In this episode, Eckhart talks about suffering consciously and how to deal with difficult emotions  including fear, anxiety and regret. Eckhart also discusses Nihilism - the belief that life is pointless and devoid of meaning. He explains the idea dates back to Darwin and his idea that evolution is a random chain of events involving molecules and atoms aimlessly coming together over millions of years. Eckhart says this very limited, negative view still affects millions of people today. He says Nihilism in its extreme form can lead to despair and even death as many seek to medicate themselves with drugs, alcohol or other substances to escape suffering, alienation and emptiness in their lives. Eckhart explains that we all have a deeper purpose which is connected to the purpose of the universe. He says if we align with that, then we become a bringer of light. Eckhart says the world is in dire need of awakening and we must ask ourselves, ?Am I aligned with the light of consciousness??

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Stopping The Madness

In this podcast, Eckhart explains that humanity is at a pivotal point. He says the most urgent task of our lives is to connect more deeply with the transcendent part of ourselves. Eckhart explains the possibility is always there, just waiting to be discovered. He uses an ancient Greek term called ?Metanoia? which means a profound spiritual awakening brought about by a dramatic shift in consciousness. In certain mystical traditions, it?s called Buddha nature or Christ consciousness. Eckhart says once we realize we are indeed the light of the world, we do not have to be a part of the craziness anymore. He says we can stop the madness. And we do that when we learn to dissolve it in ourselves first.

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Confronting The Challenges of Our Present Time

In this episode, Eckhart encourages us to rise up to meet the challenges of the present time. He says the turmoil that exists here and around the globe is an opportunity to grow spiritually. He explains most people do not awaken when they are in their comfort zone because it usually takes a ?push? in the form of a crisis. He says if we are not challenged, then the motivation to change is not there. He goes on to say that our external circumstances do not have to determine our fate. He cautions against ?victim consciousness? which is what happens when we let the world or other people define our being. He says the most primordial fact is not what happens around us, it?s to maintain our state of awareness. Eckhart explains the only thing that can save the world is a shift in consciousness.

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Releasing Our Anxious Inner Narrative

In this podcast, Eckhart talks further about dealing with adversity. He says when we experience challenges in the form of loss including jobs, homes, relationships, political instability or the pandemic, it?s actually an invitation to connect more deeply with the present moment. Eckhart says the conditioning of our minds determines how we respond to situations. He says if we spiral down into fearful thoughts whenever a crisis occurs, it?s a sign that we?re out of alignment. He believes the first step always is to remain in the here and now. Eckhart says when we meet adversity with alertness, we learn to transmute fear and are no longer dependent on what?s happening around us. It?s then he says we realize our path to freedom begins with our state of consciousness.

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Per Aspera Ad Astra: Through Adversity We Reach the Stars!

In this episode, Eckhart answers questions about turning adversity into spiritual growth. A mother wants more emotional stability in her life. She says she often wakes up, feeling full of energy, only to find the next moment she?s irritable and exhausted. She?s concerned about transmitting her negative moods to her children. Eckhart encourages her to remain alert when the low energy takes hold. He also explains that sustaining consciousness during difficult times is a great art and this could become an important part of her spiritual practice. Another mom asks: if suffering is necessary for our awakening, then how do we help our children to awaken without causing unnecessary pain? He says every child will encounter some form of suffering, which is part of the human condition. He says as parents we must use wisdom to decide when to protect our children and when to let them experience life on life?s terms. Eckhart shares an ancient Roman aphorism. In Latin it is: Per aspera ad astra - which means: through adversity we reach the stars!

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Rising Above Our Limited Sense of Self

In this episode Eckhart answers questions from a virtual audience around the world including a young woman struggling with very low self-esteem. Eckhart explains intense self-criticism often originates in childhood. He says affirmations can help ? such as: ?I am one with the power of all creation.? He explains it?s important to be grateful for the opportunity to heal, because it pushes us to grow beyond our limited sense of self. A young man asks when to stop connecting with dysfunctional family members in his life who are pushing him to the brink. Eckhart explains very unconscious people have no freedom of choice because they are totally controlled by their unconscious conditioning. Eckhart encourages the man to think of visits with his family as a spiritual practice. He says all of life?s difficulties can be a powerful force in our journey to awakening.

