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Self Improvement Daily

Self Improvement Daily

Do you think it's possible to build the life you love in two minutes a day? Hundreds of thousands of people have turned to Self Improvement Daily to do exactly that! The lessons in this podcast will help you feel confident that you're doing something meaningful EVERYDAY to pursue your best self! Life is busy but it is also short... We need to make the absolute most of it. Self improvement Daily helps you prioritize personal development in a way that is practical, doable, and highly effective. Ready to believe in yourself and your future like never before? Say "YES!" by subscribing NOW.


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There Can Be Two Right Answers

Episode Summary: Just because you see something so clearly as true DOES NOT MEAN that other people who see it differently can't be right as well.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Weekend Recap 4/4 - 4/8

Click Here To Watch The Video About Your Subconscious Beliefs

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

But What About...

Episode Summary: There will always be something more to consider. Don't let that hold you back!

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

"If the world feels cold to you, kindle fires to warm it."

Episode Summary: You are in control of the world around you... So what are you going to do about it?

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Your Behavior Reflects Your Deepest Beliefs

Learn about Subconscious Transformation:

Your environment is your identity objectified, and your beliefs influence every action you take.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

You Can't Make Old Friends

Episode Summary: Old friends are earned, and your time with them provides insight into a lot of personal growth.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Content Not Satisfied

Episode Summary: It's best to pursue contentment over satisfaction because it allows for acknowledgment without limiting ambition.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Weekend Recap 3/28 - 4/1

Episode Summary:

Monday - Go At Your Own Speed

Tuesday - Be Better Than "I'm Good"

Wednesday - You Already Have It

Thursday - Kintsugi

Friday - Start Living, Stop Dying

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Start Living, Stop Dying

Episode Summary: Life is dynamic and always in motion. At any given moment you're either living more or dying more than the moment before.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode


Episode Summary: This Japanese philosophy reminds us of the beauty in our imperfections, and makes us appreciate the blemishes and stories that got us to where we are.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

You Already Have It

Episode Summary: It's not that you need to establish anything new, it's that you need to clear the interference that's keeping you from accessing what you already have.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Be Better Than "I'm Good"

Episode Summary: It's not only about first impressions... Every interaction you engage in is an opportunity to establish the energy you want to have.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Go At Your Own Speed

Episode Summary: It's too hard to compare yourself to others, so just compete with yourself and go at your own speed.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Weekend Recap 3/21 - 3/25

Sign up for the 30 Day Purpose Challenge:

Episode Summary: 

Monday - 30 Day Purpose Challenge

Tuesday - Don't Look Down

Wednesday - Finding More Fulfillment

Thursday - ?Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing gonna be alright.?

Friday - If You Must Be Afraid...

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

If You Must Be Afraid...

Episode Summary: Fear is a normal human response. Letting that fear change your desired behavior is a choice.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

"Don't worry about a thing, every little thing gonna be alright."

Episode Summary: A simple thought from Bob Marley that addresses a lot of life's questions.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Finding More Fulfillment

Episode Summary: Fulfillment is a combination of maximizing your talents and skills for the world, while earning the results you get in their use.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Don't Look Down

Episode Summary: Listen to what the movies tell you - Don't look down. Instead look forward!

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

30 Day Purpose Challenge

Click the link to join me in the challenge:

Episode Summary: This is your invitation to apply what you're learning so that you can live a more self-aware and aligned life!

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Weekend Recap 3/14 - 3/18

Click here to watch a video that will help you upgrade your mindset!

Episode Summary: 

Monday - Playing The Victim

Tuesday - What Is Mindset?

Wednesday - ?If you recite your excuses long enough you?ll start to believe they?re true.?

Thursday - ?Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.?

Friday - Get Hungry

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Get Hungry

Episode Summary: If you want something, you've got to REALLY want it! Get hungry!

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

?Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.?

Episode Summary: Featuring a quote from Mahatma Gandhi that shares a truth that many people haven't realized.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

?If you recite your excuses long enough you?ll start to believe they?re true.?

Episode Summary: Your truth is dynamic. The more you tell yourself something, the more you'll start to believe it.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

What Is Mindset?

Episode Summary: Your mindset is your conditioned, patterned way of thinking. You can consciously choose a mindset by choosing your thoughts, but it defaults to your subconscious beliefs and values.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Playing The Victim

Episode Summary: You can place blame and responsibility on other things in life, but in doing so you're handing away your power.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Weekend Recap 3/7 - 3/11

Episode Summary:

Monday - Setting An Intention

Tuesday - Go Fail

Wednesday - Hug Your Monster

Thursday - ?Our attitude towards life determines life?s attitude toward us.?

