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The Lisa Show

The Lisa Show

Join Lisa Valentine Clark as she gets real with people who are willing to share the hard-won wisdom you can only get from a friend?best advice for parenting, relationships, happiness, health and other topics that get to the heart of living a good life. A production of BYUradio. ?The Lisa Show? is hosted by Lisa Valentine Clark?a comedian, actress, writer, believer, and mother of five. Her nationally-syndicated, award-winning podcast can be found on all streaming platforms.


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TRAILER: The Lisa Show Podcast

Catch new episodes of our podcast dropping weekly, starting February 8th, 2022! Enjoy fun, entertaining, and useful conversations with host Lisa Valentine Clark that will help you improve yourself, your family, and your community.
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How do I help my teenager care about school? | The Council of Moms

In this week's Council of Moms, Lisa is joined by Lavonne Wells, Shari Lyon, and Brittney Phillips to answer a listener-submitted question: What do you do when your teenager doesn't seem to care about school, and you can tell they're heading down a difficult path?
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How do I make friends as an adult? | The Council of Moms

As parents it's not uncommon that we spend so much time focusing on taking care of the kids, putting food on the table, and making sure life doesn't fall apart at the seams that we don't find time to work on our own social circles. So what do we do when the kids are becoming independent and we have a little more free time, but it's been years since we tried making a new friend? In this episode of The Lisa Show's Council of Moms, Lisa talks with Heather Frazier, Melanie Call, and Whitney Call about their experiences and advice.
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How do I talk to my kids about the news? | The Council of Moms

We're constantly surrounded by horrible, heartbreaking news from around the world. There is so much war and cruelty that it's hard to avoid. But for our kids, their often hearing about these things without being old enough to truly understand what they're hearing about. And not to mention everything else a kid is dealing with while trying to figure out who they are and who they want to be. So as parents, how to we broach these complicated conversations? And how much should we say? In this episode of The Lisa Show's Council of Moms, Lisa is joined by Brittney Phillips, Shari Lyon, and Allison Dayton to talk about their experiences and best advice.
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How can I maintain friendships as a parent? | The Council of Moms

As a parent, it can feel like every waking moment is dedicated to taking care of the people who need our help. There's always another diaper change, or soccer practice, or choir recital, or meal to make, and there doesn't seem to be any time left over for ourselves. So how can we make and keep friendships with anyone other than our partner? In this episode of the Council of Moms, Lisa is joined by friends and fellow moms Liv Mendoza, Whitney Call, and Allison Dayton to talk about their experiences and best advice.
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How do I talk to my kids about financial struggles? | The Council of Moms

When financial struggle comes, there are few conversations more difficult to have than having to tell your kids about how their life is going to have to change in order to make ends meet. As parents we don't want our kids to have to bear the burdens of adult life, but we also don't want them to be surprised or hurt when we aren't able to afford things that we used to. In this episode of the Lisa Show's Council of Moms, Lisa talks with friends and moms Anna Ek, Trina Celeste, and Cree Taylor about what they've been through and how they recommend approaching these tough conversations.
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How do I help my kids cope with moving? | The Council of Moms

Moving to a new place presents both new opportunities and new challenges. How can we set our kids up to thrive during this time of transition? In this episode of the Lisa Show?s Council of Moms, Lisa is joined by Cree Taylor, Alison Faulkoner, and Anna Ek for a conversation about helping children through a big move.
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How do I balance my work with parenting? | The Council of Moms

For a mom who decides they are ready to go back to work after being home with the kids for a long time, there can be a lot of complex emotions involved with that transition. They might think, will this hurt my relationship with my kids? Will they think I'm a bad mom? Am I being selfish? In this episode of The Lisa Show's Council of Moms, Lisa sits down with friends and fellow moms Clarissa Greenwall, Lindsay Clark, and Alison Faulkner to discuss what experiences and advice they have for people in this situation.
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How do I decide what to feed my kids? | The Council of Moms

The eternal, unavoidable struggle of parenting: after planning out a week of meals, making sure they're nutritious, finding foods that the kids will like, grocery shopping, and mustering the energy every day to actually make those meals, the end of the week rolls around and we have to start all over again. How do we keep up? How do we keep pushing the boulder of feeding a family up the hill week after week, especially if we don't particularly love cooking in the first place? In this episode of The Lisa Show's Council of Moms, Lisa is joined by friends and fellow moms Amy Gifford, Clarissa Greenwalt, and Cassie Barger to talk about their advice and experiences.
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How do I connect with my kids and spouse? | The Council of Moms