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Reaching the Depths of Our Being

In this episode, Eckhart answers questions from a woman seeking insights for her sister who recently was diagnosed with a mental disorder. She wants to know how Eckhart views the diagnosis within the context of his teachings, asking, ?Could there be a silver lining?? Eckhart says while dysfunction may be present, he cautions against using labels. He also shares that he believes many mental illnesses are normal human behavior which has been exaggerated by the ego. The solution, he says, is to remain rooted in awareness whenever possible. With practice he believes we can avoid acting out unconscious patterns. Eckhart explains there is reason for hope because a path to healing can begin even in the midst of life?s most challenging circumstances.

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Feed Drop: Real Good Podcast

This special episode features Eric Toda, Global Head of Social Marketing and Executive Director of Meta Prosper. Eric joins hosts Greg and Faith to discuss the importance of advocating for your community in professional circles and standing against hate.? Eric speaks candidly about the struggle to find his voice and represent the Asian American and Pacific Islander community as well as the complex reactions he received at a pivotal moment in his career.? Our hosts and Eric also discuss how inclusive business practices are beneficial to the health and financial stability of organizations.?

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Amor Fati: Loving What Is

In this episode, Eckhart talks about the process of writing his first book, The Power of Now. He says he surrendered to the idea that the book wanted to be written. He explains he had a vision which inspired him long before he wrote the first word. He shares he encountered naysayers - people who tried to discourage his pursuits. Eckhart says when an individual or group tries to bring new knowledge to the world, they often encounter resistance. The book eventually became a number one New York Times Bestseller and one of the most influential spiritual books of our time. He says the ancient Romans had an expression for surrendering to something greater than ourselves which is: Amor Fati. In Latin it means, loving one?s fate. Eckhart believes the true meaning is loving what is. He says when we align ourselves with the Is-ness of the present moment, enormous power is released, connecting us with an intelligence which permeates the entire universe.

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Invincible Summer

In this podcast, Eckhart talks to a live audience in Hawaii. He ponders the paradise surrounding them: the sun, the palm trees and the sea. He then quotes famous French philosopher, Albert Camus, who said: In the midst of winter, I found there was within me, an invincible summer. Eckhart explains that Camus is referring to the spiritual dimension or what he calls ?the alive inner peace at the core of our being.? Eckhart says it?s inevitable that life?s hardships will pull us off center and dark thoughts about the past or the future will divide us from the light of consciousness. Eckhart explains if we learn to push past the darkness, returning to our inner refuge again and again, it will become a practice. Eckhart believes this is what having a spiritual life is all about.  

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Forgiving the Unforgivable

In this podcast Eckhart answers questions about a variety of concerns. A man experiences relentless anxiety and says meditation doesn?t relieve his symptoms. Eckhart explains an overactive pain body is at the root of his troubles. He then shares the wisdom he gained through healing his own pain body. Another audience member asks if there are any transgressions which are unforgivable. Eckhart explains some violations may seem beyond acceptance, but our goal is not to try to forgive. Instead, he says forgiveness occurs naturally as we outgrow the limitations of our personality. Finally, a woman asks if it?s necessary to forgive others who have wronged us to evolve spiritually. Eckhart shares the trauma he experienced from his abusive father. He explains how through spiritual growth he was able to realize his father was a wounded man. Once Eckhart awakened to this fact, he says forgiveness flowed.

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Distinguishing Between Your Life and Your Life Situation

In this episode, Eckhart jokes with an audience about getting a call from the Star Wars Galactic fleet. He then turns to practical matters when he discusses returning home after being away on a retreat. He says we all have a ?life situation? which includes: relationships, work, finances and physical health ? all burdens we carry with us even when we?re on vacation. Eckhart cautions against having our consciousness completely absorbed by problems. He says our ?real life? is in the present moment which should only unfold in the here and now, not in the past nor in the future. He believes the profound difference between our ?life? and our ?life situation? is where our awareness remains.