Friday - Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time

Episode Summary: Let's dispel the myth of productivity and see it for what it really is - Doing the things we want to do. How can we waste time when we're doing what we want?

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

?Our attitude towards life determines life?s attitude toward us.?

Episode Summary: You are more in control of the outcomes life provides you than you realize. It's simply a choice about how you respond.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Hug Your Monster

Episode Summary: Go ahead and take on that thing you're afraid of first. You'll feel relieved and it'll give you momentum to push on.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Go Fail

Episode Summary: When you expose yourself to fail, it'll push you harder than you're used to going and it will teach you that failing isn't as bad as you made it out to be.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Setting An Intention

Episode Summary: Learn what happens on a psychological level when you set an intention!

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Community Spotlight: Derek Zinser LIVE In The Better Together Community

I want to share the stage with you! In this episode, I brought one of our community members on the podcast to provide a meaningful point of reference for you on your personal development journey!

That community member is Derek Zinser, and he has an inspiring mission rooted in serving families affected by cancer. He wrote a children's book to support, you can pre-order it at


If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Weekend Recap 2/28 - 3/4

Episode Summary:

Monday - Life Is Like School

Tuesday - Muscle Memory

Wednesday - Mirrors Are Just Glass And You Are More Than That 

Thursday - "Just be kind."

Friday - Moment By Moment

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Moment By Moment

Episode Summary: If we want to live the best lives we can, we need to hold ourselves accountable every moment of every day.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

"Just be kind."

Episode Summary: It doesn't need to be more complicated than this - Just be kind.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Mirrors Are Just Glass And You Are More Than That

Episode Summary: While mirrors might give off a physical reflection of light, they are a portal to much more if you allow yourself to see it.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Muscle Memory

Check Out The The 3 Secrets To Master Self Discipline Masterclass:

Episode Summary: Muscle Memory is more brain than body. It's the perfect example of how we can create effortless activity through subconscious transformation.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Life Is Like School

Episode Summary: We go through cycles of lessons and tests. The difference between life and school - The order is different.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Weekend Recap 2/21 - 2/25

Episode Summary: 

Monday: When You're Playing Catch Up

Tuesday: Show Up And Show Out

Wednesday: The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals

Thursday: "Many people have a hand in our success."

Friday: When To Quit

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

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When To Quit

Episode Summary: There's a unique relationship between quitting and innovating. It's important to stop what's not working... Maybe we stop labeling it so harshly.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

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"Many people have a hand in our success."

Episode Summary: It's important to give credit to all of the people who have played a part in your success.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

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The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals

Episode Summary: Amateurs practice until they get it right, professionals practice until they can't get it wrong.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

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Show Up And Show Out

Episode Summary: Show Up: Be there, even when you don't feel like it, because that's where things happen. Show Out: Give it your all without fear of it not being good enough.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

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When You're Playing Catch Up

Episode Summary: Being behind does not mean you need to go faster. It actually means the opposite, go slower to do it right (don't compound mistakes), prioritize, and build momentum.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Weekend Recap 2/14 - 2/18

Episode Summary:

Monday - Change Your Energy First

Tuesday - Being In Pain Vs Being Hurt

Wednesday - Getting Through The Day

Thursday - ?We are proud of you, yes we are proud of you!?

Friday - Diamonds Are Formed Under Pressure

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Diamonds Are Formed Under Pressure

Episode Summary: Diamonds require intense pressure and temperature to shine! Similarly you need to experience some difficulties to become your greatest version of yourself.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

"We are proud of you, yes we are proud of you."

Episode Summary: We all need a cheerleader once in a while :)

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Getting Through The Day

Episode Summary: Don't just count the days, make the days count. Getting through the day should be viewed as receiving through the day!

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Being In Pain Vs Being Hurt

Episode Summary: There's a significant difference between the two. Being in pain is a natural physiological response. Being hurt is your interpretation of the pain.

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

Link to episode

Change Your Energy First

Episode Summary: If you want to attract certain things and create in the world, you need to change your thermostat!

If you?re in the US or Canada, text me at 949-799-0788 so we can chat in more detail about the different topics we cover :) I?ll also send you daily prompts that help you get to know yourself better and build a more meaningful life every day! Not in the US? Send me a DM on Instagram @self.improvement.daily!

Looking to be challenged and encouraged on your personal development journey? Join our Better Together Community to meet like-minded people that can help you grow into your best you (and maybe even be featured on the podcast!)

Application Only: Click here to see if it?s a good fit to work One-On-One with me! (Brian)

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