How do I get my spouse to help out around the house more? How do I manage my kids better? The answer is connection! Join Lisa and guests Heather Frazier, Lavonne Wells, and Melanie Call as they discuss how to better connect with your children and spouse, as well as how to take personal responsibility for that connection.
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What if my teenager is making bad choices? | The Council of Moms

Do you ever see your teenager making bad choices, and you have to grit your teeth to keep from saying something? We don?t want to be helicopter moms, but we also don?t want our kids to ruin their lives. As parents, it can be a tricky balance to let our kids fail and learn from their mistakes while keeping them out of serious trouble. Lisa joins Lindsay Clark, Amy Sunderland, and Cassie Barger for a Council of Moms about when to let our children mess up and when to intervene.
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Do my kids navigate conflict in healthy ways? | The Council of Moms

Whether our kids are two or twenty-two, conflict is a normal part of family life. How do we make sure our relationships of love grow through these inevitable clashes, especially for kids? Lisa, Marlie, Kylie, and Brandalee explore the way conflict shows up in different stages of life, and in various scenarios-- in blended families, between spouses when kids are listening in, and with kids in the middle of those developmentally appropriate (but still awkward) transitions into higher autonomy and self-discovery.
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How can I make a big difference with little time? | The Council of Moms

How do you make a difference in the world when you're low on time and money? Lisa and The Council of Moms (Emilie Campbell, Brandalee Bluth Streeter, and Gina James) discuss how to lift where you stand, what kind of language to use with your kids when explain difficult situations in the world, and what it looks like to have actionable compassion.
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How Do I Talk to My Kids About Body Image? | The Council of Moms

Our children are suffering body image insecurities at younger and younger ages. Join Lisa and the Council of Moms as they exchange tips, tricks, and personal stories on what it means to be a mom and how to help our children have healthier perspectives on their bodies. #councilofmoms #bodyimage #parenting #parentingteens #ldsparenting #thelisashow #lisavalentineclark
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How can I find and create joy for my children? | The Council of Moms

Tough times are an inevitable part of life, but even in these tough times moms want their children to have joy. Join Lisa and her Council of Moms as they discuss finding and creating joy for their children, mom acting skills, the importance of a sense of humor and finding teaching moments while learning how to heal.
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How to talk to my children about finances and gratitude? | The Council of Moms

Lisa and her Council of Moms come from all walks of life and have lived through all phases of finances from broke and in school to supporting a family. This week they council on how they can inspire their children to be grateful for whatever financial situation they are in as well as making friends with people from all tax brackets.
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How can I help my children with their mental health? | The Council of Moms

Mental health is a very serious issue that all parents should be aware of. This week Lisa and her Council of Moms talk about ways to bring up mental health with your kids, how to help improve their mental health, and being open about your own mental state with those around you.
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How can we help our children grow? | The Council of Moms

Children need encouragement to grow and get out of their comfort zone. Join Lisa and her Council as they share ways to motivate, nurture, and inspire their children to grow and blossom into the well rounded adults the moms know they can be.
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How can I change my parenting as my children get older? | The Council of Moms

Lisa and her council of experienced moms tackle a crucial question from a listener: "How can I change my parenting style as my children get older?" The discussion delves into practical strategies for adapting to the evolving needs of your growing children by offering valuable advice and personal anecdotes. Tune in to gain fresh perspectives on nurturing your kids through their different life stages.
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How do I help my kids develop a relationship with God and religion? | The Council of Moms

The Council of Moms answers "How do I help my kids develop a relationship with God and religion?" The conversation explores various approaches to fostering faith and spirituality in children, sharing insights and meaningful experiences.
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How can we help our children follow their passions? | Council of Moms

Should you keep paying for those dance lessons? How do you help your child discover interests and skills that bring them lifelong satisfaction without pushing them too hard? How do you support your kids' passions while setting them up to succeed? Lisa and the Council of Moms (Teniesha Williams, Allison Dayton, and Carrie Ann Rhodes) discuss the ups and downs of extra-curriculars and the balance of being "well-rounded."
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How do I create my second act as a mom? | The Council of Moms

In this special episode Lisa and her council of moms, comprised of three therapists who recently graduated, explore the question: "How can I create my second act as a mom?". This special council embarked on their journey to become therapists after years of motherhood. This episode delves into their inspiring stories of returning to school and redefining what they want in life. Tune in to hear their insights on pursuing new passions and creating a fulfilling second act.
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BONUS: The Council of Moms Answers Your Questions (Part 2)

In this special edition of The Lisa Show, Lisa is joined by actor, comedian, and parent Whitney Call to answer more listener-submitted questions. How do you parent children that act like they hate you? What's a reasonable bedtime for teenagers? What can friends with no kids do to support parents?
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BONUS: What a Doctor Wishes Parents Knew