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Freedom Comes from Awareness

In this podcast Eckhart answers questions from an audience in Hawaii. A man asks if we actually have ?free will.? Eckhart explains we won?t experience ?free will? while living on the level of ego, because we are conditioned by the past. He believes until we transcend our past, we are at the mercy of our unconscious patterns. A woman who is a therapist and works with trauma survivors, asks how to deal with her resentment at God for the abuse her clients suffer. She questions how can God allow such awful things to happen? Eckhart says this view of God is actually a misconception. He goes on to explain that humans are in the process of awakening and suffering is part of our evolution.

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Finding Our Timeless Essence

In this episode, Eckhart talks about the sense of guilt which has plagued humanity through the centuries. He says it?s part of the ego?s dysfunction: the feeling that not only is there something wrong with the world, there?s also something wrong with me. Eckhart explains certain religious traditions have interpreted this as God?s punishment - we believe somehow we are at fault when bad things happen. He says this results in a heavy pain body burdened by resentments, grievances and also the sense of being a victim. Eckhart says these are ego identities based on faulty thinking. He believes what?s needed is wisdom so we can free ourselves to find our true identity - some traditions call it our Buddha nature or Christ consciousness. Eckhart says this aspect of us cannot be harmed by what has happened to us; it is not touched by suffering. He believes we must look inside to find this timeless essence that lives within each of us.

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The Soul of The World

In this podcast Eckhart talks about the soul of the world which in Latin translates to Anima Mundi. He says when we awaken to the transcendent dimension within ourselves, we are then able to discover the soul of the world as our own soul. Eckhart says that's the essence of all spirituality and is the primary reason we are here. Eckhart then answers questions on a variety of subjects: a woman asks what the functional purpose is of becoming more aware. Eckhart explains there are many benefits to awakening - the most obvious is that our lives get easier and more enjoyable. Another audience member asks about the states of consciousness generated during dancing, drumming and meditation? she?s deeply aware of the inner world, but not the outer. She wants to know if that is the same transcendent dimension Eckhart discusses so frequently. He says we must keep a foot in both worlds because the art of living requires this balance.

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The Greatest Mystery Is the Mystery Of the Universe

In this podcast, Eckhart talks about the awakening universe. He says the great miracle and the mystery is that the universe is conscious. In fact, Eckhart explains it is a manifestation of consciousness itself and we are part of that. Eckhart explains there are millions and billions of other life forms across the galaxies, but here on earth the universe expresses consciousness through us. He believes as we grow in awareness, we let go of the limitations of the ego ? we discover we are more than a person with a personality. Ultimately, he says we learn to see others just as ourselves which in Eastern traditions is called meta in the west it?s called love. Eckhart believes by acknowledging our shared humanity, we discover all are part of the one great consciousness.

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Creative Solutions Come From Stillness

In this podcast, Eckhart answers questions from the audience. A woman is reluctant to experience another life on earth. She asks, ?Do we actually choose to reincarnate?? Eckhart says if we?re compulsively reincarnating with every thought and emotion that occurs, then we probably will continue the same dysfunctional pattern not only in the next moment, but in the next life. Another woman asks about how to be a conscious parent. Her teenage daughter feels unmotivated and wants to find her purpose. She?s been partying with her friends and feels aimless. Eckhart says most of us make many mistakes in our lives and that is how we evolve. Lastly, a man who is a technologist and creates virtual worlds says there is a lot of suffering on these platforms. He asks Eckhart about designing social media in conscious ways. Eckhart reminds him that creative solutions come from stillness.

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The Danger of Deferring Satisfaction

In this podcast, Eckhart talks about setting goals and deferring satisfaction. He says for many people, the activities they?re engaged in are just a means to an end. He believes they are not present in what they?re doing now, because they?re projecting where they want to be in the future. Eckhart explains this is a self-defeating way to live because while we may need to defer satisfaction to reach a goal, there is also aninherent danger to it. He says after years the pattern may become so engrained; we no longer find satisfaction in anything we do because we?re so used to deferring it. Eckhart says we must honor whatever we are doing in the present moment and if we give it our full attention then it is possible to feel clarity and joy.

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Letting Go of The Narrative of Me

In this podcast, Eckhart says we are at a critical juncture. He explains we must evolve to the next stage of development and transcend the ego. Hesays many people try to go back to their pre-egoic state of consciousness anesthetizing themselves with alcohol, drugs, food, sex and work? all of which lead to unconsciousness. He says even though the ego is a key part of our development, it?s time to let it go. So many of us are stuck inwhat he calls the narrative of me: the unhappy story we tell about ourselves which masks our truer, more radiant essence.

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Everything Has A Soul

In this podcast, Eckhart talks about an inspiring trip he took to Alaska. He describes the awe he felt on a tour through a majestic forest. Eckhart explains, at one point, he lagged behind his guided tour group so he could feel the sacredness of nature all around him. He says we have lost touch with a form of knowing which transcends conceptual learning. He believes beyond our five senses, there is a more profound form of knowing that we must revive. Eckhart explains ancient people sensed the aliveness of the world around them. He says when we define our existence only through mental concepts, sacredness is lost. Eckhart believes for the sake of the planet and ourselves we need to realize that everything is alive? everything has a soul.

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The Most Difficult People In Your Life Are Your Greatest Teachers

In this episode, Eckhart says no one person can make us happy because the demand is not only too much, but also an impossible task. He explains falling in love may feel wonderful. The honeymoon starts and everything is beautiful. Until the day comes when we discover our partner has issues or even worse: a very active pain body. He says we might panic, thinking I made a terrible mistake! With humor, Eckhart explains what?s really happening is the relationship no longer masks the real problem: our underlying anxiety and disconnection. He says as long as we look for gratification outside ourselves in people, places and things or what he calls the horizontal dimension, we will always feel like something is missing. He shares that the most difficult people in our lives can become our greatest teachers because they push us to awaken ? to step into the vertical or transcendent dimension.

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The World Will Always Challenge You

In this podcast Eckhart talks about the importance of remaining what he calls ?teachable.? He cautions us to be aware of the stories, concepts and labels we use to interpret the world. He encourages us to ask ourselves: when we meet someone new, do we give ourselves space to just be, to perceive? Or do we instantly judge and manufacture stories about this person? He ponders when we travel, do we experience awe? Or do we compare it to other places we?ve been? He points out that when we never experience anything new, the sense of aliveness is gone from our lives. Eckhart says we must ask ourselves - who are we without the old narrative, the mental and emotional conditioning which is the result of our self-centered thinking. He points out the world will always challenge us. He says it?s not here to make us happy; it?s here to help us awaken.

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The Crack Is How The Light Gets In

In this podcast Eckhart talks about suffering and how to transcend it. He says suffering is everyone?s spiritual teacher because it drives us to a kind of willingness. He believes it cracks open the hard shell of the ego, suddenly allowing the light to shine through. Eckhart mentions thelegendary singer Leonard Cohen who wrote a song about this universal experience. He sings: ?There?s a crack? a crack in everything... That?s how the light gets in.? Eckhart also uses the example of Buddha who suffered by becoming obsessed with doing and attaining enlightenment. Eckhart explains how Buddha put himself through extreme practices and nearly died until one day he decided he had suffered enough. This is the moment Eckhart says Buddha?s ego cracked open and enlightenment poured in. Eckhart says we all will suffer until we realize we don?t need it anymore to grow spiritually.

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We?re Born Connected To Being

In this podcast Eckhart talks to a live audience in Hawaii. He says ?Aloha? to the crowd and then explains the spiritual meaning of the word. He also mentions stillness which he says is the essence of who we are. He defines stillness as the absence of internal noise and the incessant stream of self-centered, harmful thinking that keeps us from realizing our being. He says looking into the eyes of a baby is a spiritual experience. The baby looks back and the light of pure consciousness shines through. He says all who hold the baby are moved and something deeper awakens. Eckhart believes we?re born connected to being, but we're not fully aware of it yet.

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Expressing Our Deeper Purpose

In this episode Eckhart discusses our deeper purpose. He emphasizes how important it is for humans to be connected to the kind of higher intelligence that comes from presence. While our careers matter, he says what we do in our work life is secondary to our state of consciousness. He explains there is a vast intelligence underlying the world that we perceive with our senses and our job is to connect to it. Eckhart believes we are all manifestations of the one great consciousness, emanating like rays of sunlight.