In the special episode of The Lisa Show, Lisa is joined by family practice physician (and her older brother) Dr. Chris Valentine to talk about what he wishes parents knew about taking care of their kids, and how everyone can be a little bit safer in the new year.
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Book Club: More Than a Body E1 | Chapter 1 Part 1

Lisa kicks off her book club on More Than a Body by Lindsay & Lexie Kite. She and Kacy Faulconer break down their first impressions of the book and personal relationships to the topic (and one of the authors), and begin their discussion on Chapter 1, "Rising with Body Image Resilience".
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Book Club: More Than a Body E2 | Chapter 1 Part 2

Lisa and Kacy continue discussing Chapter 1, "Rising with Body Image Resilience" from More Than a Body by Lindsay & Lexie Kite. Does your response to seeing yourself on a Walmart security cam say something about your resilience? How much of your identity is shaped by what you think people see when they look at you? Lisa and Kacy compare what they learned at home growing up, and the experiences their kids are having in a media-saturated world that glorifies narrow, unattainable beauty standards. They process a lifetime of complicated feelings about swimsuits, and how they can nurture the feeling of being "at home" in their bodies.
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Book Club: More Than a Body E3 | Chapter 2 Part 1

Lisa sits down with Ashley Rose Reeves for part one of Chapter 2, "Critiquing and Creating Your Media Environment" from More Than a Body by Drs. Lindsay & Lexie Kite. What's your earliest memory of comparing others' bodies to your own? What's so significant about Disney remaking The Little Mermaid? Lisa and Ashley reflect on the subliminal messages we absorb from the media about "acceptable" bodies, who profits from our insecurities, and how we can take back our power in a sea of information.
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Book Club: More Than a Body E4 | Chapter 2 Part 2

Lisa and Ashley Rose Reeves talk meditation, "text parenting", and dollar voting as they finish Chapter 2, "Critiquing and Creating Your Media Environment" from More Than a Body by Drs. Lindsay & Lexie Kite. How do you manage a bad body image day? What do you say when your kids are exposed to negative messaging in media? From normalizing the highs and lows of body image, to curating what shows up on our social media feeds, there are lots of practical ways to take back control of our personal media bubbles.
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Book Club: More Than a Body E5 | Chapter 3 Part 1

Lisa and Natalie Madsen dive into Chapter 3, "From Self-Objectification to Self-Actualization" from More Than a Body by Drs. Lindsay & Lexie Kite. Natalie reflects on her experience as an actress and comedian on sketch comedy TV show Studio C through three pregnancies, and the the subtle messaging that made physical appearance feel so pivotal to success. How does self-objectification relate to people pleasing? Is it possible to push past the mental noise and get back to a "flow" state? Lisa and Natalie talk candidly about their own "beauty work" and how they keep the pressure to look good from taking over lasting personal happiness.
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Book Club: More Than a Body E6 | Chapter 3 Part 2

Lisa and Natalie Madsen continue their conversation on Chapter 3, "From Self-Objectification to Self-Actualization" from More Than a Body by Drs. Lindsay & Lexie Kite.
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Book Club: More Than a Body E7 | Chapter 4 Part 1 - "I've gained weight! That's okay!"

In this installment of Lisa's Book Club, Lisa and Whitney Call dive into part one of Chapter 4 of More Than a Body by Drs. Lindsay & Lexie Kite, "From Divided To United as Women". They explore the competitive space that women often find themselves in as a result of societal messages which say that there's only so much space to go around?and that women should take up less. What does body image have to do with female stereotypes that suggest women are "catty" or "vicious"?and who benefits from that? (Hint: it's not women.) Whitney recalls her own journey of body transformations and how people spoke differently to her depending on her appearance. Lisa ponders the section of her closet that was once dedicated to jeans in every size. They discuss how women can stick together and celebrate each other as their bodies naturally change.
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Book Club: More Than a Body E8 | Chapter 4 Part 2 - "I've lived enough to know that I am strong."

Lisa and Whitney Call continue their conversation on part two of Chapter 4 of More Than a Body by Drs. Lindsay & Lexie Kite, "From Divided To United as Women". What changes when we replace appearance-based commentary and language with new conversations and topics? Breaking these habits is tricky, and requires a lot grace as we learn new ways to appreciate ourselves and each other. Lisa and Whitney examine their own internal monologues about body standards, and how the people in their circles responded to major changes in their appearance. Lisa remembers a compliment that felt like a dagger to the heart, and Whitney reflects on what she learned about parenting and anxiety from the reactions she received when she shaved her head. They discuss how women can find compassion and vulnerability with each other, and unite in their shared journey to self-love and a healthy body image.
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Book Club: More Than a Body E9 | Chapter 5 Part 1 - "You cannot disrespect yourself!"