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Opportunities For Surrender

In this podcast, Eckhart begins with a few thoughts on meditation. He talks about the Chinese philosophy of Taoism (dow-ism). He says one of its key principles is Wu Wei (woo way) which he explains loosely translated, means non-action or ?to sit quietly and do nothing.? Eckhart follows up with a quote from French philosopher Pascal who said, ?All the troubles of humanity can be traced back to a person's inability to sit quietly in a room.? Eckhart says we?re so immersed in the outer world that we don?t even think to look inward. He reveals it?s our job to rescue our awareness from this hostage-like-state of unconsciousness. Eckhart says to start by taking small steps in our daily lives and that all of life?s crises big and small are meant to be opportunities for surrender.


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The Deep I Is Pure Light

In this podcast, Eckhart answers questions from a live audience including a father who says he wants to help bring presence into the lives of his active and unconscious teenagers who spend too much time on their devices, computers and cell phones.  A woman in the audience says she is interested in manifesting her purpose, but also wonders if it?s necessary to be very specific in the process of manifesting her goals. Another woman asks about identity at what Eckhart calls the ?Deep I? level and asks if we are all really the same? Eckhart uses a movie metaphor to explain the ?Deep I? by saying in a movie, as individual images appear on a screen, they all come from the same light pouring through the projector. He says the essence of the ?Deep I? is like that - it?s pure light. With his signature wisdom and humor, Eckhart brings his unique perspective to these questions and others.

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A Peace That Surpasses All Understanding

In this podcast, Eckhart talks about the ?Deep I? and the ?Surface I? - two ideas he uses to teach spiritual development. Eckhart says the ?Surface I? is our personality and is connected to the horizontal dimension, the realm of our everyday lives. He explains when things start to break down, we see how unstable life can be. All that looks solid one day can begin to crumble? like losing a job, going through a divorce, getting older or losing a loved one. Eckhart says in those moments, our lives are suddenly full of loss and suffering.  Eckhart explains why this is the perfect opportunity to get in touch with the aspect of ourselves that he calls the ?Deep I? or the vertical dimension. He says life?s crises are meant to push us towards transcendence, where he says we will find ?a peace that surpasses all understanding.?

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No One Can Act Beyond Their Level of Consciousness

In this episode, Eckhart talks about human unconsciousness by telling the story of his father who he says had profound anger issues. Eckhart compares his father to a volcano, often brimming over with red hot rage. For years Eckhart says he resented his father and despaired whenever he had to brace himself for the next blow up. However, Eckhart reveals after he experienced his awakening, he realized his father was not capable of acting differently. Eckhart states that he finally understood his father ? like so many people - suffered during childhood and was stuck in dysfunctional patterns from the past, resulting in his father?s anger and an unconscious life. Once Eckhart realized this, he says he was able to accept his father unconditionally and released the expectation that his dad could or should be someone else. Eckhart explains why we must refrain from labeling others because of their lack of awareness and that no person can act beyond their level of consciousness.


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When The Mind Stops, Awareness Remains

In this episode, Eckhart talks to a live audience in Arizona. He begins by saying the mind can be a wonderful thing ? we can think, speak languages and engage in creativity. Eckhart also explains when we get too caught up in the mind, we lose touch with awareness. He cites moments in history such as Nazi Germany which he describes as a virus of the mind which took over and resulted in destruction on a mass scale. Eckhart warns when we create mind-made concepts about others, different from ourselves, we become desensitized to their inherent aliveness. We cannot see that in our deepest essence, we are all the same. Eckhart encourages us to learn from history, so we don?t have to make the same mistakes going forward. Eckhart says looking back at yesterday is the perfect catalyst to help us awaken today.