Lisa and her guests, Stefanie Michelle and Alex of Sassy Confetti, dive into Chapter 5 of More Than a Body by Drs. Lindsay and Lexie Kite, "Reclaiming Health and Fitness for Yourself". They share from their own journeys of body image and self-empowerment. What definition of "health" actually promotes mental and physical wholeness? Lisa, Stefanie and Alex dismantle false notions of "wellness" and share how they've found compassion for themselves and love for their bodies.
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Book Club: More Than a Body E10 | Chapter 5 Part 2 - "The work of reclaiming your identity"

Lisa continues her conversation with Alex of Sassy Confetti, and Stefanie Michelle, on Chapter 5 of More Than a Body by Drs. Lindsay and Lexie Kite, "Reclaiming Health and Fitness for Yourself". They share their feelings about beauty ideals and how unattainable body image expectations can affect us, as well as how generational trauma influences our definition of beauty. What role does genetics play in relation to diet, fitness and health? Lisa, Alex and Stefanie discuss the notion that our bodies should be instruments and not ornaments to society.
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Book Club: More Than a Body E11 | Chapter 6 Part 1 - "We're the ones who can make the change"

Lisa and Whitney dive into Chapter 6: "A Resilient Reunion", and the final chapter of "More Than a Body" by Drs. Lindsay and Lexie Kite. What can we do to combat the message that women are defined by their physical appearance? Lisa and Whitney reflect on how they have shifted their own mentalities about identity, and their relationships to their bodies. They discuss aspects of body image that have been particularly poignant over the course of the book and their body image journeys.
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Book Club: More Than a Body E12 | Chapter 6 Part 2 - "You know yourself. You know who you really are!"

In this final installment of Lisa's Book Club on More Than a Body by Drs. Lindsay and Lexie Kite, Lisa and Whitney Call explore the final frontier of body image: peace. What would you define as the things that make you truly happy? What beliefs are you holding onto which suggest that your happiness is contingent on your physical appearance? Whitney and Lisa reflect on the impact this book has had on their own body image, how they view the natural process of changing in their bodies, and what it means to "shift your focus" to ideas that change the world for the better. They discuss the distractions which sometimes help us avoid the negative body image moments, and the discomfort of shame that has to be confronted before we can overcome it. Healing body image is accessible to everyone, and in a world where we are constantly inundated with objectification, we can overcome the comparison with ideals and with each other when we share all of the "in-betweens" along the way.
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Book Club: Alone Together E1 | Ch 1 & 2 - Toys That Talk Back

Can robots make us love them, and is that love real? As Lisa and Carina Wytiaz dive into the first two chapters of Alone Together by Sherry Turkle, they explore their relationships to the tools and toys around us that seem to have a life of their own--from Furbies and Tamagotchis, to Siri and Alexa. Carina shares how her experience in the tech industry affects the way she views this kind of interaction. As electronics get more human-like, what does the way we treat them say about us? And how can we set boundaries and nurture meaningful relationships?
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Book Club: Alone Together E2 | Ch 3 & 4 - Robot Companions

As artificial intelligence becomes more and more effective, robots become capable of filling more and more of our desires? even our desire for human connection. Which caregiving tasks should be done by robots, and which should only be done by humans? Is a simulation of companionship better than nothing, or should we hold out for the real thing? As Lisa and Carrie Ann Rhodes discuss Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of Sherry Turkle's book Alone Together, they dive into these ethical dilemmas and more.
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Book Club: Alone Together E3 | Ch 5, 6 & 7 - What Robots Can't Do

It's only human to search for new, innovative solutions to our basic needs. There's a gadget for everything?and it makes fries! But in a world that?s more lonely than ever, can new technology give us the happiness and connection we crave? How can robots provide us with a better quality of life, and how do they take away from it? Alexis and Chanté from Let's Talk Sis join Lisa to discuss the next chapters of Sherry Turkle?s book, Alone Together, and break down what we want the relationship between technology and humanity to look like in the long term.
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Book Club: Alone Together E4 | Ch 8 & 9 - One Call Away

When was the last time you thought to yourself, ?I don?t want to be interrupted?? In our hyperconnected world, many of us find ourselves always ?on call,? checking our phones rather than living in the moment. In this episode, Lisa and Ganel-Lyn Condie discuss how technology shapes our identities and the identities of our children. They also explore how to parent children of all ages in a world where people are expected to be connected 24/7. How can we allow our children the autonomy they need to flourish when we?re always one call or text away?
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Book Club: Alone Together E5 | Ch 10 & 11 - No Need to Call