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Alchemy: Transforming Our Difficulties into Spiritual Gold

In this podcast, Eckhart answers a variety of questions from a live audience including a man who says he is legally blind from drug use and wants to know how to manage his fearful thoughts. Another audience member reveals he has made great strides in his spiritual development, but his 25-year marriage is ending as a result. The man asks how do you know when it?s time to leave a relationship? Also, a woman in the audience explains to Eckhart that she wants to stop sabotaging herself with her addiction to technology. Eckhart explains to her how practicing presence can aid in recovery.

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Healing Our Obsession with Doing

Eckhart talks about how critical it is we balance being with doing. He says without it we will not reach the deeper dimension of consciousness which is our legacy. Eckart explains when we?re obsessed with doing and achieving, we cannot appreciate whatever is here in the present moment, much less attain enlightenment. He states the world is already overrun with doing and the result is chaos. He believes the solution to many of our problems, both individual and collective, start with seeking stillness. Eckhart reveals we are never more ourselves than when we are still.

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Narcissus And The First Selfie: Releasing Our Delusions

In this podcast, Eckhart talks about self-seeking. He says many people who are unawakened look for an identity in self-centered thinking. Eckhart explains these people may define themselves through social status, good looks or the accumulation of wealth. Eckhart draws a parallel with the ancient Greek myth of narcissus? a beautiful man who fell in love with himself gazing into a pool of water. Eckhart jokes that this was humanity?s first selfie. He explains this myth is also where the word narcissism comes from. He says the human ego has existed for thousands of years and continues to wreak havoc today. He also warns that technology and social media strengthen the ego. Eckhart advises that whatever identity we have created for ourselves that we wear it loosely, don?t become lost like narcissus. Make a practice of releasing our self-centered delusions.

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Awakening From The Dream State: Finding Balance Between Being And Doing

In this episode, Eckhart talks about the importance of finding balance between Being and Doing. He explains, so many of us get lost in the doing because we?re so focused on external achievements, getting ahead and chasing after what we think constitutes the perfect life. Eckhart adds that when we get lost in doing we?re also propelled by thinking. Eckhart teaches us that thinking is not voluntary. Instead, he says thinking is something that actually happens to us and the movement of thought quickly takes on a life of its own. Eckhart says the unfortunate result is that we?re rendered semi-conscious and living a half-life? as if in a dream. Eckart reveals there is a deeper part of us beyond the dream and also an alert brilliant state of consciousness just waiting to be realized. Miraculously, Eckhart states that the consciousness that is you is the same consciousness that underlies the entire universe.

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What The World Needs Is Wisdom

In this podcast, Eckhart talks about the life-changing wisdom we acquire when we stop

compulsive thinking. He says wisdom is very different from intelligence and that true wisdom arises from a place beyond the kind of intelligence that is generated by the mind. Eckhart explains that even though thinking is a necessary function, we?re too dependent on it. He says most of us learn at an early age to memorize, dissect and label everything. Eckhart explains this fragmented sense of knowing robs us of a more profound understanding of the world and stops us from honoring what is sacred. He says wisdom cannot be measured by IQ tests and that the world will not be saved by more knowledge. Instead, he reveals that what the world truly needs is wisdom.

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The Most Fundamental Thing In Human Life

In this podcast, Eckhart emphasizes the importance of stillness. He says through stillness we will reach the next step in human development? the evolution of our consciousness. He explains that for thousands of years we have been trapped in complete identification with the ego, a thought-cluttered entity called ?me.? We feel anxious and ill-at-ease in the world because we are cut off from our deeper spiritual roots. Eckhart says we must evolve beyond our current state of awareness. We do this through stillness, we step out of thinking to sense our deeper connection. He says transcending self-centered thought is the most fundamental thing in human life.

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The Purpose of Your Life Is Becoming Conscious

In this podcast Eckhart talks about outgrowing unconsciousness. Eckhart says only awareness can free us of our resentments, judgments and negative thinking which are the deeply ingrained patterns that keep us stuck. He says as our awareness grows, we realize we have choices in how we respond to life?s situations, and we become aware we are no longer at the mercy of our conditioning. When we finally recognize these patterns for what they are, he says we will transcend them. Eckhart believes we don?t have to be prisoner to a dysfunctional past. Eckhart says as we move toward greater consciousness, we are in deeper alignment not only with ourselves but also with the purpose of the universe.

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