As Lisa and her sister Gina James dive into the next two chapters of Sherry Turkle?s book Alone Together, they discuss how the way we communicate on our phones has changed over time, from calling to texting to Facetime and Snapchat. Lisa and Gina also discuss how we explore and construct our identities online. In a world where streamers make real money playing video games and influencers post about their personal lives, the lines between online life and real life have never been more blurry. How does online life overlap with real life? and where do we draw the line?
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Book Club: Alone Together E6 | Ch 12 & 13 - Internet Confessions

What is it about being human that gives us a need to post secrets online? Is there something deeper that we're hoping to get in return? In this episode, Lisa and Whitney Call discuss the next two chapters of Alone Together by Sherry Turkle. Whitney shares her experience with Post Secrets, and she and Lisa discuss the illusion of vulnerability that the internet provides.
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Book Club: Alone Together E7 | Ch 14 & Conclusion - Using Technology Deliberately

?I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,? says Thoreau. But how do we live deliberately in the world of smartphones, robots, and the internet? In this final installment, Lisa and Kacy Faulconer discuss the conclusion of Sherry Turkle?s book Alone Together. Lisa and Kacy discuss digital manners, and Lisa shares how technology helped her late husband have a higher quality of life. What do we live for, and how can technology augment that rather than replace it?
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Creativity Interview E1: Jake Van Wagoner and Enjoying the Creative Process

Creativity can be incredibly fulfilling. So why is it so hard sometimes? Lisa Valentine Clark and Studio C showrunner and producer, Jake Van Wagoner, take a look at imposter syndrome and the importance of giving yourself permission to make bad art. They discuss how to enjoy the process rather than putting pressure on ourselves to create something great every time. Plus, Jake improvises a new theme song for The Lisa Show.
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Creativity Interview E2: James Rees and Keeping the Channel Open

How can we ?keep the channel open? for inspiration? In this episode, Lisa Valentine Clark and professional artist James Rees discuss the spiritual side of art. James shares his best practices as an artist and an art teacher, and he and Lisa explore how we can keep ourselves open to transcendental experiences as we live creative lives.
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Creativity Interview E3: Carrie Ann Rhodes and a Lifestyle of Creativity

Lisa joins artist and designer Carrie Ann Rhodes to discuss living a creative life. Carrie Ann shares her experiences exploring new hobbies even when they don?t come naturally to her. They discuss how Carrie Ann incorporates creativity into her lifestyle as a mom, and the expectations that come with the label of being an ?artist.?
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Creativity Interview E4: Emilie Starr and Connection through Creativity

Lisa joins TV host, artist, and arts advocate Emilie Starr to explore how creativity has brought them closer to their communities, their families, and a higher power. They discuss how motherhood is a creative endeavor and how the arts have helped them make intergenerational connections. Featuring a very special guest, baby Evelyn!
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How do you know if you're a good parent? | The Council of Moms

How do you know that you're doing a good enough job as a parent? And on the other hand, how do you avoid beating yourself up when it feels like you're not doing well enough? Host Lisa Valentine Clark talks with the Council of Moms--this week consisting of Marilyn Valentine, Elizabeth Palmer, and Kimberly Simmons--about mom guilt, comparison, self-love, finding a support system, and other listener-submitted topics.
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Should I take my kids to therapy? | The Council of Moms

It can be hard to tell the difference between just "having a hard time" and a diagnosable mental illness. Research shows that the mental health of kids and teenagers is at an all-time low, and the mental health of parents isn't faring much better. So how can we tell if it's time to take our kids, our ourselves, to see a mental health professional? Lisa talks with the Council, this week consisting of Kimberly Simmons, Emily Spencer, and Marilyn Valentine, about each of their experiences helping their kids improve their mental health, while also learning to navigate their own struggles. If you want to hear The Council of Moms answer your question, reach out to The Lisa Show on Facebook or Instagram, or email us at [email protected]
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How do I make time for my kids AND myself? | The Council of Moms

When you're taking care of kids, it can feel impossible to do everything that you want to do in a day. There's taking the kids to school, exercise, making meals, working, cleaning, shopping, picking up the kids, taking them to practice, helping them with homework, keeping up with friends, running a side-hustle, and THEN you're also supposed to somehow have your own hobbies and take time for self-care. There's just no way! In this episode of The Council of Moms, Lisa talks with Liz Palmer, Jennifer Johnson, and Suzanne Clark about how they keep all the right plates spinning at once. If you want the Council of Moms to answer your question, reach out to The Lisa Show on Instagram or Facebook.
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